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How do i make a GPS?

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Hi! I want to make a script, in which for example the player gives 2 xyz positions, and in every 50 meters there would be a marker, which would lead the player to the position. I am aware, that there is a script by default, but i can't really read it. So anyone please explain me, how to do it?

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you can use tables to write xyz marker positions like that:

markers = {

Then you can detect markers with onClientMarkerHit or onMarkerHit. This events gives you a possibility to move to the next step (create next marker).

You can use here setElementData to select next marker.


markers = {

function next_mark(pl)
	if not pl then pl = localPlayer
	local num = getElementData(pl,"currentMarker") or 1
  	local cur_x,cur_y,cur_z = unpack( markers[num] )
	checkpoint = createMarker(cur_x,cur_y,cur_z,"checkpoint",2)
	num = num + 1


I'm not sure that it works\\ But i hope that you understood me xD

  • Thanks 1
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