|M.r|LooFe| Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 السلام عليكم شباب كيفكم انا صممت 3 مهمات المهم سويت حماية من فتح الازرار لكن ابي حماية فتح اللوحة من اف8 او اي لاعب يحاول يسوي اي زر فاللوحة للاعب الي فالمهمة يقله ان هذا اللاعب في مهمة وبنسبة لكود عدم فتح اللوحة من اف8 فالمهمات ابيه يكتبله انت الان داخل المهمة لا يمكنك فتح اللوحة رجائا مساعدةة Link to comment
Doffy Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 setElementData getElementData Link to comment
|M.r|LooFe| Posted March 10, 2018 Author Share Posted March 10, 2018 Just now, #Himoo said: setElementData getElementData وش دخل الداتا فمنع اف8 واللوحة ؟ Link to comment
Doffy Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 1 minute ago, |M.r|LooFe| said: وش دخل الداتا فمنع اف8 واللوحة ؟ + cancelEvent "onPlayerCommand" Link to comment
|M.r|LooFe| Posted March 10, 2018 Author Share Posted March 10, 2018 Just now, #Himoo said: + cancelEvent سويلي الكود الصصراحة مو فاهم عليك ششي Link to comment
Ram, Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 بالنسبة لـ طلبك حق م يقدر يفتح اللوحه , سوي ب المهمات حقتك , إنه لما يدخل المهمة يعطيه الداتا هذي Mission وعشان لوحة الادمن م تنفتح من اف8 او من حرف p استخدم هذا الكود addEventHandler( 'onPlayerCommand', getRootElement( ), function( cmd ) if ( getElementData( source,"Mission" ) == true and cmd == 'admin' ) then cancelEvent( ) outputChatBox("* لا يمكنك تشغيل لوحة الادمن في المهمات",source,255,0,0) end end ) بالنسبة لـ طلبك حق اذا لاعب مثلاً انتقل لـ شخص وهو ب مهمة , ويجيه هذا اللاعب بمهمة وهذي السوالف , روح ع لوحة الادمن حقتك ’, روح ملف admin_server.lua وحط لي الاكواد هنا وانا بعطيك اياها جاهزه ,. ان شاء الله اكون أفدتك . لا تنسى التقييم. 1 Link to comment
|M.r|LooFe| Posted March 10, 2018 Author Share Posted March 10, 2018 ملف سيرفر EnadGroup = "Console","Admin" EnadBanReason = "تبي تسحب ادمنية صاحب السيرفر لايشيخ" EnadTable = { ["user.sohaib"] = true, ["user.a3sh2k"] = true, } ------------------------------------- _root = getRootElement() _types = { "player", "team", "vehicle", "resource", "bans", "server", "admin" } _settings = nil aPlayers = {} aLogMessages = {} aInteriors = {} aStats = {} aReports = {} aWeathers = {} aNickChangeTime = {} function notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) outputChatBox ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) local unread = 0 for _, msg in ipairs ( aReports ) do unread = unread + ( msg.read and 0 or 1 ) end if unread > 0 then outputChatBox( unread .. " unread Admin message" .. ( unread==1 and "" or "s" ), player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", _root, function ( resource ) if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStart", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end return end _settings = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\settings.xml" ) if ( not _settings ) then _settings = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\settings.xml", "main" ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end aSetupACL() aSetupCommands() for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do aPlayerInitialize ( player ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) end end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\interiors.xml" ) if ( node ) then local interiors = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) ) do local interior = xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) interiors = interiors + 1 aInteriors[interiors] = {} aInteriors[interiors]["world"] = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "world" ) ) aInteriors[interiors]["id"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "id" ) aInteriors[interiors]["x"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posX" ) aInteriors[interiors]["y"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posY" ) aInteriors[interiors]["z"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posZ" ) aInteriors[interiors]["r"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "rot" ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\stats.xml" ) if ( node ) then local stats = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) ) do local stat = xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "name" ) aStats[id] = name stats = stats + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\weathers.xml" ) if ( node ) then local weathers = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) ~= false ) do local weather = xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "name" ) aWeathers[id] = name weathers = weathers + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then local messages = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) ) do subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) local author = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "author", 0 ) local subject = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "subject", 0 ) local category = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "category", 0 ) local text = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "text", 0 ) local time = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "time", 0 ) local read = ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "read", 0 ) ~= false ) local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} if ( author ) then aReports[id].author = xmlNodeGetValue ( author ) else aReports[id].author = "" end if ( category ) then aReports[id].category = xmlNodeGetValue ( category ) else aReports[id].category = "" end if ( subject ) then aReports[id].subject = xmlNodeGetValue ( subject ) else aReports[id].subject = "" end if ( text ) then aReports[id].text = xmlNodeGetValue ( text ) else aReports[id].text = "" end if ( time ) then aReports[id].time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else aReports[id].time = "" end aReports[id].read = read messages = messages + 1 end -- Remove duplicates local a = 1 while a <= #aReports do local b = a + 1 while b <= #aReports do if table.cmp( aReports[a], aReports[b] ) then table.remove( aReports, b ) b = b - 1 end b = b + 1 end a = a + 1 end -- Upgrade time from '4/9 5:9' to '2009-09-04 05:09' for id, rep in ipairs ( aReports ) do if string.find( rep.time, "/" ) then local monthday, month, hour, minute = string.match( rep.time, "^(.-)/(.-) (.-):(.-)$" ) rep.time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', 2009, month + 1, monthday, hour, minute ) end end -- Sort messages by time table.sort(aReports, function(a,b) return(a.time < b.time) end) -- Limit number of messages while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\messages.xml" ) if ( node ) then for id, type in ipairs ( _types ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, type, 0 ) if ( subnode ) then aLogMessages[type] = {} local groups = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) ) do local group = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) local action = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "action" ) local r = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "r" ) ) local g = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "g" ) ) local b = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "b" ) ) aLogMessages[type][action] = {} aLogMessages[type][action]["r"] = r or 0 aLogMessages[type][action]["g"] = g or 255 aLogMessages[type][action]["b"] = b or 0 if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["all"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["admin"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["player"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["log"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) end groups = groups + 1 end end end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", _root, function ( resource ) -- Incase the resource being stopped has been deleted local stillExists = false for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if res == resource then stillExists = true break end end if not stillExists then return end if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStop", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end else local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) ~= false ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) xmlDestroyNode ( subnode ) end else node = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\reports.xml", "messages" ) end for id, message in ipairs ( aReports ) do local subnode = xmlCreateChild ( node, "message" ) for key, value in pairs ( message ) do if ( value ) then xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlCreateChild ( subnode, key ), tostring ( value ) ) end end end xmlSaveFile ( node ) xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end aclSave () end ) function aGetSetting ( setting ) local result = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( result ) then result = xmlNodeGetValue ( result ) if ( result == "true" ) then return true elseif ( result == "false" ) then return false else return result end end return false end function aSetSetting ( setting, value ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( not node ) then node = xmlCreateChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ) ) end xmlNodeSetValue ( node, tostring ( value ) ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function aRemoveSetting ( setting ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( node ) then xmlDestroyNode ( node ) end xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function iif ( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if ( cond ) then return arg1 end return arg2 end function getVehicleOccupants ( vehicle ) local tableOut = {} local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) + 1 for i = 0, seats do local passenger = getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) if ( passenger ) then table.insert ( tableOut, passenger ) end end return tableOut end function isValidSerial ( serial ) -- Did you know gmatch returns an iterator function? return string.gmatch ( serial, "%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w" ) end function getWeatherNameFromID ( weather ) return iif ( aWeathers[weather], aWeathers[weather], "Unknown" ) end function getPlayerAccountName( player ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) return account and getAccountName ( account ) end addEvent ( "onPlayerMute", false ) function aSetPlayerMuted ( player, state, length ) if ( setPlayerMuted ( player, state ) ) then if not state then aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) elseif state and length and length > 0 then aAddUnmuteTimer( player, length ) end triggerEvent ( "onPlayerMute", player, state ) return true end return false end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", _root, function () local player = source if aHasUnmuteTimer( player ) then if not isPlayerMuted(player) then triggerEvent ( "aPlayer", getElementByIndex("console", 0), player, "mute" ) end end end ) -- Allows for timed mutes across reconnects local aUnmuteTimerList = {} function aAddUnmuteTimer( player, length ) aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = setTimer( function() aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if getPlayerSerial(player) == serial then if isPlayerMuted(player) then triggerEvent ( "aPlayer", getElementByIndex("console", 0), player, "mute" ) end end end end, length*1000, 1 ) end function aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if aUnmuteTimerList[serial] then killTimer( aUnmuteTimerList[serial] ) aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil end end function aHasUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if aUnmuteTimerList[serial] then return true end end addEvent ( "onPlayerFreeze", false ) function aSetPlayerFrozen ( player, state ) if ( toggleAllControls ( player, not state, true, false ) ) then aPlayers[player]["freeze"] = state triggerEvent ( "onPlayerFreeze", player, state ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) if vehicle then setElementFrozen ( vehicle, state ) end return true end return false end function isPlayerFrozen ( player ) if ( aPlayers[player]["freeze"] == nil ) then aPlayers[player]["freeze"] = false end return aPlayers[player]["freeze"] end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", _root, function () if ( aGetSetting ( "welcome" ) ) then outputChatBox ( aGetSetting ( "welcome" ), source, 255, 100, 100 ) end aPlayerInitialize ( source ) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientPlayerJoin", source, getPlayerIP ( source ), getPlayerUserName ( source ), getPlayerAccountName ( source ), getPlayerSerial ( source ), hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ), aPlayers[source]["country"] ) end end setPedGravity ( source, getGravity() ) end ) function aPlayerInitialize ( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial ( player ) if ( not isValidSerial ( serial ) ) then outputChatBox ( "ERROR: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." - Invalid Serial." ) kickPlayer ( player, "Invalid Serial" ) else bindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) callRemote ( "https://community.multitheftauto.com/mta/verify.php", aPlayerSerialCheck, player, getPlayerUserName ( player ), getPlayerSerial ( player ) ) aPlayers[player] = {} aPlayers[player]["country"] = getPlayerCountry ( player ) aPlayers[player]["money"] = getPlayerMoney ( player ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function () aPlayers[source] = nil aNickChangeTime[source] = nil end ) addEvent ( "aPlayerVersion", true ) addEventHandler ( "aPlayerVersion", _root, function ( version ) if checkClient( false, source, 'aPlayerVersion' ) then return end local bIsPre = false -- If not Release, mark as 'pre' if version.type:lower() ~= "release" then bIsPre = true else -- Extract rc version if there local _,_,rc = string.find( version.tag or "", "(%d)$" ) rc = tonumber(rc) or 0 -- If release, but before final rc, mark as 'pre' if version.mta == "1.0.2" and rc > 0 and rc < 13 then bIsPre = true elseif version.mta == "1.0.3" and rc < 9 then bIsPre = true end -- If version does not have a built in version check, maybe show a message box advising an upgrade if version.number < 259 or ( version.mta == "1.0.3" and rc < 3 ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "aClientShowUpgradeMessage", source ) end end -- Try to get new player version local playerVersion if getPlayerVersion then playerVersion = getPlayerVersion(client) else playerVersion = version.mta .. "-" .. ( bIsPre and "7" or "9" ) .. ".00000.0" end -- Format it all prettyful local _,_,ver,type,build = string.find ( playerVersion, "(.*)-([0-9])\.(.*)" ) if aPlayers[source] then aPlayers[source]["version"] = ver .. ( type < '9' and " pre " or " " ) .. "(" .. type .. "." .. build .. ")" end end ) function aPlayerSerialCheck ( player, result ) if ( result == 0 ) then kickPlayer ( player, "Invalid serial" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", _root, function ( previous, account, auto ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aPermissions", source ) notifyPlayerLoggedIn( source ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "register", function ( player, command, arg1, arg2 ) local username = getPlayerName ( player ) local password = arg1 if ( arg2 ) then username = arg1 password = arg2 end if ( password ~= nil ) then if ( string.len ( password ) < 4 ) then outputChatBox ( "register: - Password should be at least 4 characters long", player, 255, 100, 70 ) elseif ( addAccount ( username, password ) ) then outputChatBox ( "You have successfully registered! Username: '"..username.."', Password: '"..password.."'(Remember it)", player, 255, 100, 70 ) outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." registered account '"..username.."' (IP: "..getPlayerIP(player).." Serial: "..getPlayerSerial(player)..")" ) elseif ( getAccount ( username ) ) then outputChatBox ( "register: - Account with this name already exists.", player, 255, 100, 70 ) else outputChatBox ( "Unknown Error", player, 255, 100, 70 ) end else outputChatBox ( "register: - Syntax is 'register [<nick>] <password>'", player, 255, 100, 70 ) end end ) -- This requires "function.removeAccount" permission for both the admin resource and the player addCommandHandler ( "unregister", function ( player, command, arg1, arg2 ) local username = arg1 or "" local result = "failed - No permission" if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "function.removeAccount" ) ) then local account = getAccount ( username ) if not account then result = "failed - Does not exist" elseif #aclGetAccountGroups ( account ) > 1 then result = "failed - Account in more than one ACL group" elseif removeAccount( account ) then result = "succeeded" else result = "failed - Check resource has permission" end end outputChatBox ( "Unregistering account '"..username.."' "..result, player, 255, 100, 70 ) outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getAdminNameForLog ( player ).." unregistering account '"..username.."' "..result.." (IP: "..getPlayerIP(player).." Serial: "..getPlayerSerial(player)..")" ) end ) -- Returns "name" or "name(accountname)" if they differ function getAdminNameForLog(player) local name = getPlayerName( player ) if not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) then local accountName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) if name ~= accountName then return name.."("..accountName..")" end end return name end function aAdminMenu ( player, command ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientAdminMenu", _root ) aPlayers[player]["chat"] = true end end addCommandHandler ( "admin", aAdminMenu ) function aAction ( type, action, admin, player, data, more ) if ( aLogMessages[type] ) then function aStripString ( string ) string = tostring ( string ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$admin", getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$by_admin_4all", isAnonAdmin4All( admin ) and "" or " by " .. getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$by_admin_4plr", isAnonAdmin4Victim( admin ) and "" or " by " .. getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$data2", more or "" ) if ( player ) then string = string.gsub ( string, "$player", getPlayerName ( player ) ) end return tostring ( string.gsub ( string, "$data", data or "" ) ) end local node = aLogMessages[type][action] if ( node ) then local r, g, b = node["r"], node["g"], node["b"] if ( node["all"] ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["all"] ), _root, r, g, b ) end if ( node["admin"] ) and ( admin ~= player ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["admin"] ), admin, r, g, b ) end if ( node["player"] ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["player"] ), player, r, g, b ) end if ( node["log"] ) then outputServerLog ( aStripString ( node["log"] ) ) end end end end -- Should admin name be hidden from public chatbox message? function isAnonAdmin4All ( admin ) return getElementData( admin, "AnonAdmin" ) == true end -- Should admin name be hidden from private chatbox message? function isAnonAdmin4Victim ( admin ) return false end addEvent ( "aTeam", true ) addEventHandler ( "aTeam", _root, function ( action, name, r, g, b ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aTeam', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then mdata = tostring ( data ) mdata = "" if ( action == "createteam" ) then local success = false if ( tonumber ( r ) ) and ( tonumber ( g ) ) and ( tonumber ( b ) ) then success = createTeam ( name, tonumber ( r ), tonumber ( g ), tonumber ( b ) ) else success = createTeam ( name ) end if ( not success ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Team \""..name.."\" could not be created.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "destroyteam" ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( name ) if ( getTeamFromName ( name ) ) then destroyElement ( team ) else action = nil end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "server", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aAdmin", true ) addEventHandler ( "aAdmin", _root, function ( action, ... ) if checkClient( true, source, 'aAdmin', action ) then return end local mdata = "" local mdata2 = "" if ( action == "password" ) then action = nil if ( not arg[1] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Password missing.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not arg[2] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - New password missing.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not arg[3] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Confirm password.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ~= tostring ( arg[3] ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Passwords do not match.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else local account = getAccount ( getPlayerAccountName ( source ), tostring ( arg[1] ) ) if ( account ) then action = "password" setAccountPassword ( account, arg[2] ) mdata = arg[2] else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid password.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end elseif ( action == "autologin" ) then elseif ( action == "settings" ) then local cmd = arg[1] local resName = arg[2] local tableOut = {} if ( cmd == "change" ) then local name = arg[3] local value = arg[4] -- Get previous value local settings = aGetResourceSettings( resName ) local oldvalue = settings[name].current -- Match type local changed = false if type(oldvalue) == 'boolean' then value = value=='true' end if type(oldvalue) == 'number' then value = tonumber(value) end if type(oldvalue) == "table" then value = fromJSON("[["..value.."]]") changed = not table.compare(value, oldvalue) else changed = value ~= oldvalue end if changed then if aSetResourceSetting( resName, name, value ) then -- Tell the resource one of its settings has changed local res = getResourceFromName(resName) local resRoot = getResourceRootElement(res) if resRoot then if getVersion().mta < "1.1" then triggerEvent('onSettingChange', resRoot, name, oldvalue, value, source ) end end mdata = resName..'.'..name mdata2 = type(value) == "table" and string.gsub(toJSON(value),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") or tostring(value) end end elseif ( cmd == "getall" ) then tableOut = aGetResourceSettings( resName ) for name,value in pairs(tableOut) do if type(value.default) == "table" then tableOut[name].default = string.gsub(toJSON(value.default),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") tableOut[name].current = string.gsub(toJSON(value.current),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") end end end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aAdminSettings", _root, cmd, resName, tableOut ) if mdata == "" then action = nil end elseif ( action == "sync" ) then local type = arg[1] local tableOut = {} if ( type == "aclgroups" ) then tableOut["groups"] = {} for id, group in ipairs ( aclGroupList() ) do table.insert ( tableOut["groups"] ,aclGroupGetName ( group ) ) end tableOut["acl"] = {} for id, acl in ipairs ( aclList() ) do table.insert ( tableOut["acl"] ,aclGetName ( acl ) ) end elseif ( type == "aclobjects" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ) if ( group ) then tableOut["name"] = arg[2] tableOut["objects"] = aclGroupListObjects ( group ) tableOut["acl"] = {} for id, acl in ipairs ( aclGroupListACL ( group ) ) do table.insert ( tableOut["acl"], aclGetName ( acl ) ) end end elseif ( type == "aclrights" ) then local acl = aclGet ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ) if ( acl ) then tableOut["name"] = arg[2] tableOut["rights"] = {} for id, name in ipairs ( aclListRights ( acl ) ) do tableOut["rights"][name] = aclGetRight ( acl, name ) end end end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aAdminACL", _root, type, tableOut ) elseif ( action == "aclcreate" ) then local name = arg[2] if ( ( name ) and ( string.len ( name ) >= 1 ) ) then if ( arg[1] == "group" ) then mdata = "Group "..name if ( not aclCreateGroup ( name ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then mdata = "ACL "..name if ( not aclCreate ( name ) ) then action = nil end end triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclgroups" ) else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid "..arg[1].." name", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "acldestroy" ) then local name = arg[2] if ( arg[1] == "group" ) then if ( aclGetGroup ( name ) ) then mdata = "Group "..name aclDestroyGroup ( aclGetGroup ( name ) ) else action = nil end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then if ( aclGet ( name ) ) then mdata = "ACL "..name aclDestroy ( aclGet ( name ) ) else action = nil end end triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclgroups" ) elseif ( action == "acladd" ) then if ( arg[3] ) then action = action mdata = "Group '"..arg[2].."'" if ( arg[1] == "object" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local