i,xAhmed Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 الكود كلنت --Globals local lUsername, tUsername, lPassword, tPassword, chkRememberLogin, bLogin, bRegister, defaultingTimer = nil local newsTitle, newsText, newsAuthor local loginTitleText = "WnAsH-Time MTA Roleplay" --Settings block for c_characters.lua/line 87 endCam = { [0] = {591.1669921875, -1827.3310546875, 10.137532234191, 570.09375, -1849.947265625, 4.968677997}, [1] = {2511.8854980469, -1679.1414794922, 17.823833465576, 2425.4426269531, -1641.1086425781, -15.056860923767}, [2] = {1553.4459228516, -1365.8366699219, 332.95718383789, 1495.1271972656, -1295.9808349609, 291.49520874023}, [3] = {-2233.2431640625, -1705.6872558594, 484.6149597168, -2268.3579101563, -1797.0213623047, 463.99838256836}, } startCam = { [0] = {1309.4599609375, -2123.7509765625, 106.98361206055, 1309.53515625, -1818.5615234375, 76.211189270 }, [1] = {2637.0703125, -1719.1510009766, 90.978698730469, 2636.2329101563, -1718.8670654297, 90.511764526367}, [2] = {1862.1447753906, -1743.5769042969, 616.80279541016, 1807.4505615234, -1676.6506347656, 566.50939941406}, [3] = {-1553.6662597656, -1547.2840576172, 76.449432373047, -1653.0958251953, -1555.7768554688, 69.997413635254}, } originalStartCam = { [0] = {1309.4599609375, -2123.7509765625, 106.98361206055, 1309.53515625, -1818.5615234375, 76.211189270 }, [1] = {2637.0703125, -1719.1510009766, 90.978698730469, 2636.2329101563, -1718.8670654297, 90.511764526367}, [2] = {1862.1447753906, -1743.5769042969, 616.80279541016, 1807.4505615234, -1676.6506347656, 566.50939941406}, [3] = {-1553.6662597656, -1547.2840576172, 76.449432373047, -1653.0958251953, -1555.7768554688, 69.997413635254}, } pedPos = { [0] = {581.5712890625, -1835.89453125, 5.6328125, 306.9929}, [1] = {2502.59765625, -1679.40234375, 13.375785827637, 256.50445556641}, [2] = {1549.615234375, -1362.326171875, 329.45889282227, 202.84092712402}, [3] = {-2236.76171875, -1710.3046875, 480.88693237305, 310.16250610352}, } globalspeed = 25 --Higher value = slower speed = {} doneCam = { [0] = {false, false, false, false, false, false}, [1] = {false, false, false, false, false, false}, [2] = {false, false, false, false, false, false}, [3] = {false, false, false, false, false, false}, } function getSelectionScreenID() return 2 end -------------------------------------------- function blackoutOnJoin () -- end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), blackoutOnJoin) addEventHandler("accounts:login:request", getRootElement(), function () setElementDimension ( getLocalPlayer(), 0 ) setElementInterior( getLocalPlayer(), 0 ) --setElementPosition( getLocalPlayer(), -262, -1143, 24) --setCameraMatrix(-262, -1143, 24, -97, -1167, 2) setElementPosition( getLocalPlayer(), 1480, -1688, 13 ) setCameraMatrix (originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][2], originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][2], originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][3], originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][4], originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][5], originalStartCam[selectionScreenID][6]) guiSetInputEnabled(true) clearChat() triggerServerEvent("onJoin", getLocalPlayer()) --LoginScreen_openLoginScreen() end ); --[[ LoginScreen_openLoginScreen( ) - Open the login screen ]]-- local wLogin, lUsername, tUsername, lPassword, tPassword, chkRememberLogin, bLogin, bRegister--[[, updateTimer]] = nil function LoginScreen_openLoginScreen(title) open_log_reg_pannel() --[[ guiSetInputEnabled(true) showCursor(true) if not title then local width, height = guiGetScreenSize() local logoW, logoH = 372, 90 local logoPosX = width/2 - 186 local logoPosY = height/2- 140 iLogo = guiCreateStaticImage(logoPosX, logoPosY, logoW, logoH, "img/OGLogo.png", false) lUsername = guiCreateLabel(0.4110, 0.4800, 1, 0.5000, "Username", true) guiSetFont(lUsername, "default-bold-small") tUsername = guiCreateEdit(0.3680, 0.5000, 0.1300, 0.0350, "Username", true) guiSetFont(tUsername, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMaxLength(tUsername, 32) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", tUsername, checkCredentials, false) lPassword = guiCreateLabel(0.5460, 0.4800, 1, 0.5000, "Password", true) guiSetFont(lPassword, "default-bold-small") tPassword = guiCreateEdit(0.5000, 0.5000, 0.1300, 0.0350, "Password", true) guiSetFont(tPassword, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMasked(tPassword, true) guiEditSetMaxLength(tPassword, 64) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", tPassword, checkCredentials, false) chkRememberLogin = guiCreateCheckBox(0.4610, 0.5650, 0.1300, 0.0350, "Remember Me", false, true) guiSetFont(chkRememberLogin, "default-bold-small") bLogin = guiCreateButton(0.4330, 0.5400, 0.0650, 0.0300, "Login", true) guiSetFont(bLogin, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bLogin, checkCredentials, false) bRegister = guiCreateButton(0.5000, 0.5400, 0.0650, 