Tibix99 Posted April 16, 2018 Share Posted April 16, 2018 addCommandHandler("makeinterior", function(playerSource, cmd, intid, type, price,...) if (getElementData(playerSource,"acc:admin") >= 6) then if intid and price and type and (...) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerSource) intbel = interiors[tonumber(intid)] if intbel then if tonumber(type) >= 1 and tonumber(type) <= 4 then local interiorid = intbel[1] local ix = intbel[2] local iy = intbel[3] local iz = intbel[4] local name = table.concat({...}," ") local outint, outdim = getElementInterior(playerSource), getElementDimension(playerSource) local query = dbQuery(con, "INSERT INTO interiors SET x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, interiorx = ?, interiory = ?, interiorz = ?, name = ?, type = ?, cost = ?, interior = ?,intid = ?,outint = ?, outdim = ?",x, y, z, ix, iy, iz, name, type, price, interiorid,intid, outint, outdim) local insertered, _, insertid = dbPoll(query, -1) if insertered then loadOneInteriorWhereID(insertid) if tonumber(type) == 1 then types = "Ház" elseif tonumber(type) == 2 then types = "Biznisz" elseif tonumber(type) == 3 then types = "Önkormányzat" elseif tonumber(type) == 4 then types = "Garázs" end outputChatBox(rovid .." Sikeresen létrehoztad az interior-t (ID: #7cc576".. insertid.." #FFFFFF| Név: #7cc576".. name .."#FFFFFF | TÍPUS: #7cc576".. types .. "#FFFFFF)",playerSource,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(rovid .." Nincs ilyen típus!",playerSource,255,255,255,true) end end else outputChatBox(rovid.." #ffffff/"..cmd.." [INTERIORID] [TIPUS] [ÁR] [NÉV]", playerSource,169,139,101,true) outputChatBox(rovid.." #ffffffTípus: 1: Ház 2: Biznisz 3: Önkormányzat 4: Garázs", playerSource,169,139,101,true) end end end Where is the error? This script is going be a house system script. (garages,houses...) Link to comment
William147 Posted April 22, 2018 Share Posted April 22, 2018 In whitch row is the error? Melyik sorban van az error? Link to comment
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