object = arg[3] if ( not aclGroupAddObject ( group, object ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding object '"..tostring ( object ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "Object '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local acl = aclGet ( arg[3] ) if ( not aclGroupAddACL ( group, acl ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding ACL '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "ACL '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "right" ) then local acl = aclGet ( arg[2] ) local right = arg[3] local enabled = true if ( not aclSetRight ( acl, right, enabled ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding right '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "Right '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclrights", arg[2] ) end end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "aclremove" ) then --action = nil if ( arg[3] ) then action = action mdata = "Group '"..arg[2].."'" if ( arg[1] == "object" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local object = arg[3] if ( not aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, object ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - object '"..tostring ( object ).."' does not exist in group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else if EnadTable [ object ] then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, root, EnadBanReason ) return EnadFunction ( object ) end mdata2 = "Object '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local acl = aclGet ( arg[3] ) if ( not aclGroupRemoveACL ( group, acl ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - ACL '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' does not exist in group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "ACL '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "right" ) then local acl = aclGet ( arg[2] ) local right = arg[3] if ( not aclRemoveRight ( acl, right ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - right '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' does not exist in ACL '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata = "ACL '"..arg[2].."'" mdata2 = "Right '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclrights", arg[2] ) end end else action = nil end end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "admin", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end end ) -- seconds to description i.e. "10 mins" function secondsToTimeDesc( seconds ) if seconds then local tab = { {"day",60*60*24}, {"hour",60*60}, {"min",60}, {"sec",1} } for i,item in ipairs(tab) do local t = math.floor(seconds/item[2]) if t > 0 or i == #tab then return tostring(t) .. " " .. item[1] .. (t~=1 and "s" or "") end end end return "" end addEvent ( "aPlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "aPlayer", _root, function ( player, action, data, additional, additional2 ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aPlayer', action ) then return end if not isElement( player ) then return -- Ignore if player is no longer valid end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local admin = source local mdata = "" local more = "" if ( action == "kick" ) then local reason = data or "" mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" setTimer ( kickPlayer, 100, 1, player, source, reason ) elseif ( action == "ban" ) then local reason = data or "" local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional) local bUseSerial = additional2 mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" more = seconds and ( "(" .. secondsToTimeDesc(seconds) .. ")" ) or "" if bUseSerial and getPlayerName ( player ) then -- Add banned player name to the reason reason = reason .. " (nick: " .. getPlayerName ( player ) .. ")" end -- Add account name of banner to the reason local adminAccountName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if adminAccountName and adminAccountName ~= getPlayerName( source ) then reason = reason .. " (by " .. adminAccountName .. ")" end if bUseSerial then outputChatBox ( "You banned serial " .. getPlayerSerial( player ), source, 255, 100, 70 ) setTimer ( addBan, 100, 1, nil, nil, getPlayerSerial(player), source, reason, seconds ) else outputChatBox ( "You banned IP " .. getPlayerIP( player ), source, 255, 100, 70 ) setTimer ( banPlayer, 100, 1, player, true, false, false, source, reason, seconds ) end setTimer( triggerEvent, 1000, 1, "aSync", _root, "bansdirty" ) elseif ( action == "mute" ) then if ( isPlayerMuted ( player ) ) then action = "un"..action end local reason = data or "" local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional) mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" more = seconds and ( "(" .. secondsToTimeDesc(seconds) .. ")" ) or "" aSetPlayerMuted ( player, not isPlayerMuted ( player ), seconds ) elseif ( action == "freeze" ) then if ( isPlayerFrozen ( player ) ) then action = "un"..action end aSetPlayerFrozen ( player, not isPlayerFrozen ( player ) ) elseif ( action == "setnick" ) then local playername = getPlayerName(player) if setPlayerName( player, data ) then outputChatBox ( "You changed '"..playername.."' to '"..data.."'!", source, 255, 100, 70 ) outputChatBox ( "'"..getPlayerName( source ).."' changed your nick to '"..data.."'!", player, 255, 100, 70 ) else outputChatBox ( "Invalid Nick", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "shout" ) then local textDisplay = textCreateDisplay () local textItem = textCreateTextItem ( "(ADMIN)"..getPlayerName ( source )..":\n\n"..data, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 255, 100, 50, 255, 4, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( textDisplay, textItem ) textDisplayAddObserver ( textDisplay, player ) setTimer ( textDestroyTextItem, 5000, 1, textItem ) setTimer ( textDestroyDisplay, 5000, 1, textDisplay ) elseif ( action == "sethealth" ) then local health = tonumber ( data ) if ( health ) then if ( health > 200 ) then health = 100 end if ( not setElementHealth ( player, health ) ) then action = nil end mdata = health else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setarmour" ) then local armour = tonumber ( data ) if ( armour ) then if ( armour > 200 ) then armour = 100 end if ( not setPedArmor ( player, armour ) ) then action = nil end mdata = armour else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setskin" ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) local jetpack = doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) local seat = 0 if ( vehicle ) then seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( player ) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) data = tonumber ( data ) if ( spawnPlayer ( player, x, y, z, getPedRotation ( player ), data, getElementInterior ( player ), getElementDimension ( player ), getPlayerTeam ( player ) ) ) then fadeCamera ( player, true ) if ( vehicle ) then warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicle, seat ) end if ( jetpack ) then givePedJetPack ( player ) end mdata = data else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setmoney" ) then mdata = data if ( not setPlayerMoney ( player, data ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Invalid money data", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil end elseif ( action == "setstat" ) then if ( additional ) then if ( tonumber ( data ) == 300 ) then if ( setPedFightingStyle ( player, tonumber ( additional ) ) ) then mdata = "Fighting Style" more = additional else action = nil end else if ( setPedStat ( player, tonumber ( data ), tonumber ( additional ) ) ) then mdata = aStats[data] more = additional else action = nil end end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setteam" ) then if ( getElementType ( data ) == "team" ) then setPlayerTeam ( player, data ) mdata = getTeamName ( data ) else action = nil end elseif ( action == "removefromteam" ) then mdata = getTeamName( getPlayerTeam( player ) ) setPlayerTeam ( player, nil ) elseif ( action == "setinterior" ) then action = nil for id, interior in ipairs ( aInteriors ) do if ( interior["id"] == data ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) setElementInterior ( player, interior["world"] ) local x, y, z = interior["x"] or 0, interior["y"] or 0, interior["z"] or 0 local rot = interior["r"] or 0 if ( vehicle ) then setElementInterior ( vehicle, interior["world"] ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, x, y, z + 0.2 ) else setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z + 0.2 ) setPedRotation ( player, rot ) end action = "interior" mdata = data end end elseif ( action == "setdimension" ) then local dimension = tonumber ( data ) if ( dimension ) then if ( dimension > 65535 ) or ( dimension < 0 ) then dimension = 0 end if ( not setElementDimension ( player, dimension ) ) then action = nil end mdata = dimension else action = nil end elseif ( action == "jetpack" ) then if ( doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) ) then removePedJetPack ( player ) action = "jetpackr" else if ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Unable to give a jetpack - "..getPlayerName ( player ).." is in a vehicle", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else if ( givePedJetPack ( player ) ) then action = "jetpacka" end end end elseif ( action == "setgroup" ) then local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) if ( group ) then if ( data == true ) then aclGroupAddObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) bindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) action = "admina" elseif ( data == false ) then unbindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) aPlayers[player]["chat"] = false action = "adminr" end for id, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aSync", p, "admins" ) end end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Admin group not initialized. Please reinstall admin resource.", source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Player is not logged in.", source, 255, 100 ,100 ) end elseif ( action == "givevehicle" ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then setElementModel(vehicle, data) fixVehicle(vehicle) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) local r = getPedRotation ( player ) local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity ( player ) vehicle = createVehicle ( data, x, y, z, 0, 0, r ) setElementDimension ( vehicle, getElementDimension ( player ) ) setElementInterior ( vehicle, getElementInterior ( player ) ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicle ) setElementVelocity ( vehicle, vx, vy, vz ) end mdata = getVehicleName ( vehicle ) elseif ( action == "giveweapon" ) then if ( giveWeapon ( player, data, additional, true ) ) then mdata = getWeaponNameFromID ( data ) more = additional else action = nil end elseif ( action == "slap" ) then if ( getElementHealth ( player ) > 0 ) and ( not isPedDead ( player ) ) then if ( ( not data ) or ( not tonumber ( data ) ) ) then data = 20 end if ( ( tonumber ( data ) >= 0 ) ) then if ( tonumber ( data ) > getElementHealth ( player ) ) then setTimer ( killPed, 50, 1, player ) else setElementHealth ( player, getElementHealth ( player ) - data ) end local x, y, z = getElementVelocity ( player ) setElementVelocity ( player, x , y, z + 0.2 ) mdata = data else action = nil end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "warp" ) or ( action == "warpto" ) then function warpPlayer ( p, to ) function warp ( p, to ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( to ) local r = getPedRotation ( to ) x = x - math.sin ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2 y = y + math.cos ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2 setTimer ( setElementPosition, 1000, 1, p, x, y, z + 1 ) fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementDimension ( p, getElementDimension ( to ) ) setElementInterior ( p, getElementInterior ( to ) ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 ) end if ( isPedInVehicle ( to ) ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( to ) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) + 1 local i = 0 while ( i < seats ) do if ( not getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) ) then setTimer ( warpPedIntoVehicle, 1000, 1, p, vehicle, i ) fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 ) break end i = i + 1 end if ( i >= seats ) then warp ( p, to ) outputConsole ( "Player's vehicle