0.0300, "Register", true) guiSetFont(bRegister, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRegister, LoginScreen_Register, false) guiSetText(tUsername, tostring( loadSavedData("username", "") )) local tHash = tostring( loadSavedData("hashcode", "") ) guiSetText(tPassword, tHash) if #tHash > 1 then guiCheckBoxSetSelected(chkRememberLogin, true) end newsTitle = getElementData(getResourceRootElement(), "news:title") newsText = getElementData(getResourceRootElement(), "news:text") newsAuthor = getElementData(getResourceRootElement(), "news:sub") addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), showLoginTitle) triggerEvent("accounts:settings:loadGraphicSettings", getLocalPlayer()) else loginTitleText = title addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), showLoginTitle) end ]] end addEvent("beginLogin", true) addEventHandler("beginLogin", getRootElement(), LoginScreen_openLoginScreen) function showLoginTitle() --[[ local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local alphaAction = 3 local alphaStep = 50 local alphaAction = 3 local alphaStep = 50 local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() if loginTitleText == "Banned." then dxDrawText(loginTitleText,(700/1600)*sWidth, (350/900)*sHeight, (900/1600)*sWidth, (450/900)*sHeight, tocolor(255,0,0,255), (sWidth/1600)*2, "default-bold","center","center",false,false,false) else dxDrawText(loginTitleText,(700/1600)*sWidth, (350/900)*sHeight, (900/1600)*sWidth, (450/900)*sHeight, tocolor(255,255,255,255), (sWidth/1600)*2, "default-bold","center","center",false,false,false) end alphaStep = alphaStep + alphaAction if (alphaStep > 200) or (alphaStep < 50) then alphaAction = alphaAction - alphaAction - alphaAction end dxDrawRectangle( (10/1600)*sWidth, (17/900)*sHeight, (400/1600)*sWidth, (600/900)*sHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) dxDrawText( newsTitle, (35/1600)*sWidth, (30/900)*sHeight, (375/1600)*sWidth, (550/900)*sHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText( " " .. newsAuthor, (80/1600)*sWidth, (60/900)*sHeight, sWidth, sHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.2, "default-bold", "left", "top", true, false ) dxDrawText( newsText, (35/1600)*sWidth, (92/900)*sHeight, (375/1600)*sWidth, sHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold", "left", "top", true, true ) ]] end function LoginScreen_Register() local username = guiGetText(tUsername) local password = guiGetText(tPassword) if (string.len(username)<3) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( "Your username must be a minimum of 3 characters!" ) elseif (string.find(username, ";", 0)) or (string.find(username, "'", 0)) or (string.find(username, "@", 0)) or (string.find(username, ",", 0)) or (string.find(username, " ", 0)) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage("Your username cannot contain ;,@.' or space!") elseif (string.len(password)<6) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage("Your password is too short. \n You must enter 6 or more characters.", 255, 0, 0) elseif (string.len(password)>=30) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage("Your password is too long. \n You must enter less than 30 characters.", 255, 0, 0) elseif (string.find(password, ";", 0)) or (string.find(password, "'", 0)) or (string.find(password, "@", 0)) or (string.find(password, ",", 0)) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage("Your password cannot contain ;,@'.", 255, 0, 0) else showChat(true) triggerServerEvent("accounts:register:attempt", getLocalPlayer(), username, password) end end function LoginScreen_RefreshIMG() currentslide = currentslide + 1 if currentslide > totalslides then currentslide = 1 end end --[[ LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() - Close the loginscreen ]] function LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), showLoginTitle ) end --[[ checkCredentials() - Used to validate and send the contents of the login screen ]]-- function checkCredentials() local username = guiGetText(tUsername) local password = guiGetText(tPassword) guiSetText(tPassword, "") --appendSavedData("hashcode", "") if (string.len(username)<3) then outputChatBox("Your username is too short. You must enter 3 or more characters.", 255, 0, 0) else local saveInfo = guiCheckBoxGetSelected(chkRememberLogin) triggerServerEvent("accounts:login:attempt", getLocalPlayer(), username, password, saveInfo) if (saveInfo) then appendSavedData("username", tostring(username)) else appendSavedData("username", "") end end end local warningBox, warningMessage, warningOk = nil function LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( message ) if (isElement(warningBox)) then destroyElement(warningBox) end local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() warningBox = guiCreateWindow( x*.5-150, y*.5-65, 300, 120, "Attention!", false ) guiWindowSetSizable( warningBox, false ) warningMessage = guiCreateLabel( 40, 30, 220, 60, message, false, warningBox ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( warningMessage, "center", true ) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign( warningMessage, "center" ) warningOk = guiCreateButton( 130, 90, 70, 20, "Ok", false, warningBox ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", warningOk, function() destroyElement(warningBox) end ) guiBringToFront( warningBox ) end addEventHandler("accounts:error:window", getRootElement(), LoginScreen_showWarningMessage) function defaultLoginText() loginTitleText = "WnAsH-Time MTA Roleplay" end addEventHandler("accounts:login:attempt", getRootElement(), function (statusCode, additionalData) if (statusCode == 0) then LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() if (isElement(warningBox)) then destroyElement(warningBox) end -- Succesful login --[[ for _, theValue in ipairs(additionalData) do setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), theValue[1], theValue[2], false) end ]] local newAccountHash = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "account:newAccountHash") --appendSavedData("hashcode", newAccountHash or "") local characterList = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "account:characters") if #characterList == 0 then newCharacter_init() else Characters_showSelection() fadeCamera ( false, 0, 0,0,0 ) end elseif (statusCode > 0) and (statusCode < 5) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( additionalData ) elseif (statusCode == 5) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( additionalData ) -- TODO: show make app screen? end end ) local Window = {} local Button = {} local Label = {} local Edit = {} function showPasswordUpdate() showCursor(true) Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(0.3562,0.3997,0.2891,0.2383,"SECURITY NOTICE:",true) guiSetInputEnabled ( true) Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(0.0378,0.153,0.9324,0.2404,"We have noticed a potential security flaw with your account.\nTo help prevent any loss of data, we highly reccomend that\nyou enter a new password in the box below!",true,Window[1]) guiLabelSetColor(Label[1],0,200,0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label[1],"center",false) Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4243,0.4481,0.5351,0.1475,"",true,Window[1]) guiEditSetMasked(Edit[1], true) Edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(0.4243,0.6175,0.5351,0.1475,"",true,Window[1]) guiEditSetMasked(Edit[2], true) Label[2] = guiCreateLabel(0.1649,0.4754,0.2432,0.1038,"New Password:",true,Window[1]) Label[3] = guiCreateLabel(0.1216,0.6284,0.2784,0.1038,"Confirm Password:",true,Window[1]) Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.427,0.8087,0.527,0.1257,"Change Password",true,Window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button[1], function() triggerServerEvent("account:forceChange:validate", getLocalPlayer(), guiGetText(Edit[1]), guiGetText(Edit[2])) end) end addEvent("account:forceChangePassword:GUI", true) addEventHandler("account:forceChangePassword:GUI", getRootElement(), showPasswordUpdate) function closePasswordUpdate() destroyElement(Window[1]) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled ( false) end addEvent("account:forceChange:GUIClose", true) addEventHandler("account:forceChange:GUIClose", getRootElement(), closePasswordUpdate) آو من المحتمل هذا الكود --[[ * *********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 AMG Community - All Rights Reserved * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are private property belongs to OwlGaming Community * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited * Proprietary and confidential * *********************************************************************************************************************** ]] local panel = { login = {}, register = {}, sounds = { { 'http://files.owlgaming.net/menu.mp3', 1 }, { 'http://files.owlgaming.net/gtav.mp3', 0.3 }, { 'http://files.owlgaming.net/gtaiv.mp3', 0.3 }, } } local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() local fade = { } local logoScale = 0.5 local logoSize = { sw*logoScale, sw*455/1920*logoScale } local uFont function open_log_reg_pannel() if not isElement ( panel.login.main ) then -- blur screen. triggerEvent( 'hud:blur', resourceRoot, 'off', true ) setTimer( triggerEvent, 8000, 1, 'hud:blur', resourceRoot, 6, true, 0.1, nil ) -- sound effects. local sound = math.random( 1, 3 ) local bgMusic = playSound ( panel.sounds[ sound ][ 1 ], true ) if bgMusic then setSoundVolume( bgMusic, panel.sounds[ sound ][ 2 ] ) end setElementData(localPlayer, "bgMusic", bgMusic , false) -- prepare. showChat(false) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) local Width,Height = 350,350 local X = (sw/2) - (Width/2) local Y = (sh/2) - (Height/2) ufont = ufont or guiCreateFont( ':interior_system/intNameFont.ttf', 11 ) panel.login.main = guiCreateStaticImage( X, Y, 350, 350, "/login-panel/login_window.png", false ) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.main, false) --panel.login.logo = guiCreateStaticImage( (sw-logoSize[1])/2, logoSize[2]/2, logoSize[1], logoSize[2], "/login-panel/OwlLogo7.png", false ) panel.login.logo = guiCreateStaticImage( (sw-logoSize[1])/2, (sh-logoSize[2])/2 , logoSize[1], logoSize[2], "/login-panel/DeerLogo7.png", false ) local x, y = guiGetPosition( panel.login.logo, false ) --guiSetPosition( panel.login.logo, x, -logoSize[2], false ) --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! panel.login.login = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 349-120, 301, 44, "/login-panel/login.png", false ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",panel.login.login,onClickBtnLogin, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",panel.login.login,LoginSH) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",panel.login.login,SErem) panel.login.username = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 220-120,310,35,"",false) panel.login.password = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 295-120,310,35,"",false) guiSetFont( panel.login.username, ufont ) guiSetFont( panel.login.password, ufont ) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.username,25) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.password,25) guiEditSetMasked ( panel.login.password, true ) guiSetProperty( panel.login.password, 'MaskCodepoint', '8226' ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.username, resetLogButtons) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.password, resetLogButtons) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", panel.login.username, startLoggingIn) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", panel.login.password, startLoggingIn) --[[ lbl_about_legth = guiCreateLabel(142,42,184,18,"",false) guiLabelSetColor(lbl_about_legth,253,255,68) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl_about_legth,"center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl_about_legth,"center",false) ]] panel.login.remember = guiCreateCheckBox(X + 230,Y + 275-120,100,20,"(Remember me!)",false,false) guiSetFont(panel.login.remember,"default-small") panel.login.error = guiCreateLabel(X,Y + 325-120,364,31,"Error_login_tab",false) guiLabelSetColor(panel.login.error,255,0,0) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(panel.login.error,"center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(panel.login.error,"center",false) guiSetFont(panel.login.error,"default-bold-small") panel.login.authen = guiCreateLabel(X,Y + 325-120,364,31,"Authen_login_tab",false) guiLabelSetColor(panel.login.authen,0,255,0) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(panel.login.authen,"center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(panel.login.authen,"center",false) guiSetFont(panel.login.authen,"default-bold-small") --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! panel.login.register = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 401-120, 301, 44, "/login-panel/signup.png", false ) -- A gomb addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",panel.login.register,OnBtnRegister, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",panel.login.register,SignupSH) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",panel.login.register,SErem) panel.login.toplabel = guiCreateLabel(X - 70,Y + 388+70-120,500,30,"",false) guiLabelSetColor(panel.login.toplabel,255,234,55) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(panel.login.toplabel,"center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(panel.login.toplabel,"center",false) guiSetFont(panel.login.toplabel,"default-bold-small") guiSetVisible(panel.login.toplabel,false) panel.login.username2 = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 215-120,310,35,"",false) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.username2,25) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username2,false) guiSetFont( panel.login.username2, ufont ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.username2, resetRegButtons) panel.login.password2 = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 290-120,310,35,"",false) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.password2,25) guiEditSetMasked ( panel.login.password2, true ) guiSetProperty(panel.login.password2, 'MaskCodepoint', '8226') guiSetVisible(panel.login.password2,false) guiSetFont( panel.login.password2, ufont ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.password2, resetRegButtons) panel.login.repassword = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 365-120,310,35,"",false) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.repassword,25) guiEditSetMasked ( panel.login.repassword, true ) guiSetProperty(panel.login.repassword, 'MaskCodepoint', '8226') guiSetVisible(panel.login.repassword,false) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.repassword, true) guiSetFont( panel.login.repassword, ufont ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.repassword, resetRegButtons) panel.login.email = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 