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dx resolution problem


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Hello, I made a script in dx that is something like a square, the problem is that i made it on my resolution(1280x1024) where looks fine, but on other resolution will not be a square anymore. What I want is the dx to look like a square on all resolutions.

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()

dxDrawImage(x * 0.2891, y * 0.2891, x * 0.4227, y * 0.4229, ":electric/circuitBoard.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false)

This is how it looks for my resolution: UsdTXTM.jpg

and this is how it looks on other resolution:


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local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize()
local x, y = sw/1280, sh/1024

dxDrawImage(x * 0.2891, y * 0.2891, x * 0.4227, y * 0.4229, ":electric/circuitBoard.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false)


Edited by Dimos7
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