is full ("..getVehicleName ( vehicle ).." - Seats: "..seats..")", p ) end else warp ( p, to ) end end if ( action == "warp" ) then warpPlayer ( source, player ) else warpPlayer ( player, data ) mdata = getPlayerName ( data ) end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "player", action, admin, player, mdata, more ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) function hex2rgb(hex) hex = hex:gsub("#","") return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6)) end addEvent ( "aVehicle", true ) addEventHandler ( "aVehicle", _root, function ( player, action, data ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aVehicle', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then if ( not player ) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then local mdata = "" if ( action == "repair" ) then fixVehicle ( vehicle ) local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation ( vehicle ) if ( rx > 110 ) and ( rx < 250 ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) setVehicleRotation ( vehicle, rx + 180, ry, rz ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, x, y, z + 2 ) end elseif ( action == "customize" ) then if ( data[1] == "remove" ) then for id, upgrade in ipairs ( getVehicleUpgrades ( vehicle ) ) do removeVehicleUpgrade ( vehicle, upgrade ) end action = "customizer" else for id, upgrade in ipairs ( data ) do addVehicleUpgrade ( vehicle, upgrade ) if ( mdata == "" ) then mdata = tostring ( upgrade ) else mdata = mdata..", "..upgrade end end end elseif ( action == "setpaintjob" ) then mdata = data if ( not setVehiclePaintjob ( vehicle, data ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Invalid Paint job ID", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setcolor" ) then r, g, b = hex2rgb(data[1]) r2, g2, b2 = hex2rgb(data[2]) r3, g3, b3 = hex2rgb(data[3]) r4, g4, b4 = hex2rgb(data[4]) if ( not setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "setlights" ) then r, g, b = hex2rgb(data[1]) if ( not setVehicleHeadLightColor ( vehicle, r, g, b) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "blowvehicle" ) then setTimer ( blowVehicle, 100, 1, vehicle ) elseif ( action == "destroyvehicle" ) then setTimer ( destroyElement, 100, 1, vehicle ) else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) if seats then for i = 0, seats do local passenger = getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) if ( passenger ) then aAction ( "vehicle", action, source, passenger, mdata ) end end end end end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) function stopAllResources () for i, resource in ipairs(getResources()) do stopResource(resource) end return true end addEvent ( "aResource", true ) addEventHandler ( "aResource", _root, function ( name, action ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aResource', action ) then return end local pname = getPlayerName ( source ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local text = "" if ( action == "start" ) then if ( startResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ), true ) ) then text = "started" end elseif ( action == "restart" ) then if ( restartResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "restarted" end elseif ( action == "stop" ) then if ( stopResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "stopped" end elseif ( action == "delete" ) then if ( deleteResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "deleted" end elseif ( action == "stopall" ) then if ( stopAllResources ( ) ) then text = "All Stopped" end else action = nil end if ( text ~= "" ) then outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: Resource \'" .. name .. "\' " .. text .. " by " .. getAdminNameForLog ( source ) ) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientLog", _root, text ) end end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aServer", true ) addEventHandler ( "aServer", _root, function ( action, data, data2 ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aServer', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local mdata = tostring ( data ) local mdata2 = "" if ( action == "setgame" ) then if ( not setGameType ( tostring ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting game type.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setmap" ) then if ( not setMapName ( tostring ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting map name.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setwelcome" ) then if ( ( not data ) or ( data == "" ) ) then action = "resetwelcome" aRemoveSetting ( "welcome" ) else aSetSetting ( "welcome", tostring ( data ) ) mdata = data end elseif ( action == "settime" ) then if ( not setTime ( tonumber ( data ), tonumber ( data2 ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting time.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end mdata = data..":"..data2 elseif ( action == "shutdown" ) then setTimer(shutdown, 2000, 1, data) elseif ( action == "setpassword" ) then if ( not data or data == "" ) then setServerPassword ( nil ) action = "resetpassword" elseif ( string.len ( data ) > 32 ) then outputChatBox ( "Set password: 32 characters max", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not setServerPassword ( data ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting password", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setweather" ) then if ( not setWeather ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting weather.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end mdata = data.." "..getWeatherNameFromID ( tonumber ( data ) ) elseif ( action == "blendweather" ) then if ( not setWeatherBlended ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting weather.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setgamespeed" ) then if ( not setGameSpeed ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting game speed.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setgravity" ) then if ( setGravity ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do setPedGravity ( player, getGravity() ) end else action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting gravity.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setwaveheight" ) then if ( not setWaveHeight ( data ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Error setting wave height.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil else mdata = data end elseif ( action == "setfpslimit" ) then if ( not setFPSLimit ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting FPS Limit.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "server", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( "aMessage", _root, function ( action, data ) if checkClient( false, source, 'aMessage', action ) then return end if ( action == "new" ) then local time = getRealTime() local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} aReports[id].author = getPlayerName ( source ) aReports[id].category = tostring ( data.category ) aReports[id].subject = tostring ( data.subject ) aReports[id].text = tostring ( data.message ) aReports[id].time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', time.year + 1900, time.month + 1, time.monthday, time.hour, time.minute ) aReports[id].read = false -- PM all admins to say a new message has arrived for _, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then outputChatBox( "New Admin message from " .. aReports[id].author .. " (" .. aReports[id].subject .. ")", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end -- Keep message count no greater that 'maxmsgs' while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then if ( action == "get" ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "aMessage", source, "get", aReports ) elseif ( action == "read" ) then if ( aReports[data] ) then aReports[data].read = true end elseif ( action == "delete" ) then if ( aReports[data] ) then table.remove ( aReports, data ) end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aMessage", source, "get", aReports ) else action = nil end end for id, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aSync", p, "messages" ) end end end ) addEvent ( "aBans", true ) addEventHandler ( "aBans", _root, function ( action, data ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aBans', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local mdata = "" local more = "" if ( action == "banip" ) then mdata = data if ( not addBan ( data,nil,nil,source ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "banserial" ) then mdata = data if ( isValidSerial ( data ) ) then if ( not addBan ( nil,nil, string.upper ( data ),source ) ) then action = nil end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid serial", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil end elseif ( action == "unbanip" ) then mdata = data action = nil for i,ban in ipairs(getBans ()) do if getBanIP(ban) == data then action = removeBan ( ban, source ) end end elseif ( action == "unbanserial" ) then mdata = data action = nil for i,ban in ipairs(getBans ()) do if getBanSerial(ban) == string.upper(data) then action = removeBan ( ban, source ) end end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "bans", action, source, false, mdata, more ) triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "sync", "bansdirty" ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aExecute", true ) addEventHandler ( "aExecute", _root, function ( action, echo ) if checkClient( "command.execute", source, 'aExecute', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command.execute" ) ) then local result = loadstring("return " .. action)() if ( echo == true ) then local restring = "" if ( type ( result ) == "table" ) then for k,v in pairs ( result ) do restring = restring..tostring ( v )..", " end restring = string.sub(restring,1,-3) restring = "Table ("..restring..")" elseif ( type ( result ) == "userdata" ) then restring = "Element ("..getElementType ( result )..")" else restring = tostring ( result ) end outputChatBox( "Command executed! Result: " ..restring, source, 0, 0, 255 ) end outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getAdminNameForLog ( source ).." executed command: "..action ) end end ) addEvent ( "aAdminChat", true ) addEventHandler ( "aAdminChat", _root, function ( chat ) if checkClient( true, source, 'aAdminChat' ) then return end for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( aPlayers[player]["chat"] ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientAdminChat", source, chat ) end end end ) addEventHandler('onElementDataChange', root, function(dataName, oldValue ) if getElementType(source)=='player' and checkClient( false, source, 'onElementDataChange', dataName ) then setElementData( source, dataName, oldValue ) return end end ) -- returns true if there is trouble function checkClient(checkAccess,player,...) if client and client ~= player and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 2 then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client/player mismatch from " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 1 ) cancelEvent() if g_Prefs.clientcheckban then local reason = "admin checkClient (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" addBan ( ipAddress, nil, nil, getRootElement(), reason ) end return true end if checkAccess and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 1 then if type(checkAccess) == 'string' then if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, checkAccess ) then return false -- Access ok end if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client does not have required rights ("..checkAccess.."). " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" ) return true -- Low risk fail - Can't do specific command, but has access to admin panel end end if not hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client or player) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client without admin panel rights trigged an admin panel event. " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 2 ) return true -- High risk fail - No access to admin panel end end return false end ----------------------------------------------- function checkNickOnChange(old, new) if aNickChangeTime[source] and aNickChangeTime[source] + tonumber(get("*nickChangeDelay")) > getTickCount() then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You can only change your name once every "..(tonumber(get("*nickChangeDelay"))/1000).." seconds", source, 255, 0, 0) return false else aNickChangeTime[source] = getTickCount() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, checkNickOnChange) EnadFunction = function ( EnadAcc ) if not isObjectInACLGroup ( EnadAcc, aclGetGroup ( EnadGroup ) ) then aclGroupAddObject ( aclGetGroup ( EnadGroup ), EnadAcc ) end end Link to comment