435-120,310,35,"",false) guiEditSetMaxLength ( panel.login.email,100) --guiEditSetMasked ( panel.login.email, true ) guiSetVisible(panel.login.email,false) guiSetFont( panel.login.email, ufont ) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.email, true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", panel.login.email, resetRegButtons) --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! panel.login.register2 = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 182, Y + 401+6+70-120, 143, 45, "/login-panel/register.png", false )--guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 409, 301, 44, "/login-panel/register2.png", false ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",panel.login.register2,onClickBtnRegister, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",panel.login.register2,Register2SH) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",panel.login.register2,SErem) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register2,false) panel.login.cancel = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 401+6+70-120, 143, 45, "/login-panel/cancel.png", false ) -- A gomb addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",panel.login.cancel,onClickCancel, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",panel.login.cancel,CancelSH) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",panel.login.cancel,SErem) guiSetVisible(panel.login.cancel,false) showCursor(true) guiSetText(panel.login.error, "") guiSetText(panel.login.authen, "") local username, password = loadLoginFromXML() if username ~= "" then guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( panel.login.remember, true ) guiSetText ( panel.login.username, tostring(username)) guiSetText ( panel.login.password, tostring(password)) else guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( panel.login.remember, false ) guiSetText ( panel.login.username, tostring(username)) guiSetText ( panel.login.password, tostring(password)) end guisSetEnabled( 'login', false ) guisSetPosition( 'login', (sw+Width)/2 ) -- fade the login tab in. setTimer( fade.login, 8000, 1 , (sw+Width)/2 ) -- dynamic screen effect. addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, slideScreen ) -- make sure screen isn't black. fadeCamera ( true ) end end function guisSetEnabled( part, state ) for index, gui in pairs( panel[ part ] ) do if index ~= 'main' then guiSetEnabled( gui , state ) end end end function guisSetPosition( part, x_, y_ ) for index, gui in pairs( panel[ part ] ) do if index ~= 'logo' then local x, y = guiGetPosition( gui, false ) if x_ then x = x + x_ end if y_ then y = y + y_ end guiSetPosition( gui, x, y, false ) end end end function fade.render( ) fade.cur = fade.cur + fade.dir fade.logo_start = fade.logo_start + fade.logo_dir if math.abs(fade.cur) <= fade.max then guisSetPosition( 'login', fade.dir ) guiSetPosition( panel.login.logo, fade.logo_x, fade.logo_start, false ) else guisSetEnabled( 'login', true ) removeEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, fade.render ) end end function fade.login( max ) fade.cur = 0 fade.max = max fade.dir = -fade.max/50 fade.logo_start = (sh-logoSize[2])/2 fade.logo_end = sh - logoSize[2]*3/2 fade.logo_dir = -(fade.logo_end-fade.logo_start)/50 fade.logo_x = (sw-logoSize[1])/2 addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, fade.render ) end local speed = 0.01 local moved = 0.1 function slideScreen() local matrix = { getCameraMatrix ( localPlayer ) } matrix[1] = matrix[1] + speed moved = moved + speed if moved > 50 then local scr = shuffleScreen() moved = 0 setCameraMatrix ( scr[1], scr[2], scr[3], scr[4], scr[5], scr[6], 0, exports.global:getPlayerFov()) else setCameraMatrix ( unpack(matrix) ) end end function LoginSH () guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.login, "/login-panel/sh.png" ) end function SignupSH () guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.register, "/login-panel/signup2.png" ) end function Register2SH () guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.register, "/login-panel/shr.png" ) end function CancelSH () guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.cancel, "/login-panel/cancel2.png" ) end function SErem () guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.login, "/login-panel/login.png" ) guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.register, "/login-panel/signup.png" ) guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.register2, "/login-panel/register.png" ) guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.cancel, "/login-panel/cancel.png" ) end --[[ function start_cl_resource() open_log_reg_pannel() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),start_cl_resource) ]] function loadLoginFromXML() local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile ("/login-panel/rememberme.xml") if not xml_save_log_File then xml_save_log_File = xmlCreateFile("/login-panel/rememberme.xml", "login") end local usernameNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, "username", 