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Camera facing towards the vehicle (matrix)

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Hello everyone! I have a question.

function cammode ()
   local x,y,z =  getElementPosition(localPlayer)
   x = x + 1
   local xx,yy,zz = getPositionInFrontOfElement(localPlayer)
   xx = xx + 1
   setCameraMatrix (x,y,z+0.5,xx,yy,zz+0.5)

This part of code will rotate camera well with vehicle until i change x and xx variables. I can only change the height. When i change x, xx variables camera starts moving around. I want to get x and y variables related to vehicle rotation and feel free to change them as i want. Can someone help or give me an example to make better calculations?

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7 hours ago, Juuve said:

Hello everyone! I have a question.

function cammode ()
   local x,y,z =  getElementPosition(localPlayer)
   x = x + 1
   local xx,yy,zz = getPositionInFrontOfElement(localPlayer)
   xx = xx + 1
   setCameraMatrix (x,y,z+0.5,xx,yy,zz+0.5)

This part of code will rotate camera well with vehicle until i change x and xx variables. I can only change the height. When i change x, xx variables camera starts moving around. I want to get x and y variables related to vehicle rotation and feel free to change them as i want. Can someone help or give me an example to make better calculations?


This link might help you to accomplish your task ?. 

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