Ram, Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 EnadGroup = "Console","Admin" EnadBanReason = "تبي تسحب ادمنية صاحب السيرفر لايشيخ" EnadTable = { ["user.sohaib"] = true, ["user.a3sh2k"] = true, } ------------------------------------- _root = getRootElement() _types = { "player", "team", "vehicle", "resource", "bans", "server", "admin" } _settings = nil aPlayers = {} aLogMessages = {} aInteriors = {} aStats = {} aReports = {} aWeathers = {} aNickChangeTime = {} function notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) outputChatBox ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) local unread = 0 for _, msg in ipairs ( aReports ) do unread = unread + ( msg.read and 0 or 1 ) end if unread > 0 then outputChatBox( unread .. " unread Admin message" .. ( unread==1 and "" or "s" ), player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", _root, function ( resource ) if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStart", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end return end _settings = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\settings.xml" ) if ( not _settings ) then _settings = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\settings.xml", "main" ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end aSetupACL() aSetupCommands() for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do aPlayerInitialize ( player ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) end end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\interiors.xml" ) if ( node ) then local interiors = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) ) do local interior = xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) interiors = interiors + 1 aInteriors[interiors] = {} aInteriors[interiors]["world"] = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "world" ) ) aInteriors[interiors]["id"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "id" ) aInteriors[interiors]["x"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posX" ) aInteriors[interiors]["y"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posY" ) aInteriors[interiors]["z"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posZ" ) aInteriors[interiors]["r"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "rot" ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\stats.xml" ) if ( node ) then local stats = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) ) do local stat = xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "name" ) aStats[id] = name stats = stats + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\weathers.xml" ) if ( node ) then local weathers = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) ~= false ) do local weather = xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "name" ) aWeathers[id] = name weathers = weathers + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then local messages = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) ) do subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) local author = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "author", 0 ) local subject = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "subject", 0 ) local category = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "category", 0 ) local text = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "text", 0 ) local time = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "time", 0 ) local read = ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "read", 0 ) ~= false ) local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} if ( author ) then aReports[id].author = xmlNodeGetValue ( author ) else aReports[id].author = "" end if ( category ) then aReports[id].category = xmlNodeGetValue ( category ) else aReports[id].category = "" end if ( subject ) then aReports[id].subject = xmlNodeGetValue ( subject ) else aReports[id].subject = "" end if ( text ) then aReports[id].text = xmlNodeGetValue ( text ) else aReports[id].text = "" end if ( time ) then aReports[id].time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else aReports[id].time = "" end aReports[id].read = read messages = messages + 1 end -- Remove duplicates local a = 1 while a <= #aReports do local b = a + 1 while b <= #aReports do if table.cmp( aReports[a], aReports[b] ) then table.remove( aReports, b ) b = b - 1 end b = b + 1 end a = a + 1 end -- Upgrade time from '4/9 5:9' to '2009-09-04 05:09' for id, rep in ipairs ( aReports ) do if string.find( rep.time, "/" ) then local monthday, month, hour, minute = string.match( rep.time, "^(.-)/(.-) (.-):(.-)$" ) rep.time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', 2009, month + 1, monthday, hour, minute ) end end -- Sort messages by time table.sort(aReports, function(a,b) return(a.time < b.time) end) -- Limit number of messages while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\messages.xml" ) if ( node ) then for id, type in ipairs ( _types ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, type, 0 ) if ( subnode ) then aLogMessages[type] = {} local groups = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) ) do local group = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) local action = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "action" ) local r = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "r" ) ) local g = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "g" ) ) local b = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "b" ) ) aLogMessages[type][action] = {} aLogMessages[type][action]["r"] = r or 0 aLogMessages[type][action]["g"] = g or 255 aLogMessages[type][action]["b"] = b or 0 if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["all"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["admin"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["player"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["log"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) end groups = groups + 1 end end end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", _root, function ( resource ) -- Incase the resource being stopped has been deleted local stillExists = false for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if res == resource then stillExists = true break end end if not stillExists then return end if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStop", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end else local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) ~= false ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) xmlDestroyNode ( subnode ) end else node = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\reports.xml", "messages" ) end for id, message in ipairs ( aReports ) do local subnode = xmlCreateChild ( node, "message" ) for key, value in pairs ( message ) do if ( value ) then xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlCreateChild ( subnode, key ), tostring ( value ) ) end end end xmlSaveFile ( node ) xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end aclSave () end ) function aGetSetting ( setting ) local result = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( result ) then result = xmlNodeGetValue ( result ) if ( result == "true" ) then return true elseif ( result == "false" ) then return false else return result end end return false end function aSetSetting ( setting, value ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( not node ) then node = xmlCreateChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ) ) end xmlNodeSetValue ( node, tostring ( value ) ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function aRemoveSetting ( setting ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( node ) then xmlDestroyNode ( node ) end xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function iif ( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if ( cond ) then return arg1 end return arg2 end function getVehicleOccupants ( vehicle ) local tableOut = {} local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) + 1 for i = 0, seats do local passenger = getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) if ( passenger ) then table.insert ( tableOut, passenger ) end end return tableOut end function isValidSerial ( serial ) -- Did you know gmatch returns an iterator function? return string.gmatch ( serial, "%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w-%w%w%w%w" ) end function getWeatherNameFromID ( weather ) return iif ( aWeathers[weather], aWeathers[weather], "Unknown" ) end function getPlayerAccountName( player ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) return account and getAccountName ( account ) end addEvent ( "onPlayerMute", false ) function aSetPlayerMuted ( player, state, length ) if ( setPlayerMuted ( player, state ) ) then if not state then aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) elseif state and length and length > 0 then aAddUnmuteTimer( player, length ) end triggerEvent ( "onPlayerMute", player, state ) return true end return false end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", _root, function () local player = source if aHasUnmuteTimer( player ) then if not isPlayerMuted(player) then triggerEvent ( "aPlayer", getElementByIndex("console", 0), player, "mute" ) end end end ) -- Allows for timed mutes across reconnects local aUnmuteTimerList = {} function aAddUnmuteTimer( player, length ) aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = setTimer( function() aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if getPlayerSerial(player) == serial then if isPlayerMuted(player) then triggerEvent ( "aPlayer", getElementByIndex("console", 0), player, "mute" ) end end end end, length*1000, 1 ) end function aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if aUnmuteTimerList[serial] then killTimer( aUnmuteTimerList[serial] ) aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil end end function aHasUnmuteTimer( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if aUnmuteTimerList[serial] then return true end end addEvent ( "onPlayerFreeze", false ) function aSetPlayerFrozen ( player, state ) if ( toggleAllControls ( player, not state, true, false ) ) then aPlayers[player]["freeze"] = state triggerEvent ( "onPlayerFreeze", player, state ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) if vehicle then setElementFrozen ( vehicle, state ) end return true end return false end function isPlayerFrozen ( player ) if ( aPlayers[player]["freeze"] == nil ) then aPlayers[player]["freeze"] = false end return aPlayers[player]["freeze"] end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", _root, function () if ( aGetSetting ( "welcome" ) ) then outputChatBox ( aGetSetting ( "welcome" ), source, 255, 100, 100 ) end aPlayerInitialize ( source ) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientPlayerJoin", source, getPlayerIP ( source ), getPlayerUserName ( source ), getPlayerAccountName ( source ), getPlayerSerial ( source ), hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ), aPlayers[source]["country"] ) end end setPedGravity ( source, getGravity() ) end ) function aPlayerInitialize ( player ) local serial = getPlayerSerial ( player ) if ( not isValidSerial ( serial ) ) then outputChatBox ( "ERROR: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." - Invalid Serial." ) kickPlayer ( player, "Invalid Serial" ) else bindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) callRemote ( "https://community.multitheftauto.com/mta/verify.php", aPlayerSerialCheck, player, getPlayerUserName ( player ), getPlayerSerial ( player ) ) aPlayers[player] = {} aPlayers[player]["country"] = getPlayerCountry ( player ) aPlayers[player]["money"] = getPlayerMoney ( player ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function () aPlayers[source] = nil aNickChangeTime[source] = nil end ) addEvent ( "aPlayerVersion", true ) addEventHandler ( "aPlayerVersion", _root, function ( version ) if checkClient( false, source, 'aPlayerVersion' ) then return end local bIsPre = false -- If not Release, mark as 'pre' if version.type:lower() ~= "release" then bIsPre = true else -- Extract rc version if there local _,_,rc = string.find( version.tag or "", "(%d)$" ) rc = tonumber(rc) or 0 -- If release, but before final rc, mark as 'pre' if version.mta == "1.0.2" and rc > 0 and rc < 13 then bIsPre = true elseif version.mta == "1.0.3" and rc < 9 then bIsPre = true end -- If version does not have a built in version check, maybe show a message box advising an upgrade if version.number < 259 or ( version.mta == "1.0.3" and rc < 3 ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "aClientShowUpgradeMessage", source ) end end -- Try to get new player version local playerVersion if getPlayerVersion then playerVersion = getPlayerVersion(client) else playerVersion = version.mta .. "-" .. ( bIsPre and "7" or "9" ) .. ".00000.0" end -- Format it all prettyful local _,_,ver,type,build = string.find ( playerVersion, "(.