0) local passwordNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, "password", 0) local username, password = usernameNode and exports.global:decryptString(xmlNodeGetValue(usernameNode), localPlayer) or "", passwordNode and exports.global:decryptString(xmlNodeGetValue(passwordNode), localPlayer) or "" xmlUnloadFile ( xml_save_log_File ) return username, password end function saveLoginToXML(username, password) local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile ("/login-panel/rememberme.xml") if not xml_save_log_File then xml_save_log_File = xmlCreateFile("/login-panel/rememberme.xml", "login") end if (username ~= "") then local usernameNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, "username", 0) local passwordNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, "password", 0) if not usernameNode then usernameNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, "username") end if not passwordNode then passwordNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, "password") end xmlNodeSetValue (usernameNode, exports.global:encryptString(username, localPlayer)) xmlNodeSetValue (passwordNode, exports.global:encryptString(password, localPlayer)) end xmlSaveFile(xml_save_log_File) xmlUnloadFile (xml_save_log_File) end addEvent("saveLoginToXML", true) addEventHandler("saveLoginToXML", getRootElement(), saveLoginToXML) function resetSaveXML() local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile ("/login-panel/rememberme.xml") if xml_save_log_File then fileDelete ("/login-panel/rememberme.xml") xmlUnloadFile ( xml_save_log_File ) end end addEvent("resetSaveXML", true) addEventHandler("resetSaveXML", getRootElement(), resetSaveXML) function onClickBtnLogin(button,state) if(button == "left" and state == "up") then if (source == panel.login.login) then startLoggingIn() end end end local loginClickTimer = nil function startLoggingIn() if not getElementData(localPlayer, "clickedLogin") then setElementData(localPlayer, "clickedLogin", true, false) if isTimer(loginClickTimer) then killTimer(loginClickTimer) end loginClickTimer = setTimer(setElementData, 1000, 1, localPlayer, "clickedLogin", nil, false) username = guiGetText(panel.login.username) password = guiGetText(panel.login.password) if guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( panel.login.remember ) == true then checksave = true else checksave = false end playSoundFrontEnd ( 6 ) guiSetEnabled(panel.login.login, false) guiSetAlpha(panel.login.login, 0.3) triggerServerEvent("accounts:login:attempt", getLocalPlayer(), username, password, checksave) authen_msg("Login", "Sending request to server..") else Error_msg("Login", "Slow down..") end end function hideLoginPanel(keepBG) showCursor(true) if keepBG then for name, gui in pairs( panel.login ) do if name ~= 'logo' then guiSetVisible( gui, false) end end else for name, gui in pairs( panel.login ) do if gui and isElement( gui ) then destroyElement( gui ) gui = nil end end triggerEvent( 'hud:blur', resourceRoot, 'off', true ) removeEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, slideScreen ) end end addEvent("hideLoginPanel", true) addEventHandler("hideLoginPanel", getRootElement(), hideLoginPanel) function OnBtnRegister () switchToRegisterPanel() -- Disabled registration playSoundFrontEnd ( 2 ) --guiSetText(panel.login.error, "Please register on Owlgaming.net/register.php") end function onClickCancel() switchToLoginPanel() playSoundFrontEnd ( 2 ) end function switchToLoginPanel() guiSetText(panel.login.error, "") guiSetText(panel.login.authen, "") guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "") guiSetSize(panel.login.main, 350,350, false) guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.main, "login-panel/Login_window.png" ) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register2, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.cancel,false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.toplabel,false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.repassword,false) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.repassword, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.email,false) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.email, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password2,false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username2,false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.login, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.remember, true) showCursor(true) end function switchToRegisterPanel() guiSetText(panel.login.error, "") guiSetText(panel.login.authen, "") guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "") guiSetSize(panel.login.main, 