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createTeam("GOD", 0, 255, 0)

function tablo(thePlayer)
local state = ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "invincible" ) )
    setElementData ( thePlayer, "invincible", state )
		local asd = getTeamFromName("GOD")
	setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, asd)
outputChatBox ( "#ffff00Ölümsüzük -> ".. ( state and "#00ff00Açıldı" or "#ff0000Kapandı" ) .."", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true)


addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage",root,
function ()
    if getElementData(source,"invincible") then
 function deneme()
   if getElementData(source,"invincible") then
 	    triggerServerEvent ( "qwe", resourceRoot, "Hello World!" )

function (targetPlayer)
    if getElementData(targetPlayer,"invincible") then

imgW = 367
imgH = 91
function adminLogo()
    local players = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("GOD"))
    for i,player in ipairs(players) do
        if player ~= localPlayer then
            local cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix()
            local hX, hY, hZ = getPedBonePosition(player, 8)
            hZ = hZ + 0.5
            local pX,pY,pZ = getPedBonePosition(localPlayer, 8)
            pZ = pZ + 0.5
            if getScreenFromWorldPosition(hX, hY, hZ) and isLineOfSightClear(cX,cY,cZ, pX,pY,pZ) then
                local sX, sY, sD = getScreenFromWorldPosition(hX, hY, hZ)
                local relative = (50 - sD) / 50
                if relative > 0 then
                    local iW = imgW * relative
                    local iH = imgH * relative

                    local iX = sX - (iW / 2)
                    local iY = sY - (iH / 2)

                    dxDrawImage(iX, iY, iW, iH, "logo.png")
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, adminLogo)



I need if godmode on and he command /god again  turn off god  it's okay but I need add If god off then setplayerteam(theplayer,source) need help 

when u turn off godmode state  turn off logo I need this

and one more think   if player in godmode than can't attack other players

Edited by orcun99
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You want to remove the player from the team if the state is false? Wiki says that in order to remove a player from a team, the team should be nil, so that could be done like this:

setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, (state and asd or nil)) --Great variable name btw...

when u turn off godmode state  turn off logo I need this

I have no idea what that means.


and one more think   if player in godmode than can't attack other players

That's really simple, there is a function called toggleControl that toggles a control :-o. So all that has to be done is this:

toggleControl(thePlayer, "fire", not state) --Will toggle the control opposite to state, ie. state is true (godmode on) then control is false (disabled)


  • Thanks 1
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1 hour ago, MIKI785 said:

You want to remove the player from the team if the state is false? Wiki says that in order to remove a player from a team, the team should be nil, so that could be done like this:

setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, (state and asd or nil)) --Great variable name btw...

I have no idea what that means.

That's really simple, there is a function called toggleControl that toggles a control :-o. So all that has to be done is this:

toggleControl(thePlayer, "fire", not state) --Will toggle the control opposite to state, ie. state is true (godmode on) then control is false (disabled)


thank u very much.


Edited by orcun99
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