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الباند م يجي بالشات

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function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)
	if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then
		if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then
			outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
			local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer)
			hours = tonumber(hours)

			if not (targetPlayer) then
			elseif (hours>168) then
				outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
				local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
				local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
				reason = table.concat({...}, " ")

				if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him
					local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin")
					local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
					local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id")
					local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A"

					local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)
					local rhours = hours
					-- text value
					if (hours==0) then
						hours = "Permanent"
					elseif (hours==1) then
						hours = "1 Hour"
						hours = hours .. " Hours"

					if hours == "Permanent" then
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"

					exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours)
					local banId = nil
					if (seconds == 0) then
						banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason)
						if banId and tonumber(banId) then
							lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'")
							if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then
								lastBanTimer = nil
							lastBanTimer = setTimer(function()
								lastBan = nil
							end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes
						addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds)

					local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")
					local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")
					local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
					makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId )
					for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
						if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then
							kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason)

					adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
					if (hiddenAdmin==1) then
						adminTitle = "A hidden admin"

					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0,)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)
addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false)
addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)


Edited by i,xAhmed
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					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0)




					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)


Link to comment
8 minutes ago, +Source|> said:

					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0)




					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)


م ضبط الكود

 حطيت الكود كامل فوق

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6 minutes ago, i,xAhmed said:

م ضبط الكود

 حطيت الكود كامل فوق

function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)
	if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then
		if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then
			outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)
			local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer)
			hours = tonumber(hours)

			if not (targetPlayer) then
			elseif (hours>168) then
				outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)
				local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
				local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
				reason = table.concat({...}, " ")

				if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him
					local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin")
					local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
					local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id")
					local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A"

					local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)
					local rhours = hours
					-- text value
					if (hours==0) then
						hours = "Permanent"
					elseif (hours==1) then
						hours = "1 Hour"
						hours = hours .. " Hours"

					if hours == "Permanent" then
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"

					exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours)
					local banId = nil
					if (seconds == 0) then
						banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason)
						if banId and tonumber(banId) then
							lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'")
							if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then
								lastBanTimer = nil
							lastBanTimer = setTimer(function()
								lastBan = nil
							end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes
						addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds)

					local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")
					local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")
					local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
					makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId )
					for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
						if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then
							kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason)

					adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
					if (hiddenAdmin==1) then
						adminTitle = "A hidden admin"

					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true )
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)
addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false)
addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)


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لم تزبط معنا :( , اخ

8 minutes ago, +Source|> said:

function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)	if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then		if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then			outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)		else			local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)			local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)			local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer)			hours = tonumber(hours)			if not (targetPlayer) then			elseif (hours>168) then				outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)			else				local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)				local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)				reason = table.concat({...}, " ")				if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him					local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin")					local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)					local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id")					local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A"					local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)					local rhours = hours					-- text value					if (hours==0) then						hours = "Permanent"					elseif (hours==1) then						hours = "1 Hour"					else						hours = hours .. " Hours"					end					if hours == "Permanent" then						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"					else						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"					end										exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours)					local banId = nil					if (seconds == 0) then						banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason)						if banId and tonumber(banId) then							lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'")							if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then								killTimer(lastBanTimer)								lastBanTimer = nil							end							lastBanTimer = setTimer(function()								lastBan = nil							end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes						end					else						addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds)					end					local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")					local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")					local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)					makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId )					for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do						if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then							kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason)						end					end					adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)					if (hiddenAdmin==1) then						adminTitle = "A hidden admin"					end					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true )						hours = "Permanent"						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums"						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)					else						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true)						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)					end			end		end	endendendaddCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false)addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)


م ضبط يبند الشخص وكل شي بس السبب م يطلع بالشات للكل

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1 hour ago, i,xAhmed said:

ابي السبب يجي بالشات للكل حتى اللاعبين

function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)
	if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then
		if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then
			outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)
			local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer)
			hours = tonumber(hours)

			if not (targetPlayer) then
			elseif (hours>168) then
				outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true)
				local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
				local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
				reason = table.concat({...}, " ")

				if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him
					local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin")
					local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
					local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id")
					local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A"

					local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)
					local rhours = hours
					-- text value
					if (hours==0) then
						hours = "Permanent"
					elseif (hours==1) then
						hours = "1 Hour"
						hours = hours .. " Hours"

					if hours == "Permanent" then
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"

					exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours)
					local banId = nil
					if (seconds == 0) then
						banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason)
						if banId and tonumber(banId) then
							lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'")
							if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then
								lastBanTimer = nil
							lastBanTimer = setTimer(function()
								lastBan = nil
							end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes
						addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds)

					local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")
					local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")
					local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
					makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId )
					for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
						if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then
							kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason)

					adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
					if (hiddenAdmin==1) then
						adminTitle = "A hidden admin"

					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")")
						exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".")
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", value, 255,0,0, true )
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", value, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", value, 255,0,0, true)
addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false)
addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)


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لا تعدل اكواد ولا اشي

روح ملف لوحة الادمنية

بعدها confg

بعدها messages.xml

بعد ما تخش الملف

ابحث عن

    <group action="ban" r="255" g="0" b="0">
      <all>$player has been banned$by_admin_4all. $data2</all>
      <log>ADMIN: $admin has banned $player $data $data2</log>

لحين كيف تطلع السبب فالشات؟؟؟

حد $data2

نحط $data

او تبدل الكود بهذا

    <group action="ban" r="255" g="0" b="0">
      <all>$player has been banned$by_admin_4all. $data2 $data</all>
      <log>ADMIN: $admin has banned $player $data $data2</log>


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تفضل , و لو تبي اي شي تعال واتساب انا موجود ;)

function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)
	if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then
		if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then
			outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
			local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)
			local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer)
			hours = tonumber(hours)

			if not (targetPlayer) then
			elseif (hours>168) then
				outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
				local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
				local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
				reason = table.concat({...}, " ")

				if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him
					local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin")
					local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
					local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id")
					local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A"

					local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)
					local rhours = hours
					-- text value
					if (hours==0) then
						hours = "Permanent"
					elseif (hours==1) then
						hours = "1 Hour"
						hours = hours .. " Hours"

					if hours == "Permanent" then
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"
						reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")"

					exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours)
					adminTitlexx = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
					outputChatBox("[PLAYER-BAN] " .. adminTitlexx .. " banned " .. getPlayerName(targetPlayer) .. ". (" .. rhours .. ")",root,255,0,0)
                   outputChatBox("Reason : "..reason,root,255,0,0)
					local banId = nil
					if (seconds == 0) then
						banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason)
						if banId and tonumber(banId) then
							lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'")
							if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then
								lastBanTimer = nil
							lastBanTimer = setTimer(function()
								lastBan = nil
							end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes
					adminTitlex = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
             outputChatBox("[PLAYER-BAN] " .. adminTitlex .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. seconds .. ")",root,255,0,0)
              outputChatBox("Reason : "..reason,root,255,0,0)
						addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds)

					local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")
					local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")
					local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
					makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId )
					for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
						if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then
							kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason)

					adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer)
					if (hiddenAdmin==1) then
						adminTitle = "A hidden admin"

					if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then
						outputChatBox("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")",root,255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("Reason: " .. reason .. ".",root,255,0,0)
					elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then
						outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0,)
						hours = "Permanent"
						reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums"
						outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0)
						outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true)
addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false)
addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)


Edited by AbU - W6N
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