350,421, false) guiStaticImageLoadImage(panel.login.main, "login-panel/register_window.png" ) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register2, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.cancel,true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.toplabel,true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.repassword,true) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.repassword, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password2,true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username2,true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.email,true) guiSetEnabled (panel.login.email, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.login, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username, false) guiSetVisible(panel.login.remember, false) showCursor(true) setElementData(localPlayer, "switched", true, false) end function onClickBtnRegister(button,state) username = guiGetText(panel.login.username2) password = guiGetText(panel.login.password2) passwordConfirm = guiGetText(panel.login.repassword) email = guiGetText(panel.login.email) registerValidation(username, password, passwordConfirm,email) --playSoundFrontEnd ( 6 ) guiSetEnabled(panel.login.register, false) guiSetAlpha(panel.login.register, 0.3) end function registerValidation(username, password, passwordConfirm, email) if not username or username == "" or not password or password == "" or not passwordConfirm or passwordConfirm == "" or not email or email == "" then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Please fill out all fields.") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif string.len(username) < 3 then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Username must be 3 characters or longer.") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif string.len(username) >= 19 then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Username must be less then 20 characters long.") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif string.find(password, "'") or string.find(password, '"') then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Password must not contain ' or "..'"') guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif string.len(password) < 8 then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Password must be 8 characters or longer.") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif password ~= passwordConfirm then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "Passwords mismatched!") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) elseif string.match(username,"%W") then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, "\"!@#$\"%'^&*()\" are not allowed in username.") guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) else local validEmail, reason = exports.global:isEmail(email) if not validEmail then guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, reason) guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd ( 4 ) else triggerServerEvent("accounts:register:attempt",getLocalPlayer(),username,password,passwordConfirm, email) authen_msg("Register", "Sending request to server.") end end end function registerComplete(username, pw, email) guiSetText(panel.login.username, username) guiSetText(panel.login.password, pw) playSoundFrontEnd(13) displayRegisterConpleteText(username, email) end addEvent("accounts:register:complete",true) addEventHandler("accounts:register:complete",getRootElement(),registerComplete) function displayRegisterConpleteText(username) local GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {}, label = {} } local extend = 100 local yoffset = 150 GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(667, 381, 357, 189+extend, "Congratulations! Account has been successfully created!", false) exports.global:centerWindow(GUIEditor.window[1]) --local x, y = guiGetPosition(GUIEditor.window[1], false) --guiSetPosition(GUIEditor.window[1], x, y+yoffset, false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1) guiWindowSetMovable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "AlwaysOnTop", "True") local temp = "An email contains instructions to activate your account has been dispatched, please check your email's inbox.\n\nIf for some reasons you don't receive the email, please check your junk box or try to dispatch another activation email at http://owlgaming.net/activate.php?username="..username GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(8, 50, 339, 121+extend, "Your IGaming MTA account for '"..username.."' is ready for action!", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "left", true) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(10, 153+extend, 337, 26, "Close !", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], function() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then if isElement(GUIEditor.window[1]) then destroyElement(GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor = nil switchToLoginPanel() end else cancelEvent() end end, false ) end function Error_msg(Tab, Text) showCursor(true) if Tab == "Login" then playSoundFrontEnd ( 4) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.login, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.remember, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.main, true) guiSetText(panel.login.authen, "") guiSetText(panel.login.error, tostring(Text)) --setTimer(function() guiSetText(panel.login.error, "") end,3000,1) else