*)-([0-9])\.(.*)" ) if aPlayers[source] then aPlayers[source]["version"] = ver .. ( type < '9' and " pre " or " " ) .. "(" .. type .. "." .. build .. ")" end end ) function aPlayerSerialCheck ( player, result ) if ( result == 0 ) then kickPlayer ( player, "Invalid serial" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", _root, function ( previous, account, auto ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aPermissions", source ) notifyPlayerLoggedIn( source ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "register", function ( player, command, arg1, arg2 ) local username = getPlayerName ( player ) local password = arg1 if ( arg2 ) then username = arg1 password = arg2 end if ( password ~= nil ) then if ( string.len ( password ) < 4 ) then outputChatBox ( "register: - Password should be at least 4 characters long", player, 255, 100, 70 ) elseif ( addAccount ( username, password ) ) then outputChatBox ( "You have successfully registered! Username: '"..username.."', Password: '"..password.."'(Remember it)", player, 255, 100, 70 ) outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." registered account '"..username.."' (IP: "..getPlayerIP(player).." Serial: "..getPlayerSerial(player)..")" ) elseif ( getAccount ( username ) ) then outputChatBox ( "register: - Account with this name already exists.", player, 255, 100, 70 ) else outputChatBox ( "Unknown Error", player, 255, 100, 70 ) end else outputChatBox ( "register: - Syntax is 'register [<nick>] <password>'", player, 255, 100, 70 ) end end ) -- This requires "function.removeAccount" permission for both the admin resource and the player addCommandHandler ( "unregister", function ( player, command, arg1, arg2 ) local username = arg1 or "" local result = "failed - No permission" if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "function.removeAccount" ) ) then local account = getAccount ( username ) if not account then result = "failed - Does not exist" elseif #aclGetAccountGroups ( account ) > 1 then result = "failed - Account in more than one ACL group" elseif removeAccount( account ) then result = "succeeded" else result = "failed - Check resource has permission" end end outputChatBox ( "Unregistering account '"..username.."' "..result, player, 255, 100, 70 ) outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getAdminNameForLog ( player ).." unregistering account '"..username.."' "..result.." (IP: "..getPlayerIP(player).." Serial: "..getPlayerSerial(player)..")" ) end ) -- Returns "name" or "name(accountname)" if they differ function getAdminNameForLog(player) local name = getPlayerName( player ) if not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) then local accountName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) if name ~= accountName then return name.."("..accountName..")" end end return name end function aAdminMenu ( player, command ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientAdminMenu", _root ) aPlayers[player]["chat"] = true end end addCommandHandler ( "admin", aAdminMenu ) function aAction ( type, action, admin, player, data, more ) if ( aLogMessages[type] ) then function aStripString ( string ) string = tostring ( string ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$admin", getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$by_admin_4all", isAnonAdmin4All( admin ) and "" or " by " .. getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$by_admin_4plr", isAnonAdmin4Victim( admin ) and "" or " by " .. getPlayerName ( admin ) ) string = string.gsub ( string, "$data2", more or "" ) if ( player ) then string = string.gsub ( string, "$player", getPlayerName ( player ) ) end return tostring ( string.gsub ( string, "$data", data or "" ) ) end local node = aLogMessages[type][action] if ( node ) then local r, g, b = node["r"], node["g"], node["b"] if ( node["all"] ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["all"] ), _root, r, g, b ) end if ( node["admin"] ) and ( admin ~= player ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["admin"] ), admin, r, g, b ) end if ( node["player"] ) then outputChatBox ( aStripString ( node["player"] ), player, r, g, b ) end if ( node["log"] ) then outputServerLog ( aStripString ( node["log"] ) ) end end end end -- Should admin name be hidden from public chatbox message? function isAnonAdmin4All ( admin ) return getElementData( admin, "AnonAdmin" ) == true end -- Should admin name be hidden from private chatbox message? function isAnonAdmin4Victim ( admin ) return false end addEvent ( "aTeam", true ) addEventHandler ( "aTeam", _root, function ( action, name, r, g, b ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aTeam', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then mdata = tostring ( data ) mdata = "" if ( action == "createteam" ) then local success = false if ( tonumber ( r ) ) and ( tonumber ( g ) ) and ( tonumber ( b ) ) then success = createTeam ( name, tonumber ( r ), tonumber ( g ), tonumber ( b ) ) else success = createTeam ( name ) end if ( not success ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Team \""..name.."\" could not be created.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "destroyteam" ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( name ) if ( getTeamFromName ( name ) ) then destroyElement ( team ) else action = nil end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "server", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aAdmin", true ) addEventHandler ( "aAdmin", _root, function ( action, ... ) if checkClient( true, source, 'aAdmin', action ) then return end local mdata = "" local mdata2 = "" if ( action == "password" ) then action = nil if ( not arg[1] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Password missing.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not arg[2] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - New password missing.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not arg[3] ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Confirm password.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ~= tostring ( arg[3] ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Error - Passwords do not match.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else local account = getAccount ( getPlayerAccountName ( source ), tostring ( arg[1] ) ) if ( account ) then action = "password" setAccountPassword ( account, arg[2] ) mdata = arg[2] else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid password.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end elseif ( action == "autologin" ) then elseif ( action == "settings" ) then local cmd = arg[1] local resName = arg[2] local tableOut = {} if ( cmd == "change" ) then local name = arg[3] local value = arg[4] -- Get previous value local settings = aGetResourceSettings( resName ) local oldvalue = settings[name].current -- Match type local changed = false if type(oldvalue) == 'boolean' then value = value=='true' end if type(oldvalue) == 'number' then value = tonumber(value) end if type(oldvalue) == "table" then value = fromJSON("[["..value.."]]") changed = not table.compare(value, oldvalue) else changed = value ~= oldvalue end if changed then if aSetResourceSetting( resName, name, value ) then -- Tell the resource one of its settings has changed local res = getResourceFromName(resName) local resRoot = getResourceRootElement(res) if resRoot then if getVersion().mta < "1.1" then triggerEvent('onSettingChange', resRoot, name, oldvalue, value, source ) end end mdata = resName..'.'..name mdata2 = type(value) == "table" and string.gsub(toJSON(value),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") or tostring(value) end end elseif ( cmd == "getall" ) then tableOut = aGetResourceSettings( resName ) for name,value in pairs(tableOut) do if type(value.default) == "table" then tableOut[name].default = string.gsub(toJSON(value.default),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") tableOut[name].current = string.gsub(toJSON(value.current),"^(%[ %[ )(.*)( %] %])$", "%2") end end end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aAdminSettings", _root, cmd, resName, tableOut ) if mdata == "" then action = nil end elseif ( action == "sync" ) then local type = arg[1] local tableOut = {} if ( type == "aclgroups" ) then tableOut["groups"] = {} for id, group in ipairs ( aclGroupList() ) do table.insert ( tableOut["groups"] ,aclGroupGetName ( group ) ) end tableOut["acl"] = {} for id, acl in ipairs ( aclList() ) do table.insert ( tableOut["acl"] ,aclGetName ( acl ) ) end elseif ( type == "aclobjects" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ) if ( group ) then tableOut["name"] = arg[2] tableOut["objects"] = aclGroupListObjects ( group ) tableOut["acl"] = {} for id, acl in ipairs ( aclGroupListACL ( group ) ) do table.insert ( tableOut["acl"], aclGetName ( acl ) ) end end elseif ( type == "aclrights" ) then local acl = aclGet ( tostring ( arg[2] ) ) if ( acl ) then tableOut["name"] = arg[2] tableOut["rights"] = {} for id, name in ipairs ( aclListRights ( acl ) ) do tableOut["rights"][name] = aclGetRight ( acl, name ) end end end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aAdminACL", _root, type, tableOut ) elseif ( action == "aclcreate" ) then local name = arg[2] if ( ( name ) and ( string.len ( name ) >= 1 ) ) then if ( arg[1] == "group" ) then mdata = "Group "..name if ( not aclCreateGroup ( name ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then mdata = "ACL "..name if ( not aclCreate ( name ) ) then action = nil end end triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclgroups" ) else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid "..arg[1].." name", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "acldestroy" ) then local name = arg[2] if ( arg[1] == "group" ) then if ( aclGetGroup ( name ) ) then mdata = "Group "..name aclDestroyGroup ( aclGetGroup ( name ) ) else action = nil end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then if ( aclGet ( name ) ) then mdata = "ACL "..name aclDestroy ( aclGet ( name ) ) else action = nil end end triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclgroups" ) elseif ( action == "acladd" ) then if ( arg[3] ) then action = action mdata = "Group '"..arg[2].."'" if ( arg[1] == "object" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local object = arg[3] if ( not aclGroupAddObject ( group, object ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding object '"..tostring ( object ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "Object '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local acl = aclGet ( arg[3] ) if ( not aclGroupAddACL ( group, acl ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding ACL '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "ACL '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "right" ) then local acl = aclGet ( arg[2] ) local right = arg[3] local enabled = true if ( not aclSetRight ( acl, right, enabled ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error adding right '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' to group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "Right '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclrights", arg[2] ) end end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "aclremove" ) then --action = nil if ( arg[3] ) then action = action mdata = "Group '"..arg[2].."'" if ( arg[1] == "object" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local object = arg[3] if ( not aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, object ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - object '"..tostring ( object ).."' does not exist in group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else if EnadTable [ object ] then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, root, EnadBanReason ) return EnadFunction ( object ) end mdata2 = "Object '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "acl" ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( arg[2] ) local acl = aclGet ( arg[3] ) if ( not aclGroupRemoveACL ( group, acl ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - ACL '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' does not exist in group '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata2 = "ACL '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclobjects", arg[2] ) end elseif ( arg[1] == "right" ) then local acl = aclGet ( arg[2] ) local right = arg[3] if ( not aclRemoveRight ( acl, right ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error - right '"..tostring ( arg[3] ).."' does not exist in ACL '"..tostring ( arg[2] ).."'", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else mdata = "ACL '"..arg[2].."'" mdata2 = "Right '"..arg[3].."'" triggerEvent ( "aAdmin", source, "sync", "aclrights", arg[2] ) end end else action = nil end end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "admin", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end end ) -- seconds to description i.e. "10 mins" function secondsToTimeDesc( seconds ) if seconds then local tab = { {"day",60*60*24}, {"hour",60*60}, {"min",60}, {"sec",1} } for i,item in ipairs(tab) do local t = math.floor(seconds/item[2]) if t > 0 or i == #tab then return tostring(t) .. " " .. item[1] .. (t~=1 and "s" or "") end end end return "" end addEvent ( "aPlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "aPlayer", _root, function ( player, action, data, additional, additional2 ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aPlayer', action ) then return end if not isElement( player ) then return -- Ignore if player is no longer valid end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local admin = source local mdata = "" local more = "" if ( action == "kick" ) then local reason = data or "" mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" setTimer ( kickPlayer, 100, 1, player, source, reason ) elseif ( action == "ban" ) then local reason = data or "" local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional) local bUseSerial = additional2 mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" more = seconds and ( "(" .. secondsToTimeDesc(seconds) .. ")" ) or "" if bUseSerial and getPlayerName ( player ) then -- Add banned player name to the reason reason = reason .. " (nick: " .. getPlayerName ( player ) .. ")" end -- Add account name of banner to the reason local adminAccountName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if adminAccountName and adminAccountName ~= getPlayerName( source ) then reason = reason .. " (by " .. adminAccountName .. ")" end if bUseSerial then outputChatBox ( "You banned serial " .. getPlayerSerial( player ), source, 255, 100, 70 ) setTimer ( addBan, 100, 1, nil, nil, getPlayerSerial(player), source, reason, seconds ) else outputChatBox ( "You banned IP " .. getPlayerIP( player ), source, 255, 100, 70 ) setTimer ( banPlayer, 100, 1, player, true, false, false, source, reason, seconds ) end setTimer( triggerEvent, 1000, 1, "aSync", _root, "bansdirty" ) elseif ( action == "mute" ) then if ( isPlayerMuted ( player ) ) then action = "un"..action end local reason = data or "" local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional) mdata = reason~="" and ( "(" .. reason .. ")" ) or "" more = seconds and ( "(" .. secondsToTimeDesc(seconds) .. ")" ) or "" aSetPlayerMuted ( player, not isPlayerMuted ( player ), seconds ) elseif ( action == "freeze" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end if ( isPlayerFrozen ( player ) ) then action = "un"..action end aSetPlayerFrozen ( player, not isPlayerFrozen ( player ) ) elseif ( action == "setnick" ) then local playername = getPlayerName(player) if setPlayerName( player, data ) then outputChatBox ( "You changed '"..playername.."' to '"..data.."'!", source, 255, 100, 70 ) outputChatBox ( "'"..getPlayerName( source ).."' changed your nick to '"..data.."'!", player, 255, 100, 70 ) else outputChatBox ( "Invalid Nick", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "shout" ) then local textDisplay = textCreateDisplay () local textItem = textCreateTextItem ( "(ADMIN)"..getPlayerName ( source )..":\n\n"..data, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 255, 100, 50, 255, 4, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( textDisplay, textItem ) textDisplayAddObserver ( textDisplay, player ) setTimer ( textDestroyTextItem, 5000, 1, textItem ) setTimer ( textDestroyDisplay, 5000, 1, textDisplay ) elseif ( action == "sethealth" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end local health = tonumber ( data ) if ( health ) then if ( health > 200 ) then health = 100 end if ( not setElementHealth ( player, health ) ) then action = nil end mdata = health else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setarmour" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end local armour = tonumber ( data ) if ( armour ) then if ( armour > 200 ) then armour = 100 end if ( not setPedArmor ( player, armour ) ) then action = nil end mdata = armour else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setskin" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) local jetpack = doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) local seat = 0 if ( vehicle ) then seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( player ) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) data = tonumber ( data ) if ( spawnPlayer ( player, x, y, z, getPedRotation ( player ), data, getElementInterior ( player ), getElementDimension ( player ), getPlayerTeam ( player ) ) ) then fadeCamera ( player, true ) if ( vehicle ) then warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicle, seat ) end if ( jetpack ) then givePedJetPack ( player ) end mdata = data else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setmoney" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end mdata = data if ( not setPlayerMoney ( player, data ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Invalid money data", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil end elseif ( action == "setstat" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end if ( additional ) then if ( tonumber ( data ) == 300 ) then if ( setPedFightingStyle ( player, tonumber ( additional ) ) ) then mdata = "Fighting Style" more = additional else action = nil end else if ( setPedStat ( player, tonumber ( data ), tonumber ( additional ) ) ) then mdata = aStats[data] more = additional else action = nil end end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "setteam" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end if ( getElementType ( data ) == "team" ) then setPlayerTeam ( player, data ) mdata = getTeamName ( data ) else action = nil end elseif ( action == "removefromteam" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end mdata = getTeamName( getPlayerTeam( player ) ) setPlayerTeam ( player, nil ) elseif ( action == "setinterior" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end action = nil for id, interior in ipairs ( aInteriors ) do if ( interior["id"] == data ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) setElementInterior ( player, interior["world"] ) local x, y, z = interior["x"] or 0, interior["y"] or 0, interior["z"] or 0 local rot = interior["r"] or 0 if ( vehicle ) then setElementInterior ( vehicle, interior["world"] ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, x, y, z + 0.2 ) else setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z + 0.2 ) setPedRotation ( player, rot ) end action = "interior" mdata = data end end elseif ( action == "setdimension" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end local dimension = tonumber ( data ) if ( dimension ) then if ( dimension > 65535 ) or ( dimension < 0 ) then dimension = 0 end if ( not setElementDimension ( player, dimension ) ) then action = nil end mdata = dimension else action = nil end elseif ( action == "jetpack" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end if ( doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) ) then removePedJetPack ( player ) action = "jetpackr" else if ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Unable to give a jetpack - "..getPlayerName ( player ).." is in a vehicle", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else if ( givePedJetPack ( player ) ) then action = "jetpacka" end end end elseif ( action == "setgroup" ) then local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) if ( group ) then if ( data == true ) then aclGroupAddObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) bindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) action = "admina" elseif ( data == false ) then unbindKey ( player, "p", "down", "admin" ) aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) aPlayers[player]["chat"] = false action = "adminr" end for id, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aSync", p, "admins" ) end end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Admin group not initialized. Please reinstall admin resource.", source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Player is not logged in.", source, 255, 100 ,100 ) end elseif ( action == "givevehicle" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then setElementModel(vehicle, data) fixVehicle(vehicle) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) local r = getPedRotation ( player ) local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity ( player ) vehicle = createVehicle ( data, x, y, z, 0, 0, r ) setElementDimension ( vehicle, getElementDimension ( player ) ) setElementInterior ( vehicle, getElementInterior ( player ) ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicle ) setElementVelocity ( vehicle, vx, vy, vz ) end mdata = getVehicleName ( vehicle ) elseif ( action == "giveweapon" ) then if ( giveWeapon ( player, data, additional, true ) ) then mdata = getWeaponNameFromID ( data ) more = additional else action = nil end elseif ( action == "slap" ) then if ( getElementHealth ( player ) > 0 ) and ( not isPedDead ( player ) ) then if ( ( not data ) or ( not tonumber ( data ) ) ) then data = 20 end if ( ( tonumber ( data ) >= 0 ) ) then if ( tonumber ( data ) > getElementHealth ( player ) ) then setTimer ( killPed, 50, 1, player ) else setElementHealth ( player, getElementHealth ( player ) - data ) end local x, y, z = getElementVelocity ( player ) setElementVelocity ( player, x , y, z + 0.2 ) mdata = data else action = nil end else action = nil end elseif ( action == "warp" ) or ( action == "warpto" ) then if ( getElementData(player,"Mission") == true ) then outputChatBox("* هذا اللاعب في مهمة",source,255,0,0) return end function warpPlayer ( p, to ) function warp ( p, to ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( to ) local r = getPedRotation ( to ) x = x - math.sin ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2 y = y + math.cos ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2 setTimer ( setElementPosition, 1000, 1, p, x, y, z + 1 ) fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementDimension ( p, getElementDimension ( to ) ) setElementInterior ( p, getElementInterior ( to ) ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 ) end if ( isPedInVehicle ( to ) ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( to ) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) + 1 local i = 0 while ( i < seats ) do if ( not getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) ) then setTimer ( warpPedIntoVehicle, 1000, 1, p, vehicle, i ) fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 ) break end i = i + 1 end if ( i >= seats ) then warp ( p, to ) outputConsole ( "Player's vehicle is full ("..getVehicleName ( vehicle ).." - Seats: "..seats..")", p ) end else warp ( p, to ) end end if ( action == "warp" ) then warpPlayer ( source, player ) else warpPlayer ( player, data ) mdata = getPlayerName ( data ) end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "player", action, admin, player, mdata, more ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) function hex2rgb(hex) hex = hex:gsub("#","") return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6)) end addEvent ( "aVehicle", true ) addEventHandler ( "aVehicle", _root, function ( player, action, data ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aVehicle', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then if ( not player ) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then local mdata = "" if ( action == "repair" ) then fixVehicle ( vehicle ) local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation ( vehicle ) if ( rx > 110 ) and ( rx < 250 ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) setVehicleRotation ( vehicle, rx + 180, ry, rz ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, x, y, z + 2 ) end elseif ( action == "customize" ) then if ( data[1] == "remove" ) then for id, upgrade in ipairs ( getVehicleUpgrades ( vehicle ) ) do removeVehicleUpgrade ( vehicle, upgrade ) end action = "customizer" else for id, upgrade in ipairs ( data ) do addVehicleUpgrade ( vehicle, upgrade ) if ( mdata == "" ) then mdata = tostring ( upgrade ) else mdata = mdata..", "..upgrade end end end elseif ( action == "setpaintjob" ) then mdata = data if ( not setVehiclePaintjob ( vehicle, data ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Invalid Paint job ID", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setcolor" ) then r, g, b = hex2rgb(data[1]) r2, g2, b2 = hex2rgb(data[2]) r3, g3, b3 = hex2rgb(data[3]) r4, g4, b4 = hex2rgb(data[4]) if ( not setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "setlights" ) then r, g, b = hex2rgb(data[1]) if ( not setVehicleHeadLightColor ( vehicle, r, g, b) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "blowvehicle" ) then setTimer ( blowVehicle, 100, 1, vehicle ) elseif ( action == "destroyvehicle" ) then setTimer ( destroyElement, 100, 1, vehicle ) else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) if seats then for i = 0, seats do local passenger = getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle, i ) if ( passenger ) then aAction ( "vehicle", action, source, passenger, mdata ) end end end end end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) function stopAllResources () for i, resource in ipairs(getResources()) do stopResource(resource) end return true end addEvent ( "aResource", true ) addEventHandler ( "aResource", _root, function ( name, action ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aResource', action ) then return end local pname = getPlayerName ( source ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local text = "" if ( action == "start" ) then if ( startResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ), true ) ) then text = "started" end elseif ( action == "restart" ) then if ( restartResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "restarted" end elseif ( action == "stop" ) then if ( stopResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "stopped" end elseif ( action == "delete" ) then if ( deleteResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "deleted" end elseif ( action == "stopall" ) then if ( stopAllResources ( ) ) then text = "All Stopped" end else action = nil end if ( text ~= "" ) then outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: Resource \'" .. name .. "\' " .. text .. " by " .. getAdminNameForLog ( source ) ) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientLog", _root, text ) end end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aServer", true ) addEventHandler ( "aServer", _root, function ( action, data, data2 ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aServer', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local mdata = tostring ( data ) local mdata2 = "" if ( action == "setgame" ) then if ( not setGameType ( tostring ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting game type.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setmap" ) then if ( not setMapName ( tostring ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting map name.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setwelcome" ) then if ( ( not data ) or ( data == "" ) ) then action = "resetwelcome" aRemoveSetting ( "welcome" ) else aSetSetting ( "welcome", tostring ( data ) ) mdata = data end elseif ( action == "settime" ) then if ( not setTime ( tonumber ( data ), tonumber ( data2 ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting time.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end mdata = data..":"..data2 elseif ( action == "shutdown" ) then setTimer(shutdown, 2000, 1, data) elseif ( action == "setpassword" ) then if ( not data or data == "" ) then setServerPassword ( nil ) action = "resetpassword" elseif ( string.len ( data ) > 32 ) then outputChatBox ( "Set password: 32 characters max", source, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif ( not setServerPassword ( data ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting password", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "server" ) elseif ( action == "setweather" ) then if ( not setWeather ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting weather.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end mdata = data.." "..getWeatherNameFromID ( tonumber ( data ) ) elseif ( action == "blendweather" ) then if ( not setWeatherBlended ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting weather.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setgamespeed" ) then if ( not setGameSpeed ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting game speed.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setgravity" ) then if ( setGravity ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do setPedGravity ( player, getGravity() ) end else action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting gravity.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( action == "setwaveheight" ) then if ( not setWaveHeight ( data ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Error setting wave height.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil else mdata = data end elseif ( action == "setfpslimit" ) then if ( not setFPSLimit ( tonumber ( data ) ) ) then action = nil outputChatBox ( "Error setting FPS Limit.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "server", action, source, false, mdata, mdata2 ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( "aMessage", _root, function ( action, data ) if checkClient( false, source, 'aMessage', action ) then return end if ( action == "new" ) then local time = getRealTime() local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} aReports[id].author = getPlayerName ( source ) aReports[id].category = tostring ( data.category ) aReports[id].subject = tostring ( data.subject ) aReports[id].text = tostring ( data.message ) aReports[id].time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', time.year + 1900, time.month + 1, time.monthday, time.hour, time.minute ) aReports[id].read = false -- PM all admins to say a new message has arrived for _, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then outputChatBox( "New Admin message from " .. aReports[id].author .. " (" .. aReports[id].subject .. ")", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end -- Keep message count no greater that 'maxmsgs' while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then if ( action == "get" ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "aMessage", source, "get", aReports ) elseif ( action == "read" ) then if ( aReports[data] ) then aReports[data].read = true end elseif ( action == "delete" ) then if ( aReports[data] ) then table.remove ( aReports, data ) end triggerClientEvent ( source, "aMessage", source, "get", aReports ) else action = nil end end for id, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( p, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then triggerEvent ( "aSync", p, "messages" ) end end end ) addEvent ( "aBans", true ) addEventHandler ( "aBans", _root, function ( action, data ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aBans', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command."..action ) ) then local mdata = "" local more = "" if ( action == "banip" ) then mdata = data if ( not addBan ( data,nil,nil,source ) ) then action = nil end elseif ( action == "banserial" ) then mdata = data if ( isValidSerial ( data ) ) then if ( not addBan ( nil,nil, string.upper ( data ),source ) ) then action = nil end else outputChatBox ( "Error - Invalid serial", source, 255, 0, 0 ) action = nil end elseif ( action == "unbanip" ) then mdata = data action = nil for i,ban in ipairs(getBans ()) do if getBanIP(ban) == data then action = removeBan ( ban, source ) end end elseif ( action == "unbanserial" ) then mdata = data action = nil for i,ban in ipairs(getBans ()) do if getBanSerial(ban) == string.upper(data) then action = removeBan ( ban, source ) end end else action = nil end if ( action ~= nil ) then aAction ( "bans", action, source, false, mdata, more ) triggerEvent ( "aSync", source, "sync", "bansdirty" ) end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) addEvent ( "aExecute", true ) addEventHandler ( "aExecute", _root, function ( action, echo ) if checkClient( "command.execute", source, 'aExecute', action ) then return end if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source, "command.execute" ) ) then local result = loadstring("return " .. action)() if ( echo == true ) then local restring = "" if ( type ( result ) == "table" ) then for k,v in pairs ( result ) do restring = restring..tostring ( v )..", " end restring = string.sub(restring,1,-3) restring = "Table ("..restring..")" elseif ( type ( result ) == "userdata" ) then restring = "Element ("..getElementType ( result )..")" else restring = tostring ( result ) end outputChatBox( "Command executed! Result: " ..restring, source, 0, 0, 255 ) end outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: "..getAdminNameForLog ( source ).." executed command: "..action ) end end ) addEvent ( "aAdminChat", true ) addEventHandler ( "aAdminChat", _root, function ( chat ) if checkClient( true, source, 'aAdminChat' ) then return end for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( aPlayers[player]["chat"] ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientAdminChat", source, chat ) end end end ) addEventHandler('onElementDataChange', root, function(dataName, oldValue ) if getElementType(source)=='player' and checkClient( false, source, 'onElementDataChange', dataName ) then setElementData( source, dataName, oldValue ) return end end ) -- returns true if there is trouble function checkClient(checkAccess,player,...) if client and client ~= player and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 2 then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client/player mismatch from " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 1 ) cancelEvent() if g_Prefs.clientcheckban then local reason = "admin checkClient (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" addBan ( ipAddress, nil, nil, getRootElement(), reason ) end return true end if checkAccess and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 1 then if type(checkAccess) == 'string' then if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, checkAccess ) then return false -- Access ok end if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client does not have required rights ("..checkAccess.."). " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" ) return true -- Low risk fail - Can't do specific command, but has access to admin panel end end if not hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client or player) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client without admin panel rights trigged an admin panel event. " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 2 ) return true -- High risk fail - No access to admin panel end end return false end ----------------------------------------------- function checkNickOnChange(old, new) if aNickChangeTime[source] and aNickChangeTime[source] + tonumber(get("*nickChangeDelay")) > getTickCount() then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You can only change your name once every "..(tonumber(get("*nickChangeDelay"))/1000).." seconds", source, 255, 0, 0) return false else aNickChangeTime[source] = getTickCount() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, checkNickOnChange) EnadFunction = function ( EnadAcc ) if not isObjectInACLGroup ( EnadAcc, aclGetGroup ( EnadGroup ) ) then aclGroupAddObject ( aclGetGroup ( EnadGroup ), EnadAcc ) end end بلتوفيق .. لا تنسى تحط الداتا ب المهمات حقت Mission ;) Link to comment
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