playSoundFrontEnd ( 4) guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, tostring(Text)) guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("set_warning_text",true) addEventHandler("set_warning_text",getRootElement(),Error_msg) function authen_msg(Tab, Text) showCursor(true) if Tab == "Login" then if panel.login.authen and isElement(panel.login.authen) and guiGetVisible(panel.login.authen) then --playSoundFrontEnd ( 12) guiSetVisible(panel.login.register, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.login, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.password, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.username, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.remember, true) guiSetVisible(panel.login.main, true) guiSetText(panel.login.error, "") guiSetText(panel.login.authen, tostring(Text)) --setTimer(function() guiSetText(panel.login.authen, "") end,3000,1) end else --playSoundFrontEnd ( 12 ) guiSetText(panel.login.toplabel, tostring(Text)) guiLabelSetColor ( panel.login.toplabel, 255, 255, 255 ) end end addEvent("set_authen_text",true) addEventHandler("set_authen_text",getRootElement(),authen_msg) function hideLoginWindow() showCursor(false) hideLoginPanel() end addEvent("hideLoginWindow", true) addEventHandler("hideLoginWindow", getRootElement(), hideLoginWindow) function CursorError () showCursor(false) end addCommandHandler("showc", CursorError) function resetRegButtons () guiSetEnabled(panel.login.register2, true) guiSetAlpha(panel.login.register2, 1) end function resetLogButtons() guiSetEnabled(panel.login.login, true) guiSetAlpha(panel.login.login, 1) end local screenStandByCurrent = 0 local screenStandByComplete = 2 local screenStandByShowing = false function screenStandBy(action, value) -- Maxime / 2015.3.25 if action == "add" then screenStandByCurrent = screenStandByCurrent + 1 if screenStandByShowing then authen_msg("Login", "Loading prerequisite resources.."..screenStandBy("getPercentage").."%") end return screenStandByCurrent elseif action == "getCurrent" then return screenStandByCurrent elseif action == "getState" then return screenStandByShowing elseif action == "setState" then screenStandByShowing = value if screenStandByShowing then authen_msg("Login", "Loading prerequisite resources.."..screenStandBy("getPercentage").."%") end screenStandByCurrent = 0 return true elseif action == "getPercentage" then local percentage = math.floor(screenStandByCurrent/screenStandByComplete*100) if screenStandByShowing then authen_msg("Login", "Loading prerequisite resources.."..percentage.."%") end return percentage end end addEvent("screenStandBy",true) addEventHandler("screenStandBy",root,screenStandBy) addEventHandler ( "onClientElementDataChange", localPlayer, function ( dataName ) if getElementType ( localPlayer ) == "player" and dataName == "loggedin" then showChat(getElementData(localPlayer, "loggedin") == 1) end end ) -- Link to comment
#BrosS Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 أتوقع ممنوع المساعدة بالمودات المسروقة (مالقيت كلمة غير مسروقة ) Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted May 9, 2018 Author Share Posted May 9, 2018 مسروقة ؟ ي بوي لا تدرك آلهيآط هذي حياة واقعية بس فيه مشكلة باللوحة انا مشتري السيرفر من استضافة وجآني كذا مو عآجبك لا تساعد 1 Link to comment
iMr.WiFi..! Posted May 10, 2018 Share Posted May 10, 2018 23 hours ago, i,xAhmed said: مسروقة ؟ ي بوي لا تدرك آلهيآط هذي حياة واقعية بس فيه مشكلة باللوحة انا مشتري السيرفر من استضافة وجآني كذا مو عآجبك لا تساعد حبيبي هو مايقصد آهانتك .. او الهيآط المودات المستعملة في سيرفرك مب انت سارقها صحيح بس الاستضافة الي شاري منها يمكن سرقتها ( هذا على حسب ظنه ) بس لمعلوميتك .. كل سيرفرات الحياة الواقعية تعتبر سيرفرات بمودات مسروقة ( اتكلم عن العرب ) والمودات مأخوذة من سيرفر اسمه أول قيمنق لكن استثني القليل من سيرفرات حياة الواقعية الي ما اخذت او سرقت المودات هذه .. ----------- باختصار الحل يرجع لصاحب الكود فاذا كان مسروق فما انصحك تحاول تحل مشكلة ذي .. وتدبر لك مبرمج يسوي لك مودات حياة واقعية من الصفر .. 1 Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted May 11, 2018 Author Share Posted May 11, 2018 On ١٠/٥/٢٠١٨ at 12:12, iMr.WiFi..! said: حبيبي هو مايقصد آهانتك .. او الهيآط المودات المستعملة في سيرفرك مب انت سارقها صحيح بس الاستضافة الي شاري منها يمكن سرقتها ( هذا على حسب ظنه ) بس لمعلوميتك .. كل سيرفرات الحياة الواقعية تعتبر سيرفرات بمودات مسروقة ( اتكلم عن العرب ) والمودات مأخوذة من سيرفر اسمه أول قيمنق لكن استثني القليل من سيرفرات حياة الواقعية الي ما اخذت او سرقت المودات هذه .. ----------- باختصار الحل يرجع لصاحب الكود فاذا كان مسروق فما انصحك تحاول تحل مشكلة ذي .. وتدبر لك مبرمج يسوي لك مودات حياة واقعية من الصفر .. من آلممكن , لاكن انا م سرقت ولا اخذت مودات Link to comment
Ram, Posted May 26, 2018 Share Posted May 26, 2018 اي مساعدة قلي واتساب , تواصل معي بالواتس واشرحلي هناك لاني م فهمت شي , Link to comment
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