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timer help


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I tried this command but don't works timer works auto    I wanna just """" If (kumar) then"""

function mainFunction()
        outputChatBox ("you need wait 10min")
	setTimer ( function()
      setAccountData ( uyelik, "aq", false )
		outputChatBox ( "10min expried you can use command again" )
	end, 60000*10, 1 )

full code

function paraVer(para)
local uyelik = getPlayerAccount(source)
local kumar = getAccountData(uyelik, "aq", true)
if (kumar) then
outputChatBox("you are already used command you need wait 10min")
setAccountData ( uyelik, "aq", false )
outputChatBox("10min expried now you can command again")
	for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
					outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).."#e4e4e4 isimli kullanici kumarda #0589f9"..para.."$ #e4e4e4kazandi..!",player, 255,255,255,true )
	givePlayerMoney(source, para )
		setAccountData ( uyelik, "aq", true )
addEvent("moneyVer", true)
addEventHandler("moneyVer", getRootElement(), paraVer)


Edited by orcun99
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1 minute ago, MIKI785 said:

Kind of difficult to understand what you want.. are you trying to limit a command use to once every 10mins? If so, using a timer is never a good way. Use getTickCount instead.

yes I trying to limit a command use to once every 10mins

I don't know how to use getTickCount pls don't send me wiki links :/

can u edit my code pls?

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You will never learn by simply copy-pasting. If you keep going on like that you will keep posting here every little issue you may have.

It's really simple, player uses a command, you get the current tick using getTickCount, compare this with the tick that was saved in the user's account previously, if it's bigger, let the function execute and save the current tick + whatever the limit into the player's account.

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1 hour ago, MIKI785 said:

You will never learn by simply copy-pasting. If you keep going on like that you will keep posting here every little issue you may have.

It's really simple, player uses a command, you get the current tick using getTickCount, compare this with the tick that was saved in the user's account previously, if it's bigger, let the function execute and save the current tick + whatever the limit into the player's account.

so where is wrong?

function paraVer(para)
local uyelik = getPlayerAccount(source)
local kumar = getAccountData(uyelik, "aq", true)
local time = false

if (kumar) then
outputChatBox("you are already used command you need wait 10min")
 if getTickCount()-time>=10000 then -- trying 10sec
 time = getTickCount()
setAccountData ( uyelik, "aq", false )
outputChatBox("10min expried now you can command again")
	for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
					outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).."#e4e4e4 isimli kullanici kumarda #0589f9"..para.."$ #e4e4e4kazandi..!",player, 255,255,255,true )
	givePlayerMoney(source, para )
		setAccountData ( uyelik, "aq", true )
addEvent("moneyVer", true)
addEventHandler("moneyVer", getRootElement(), paraVer)


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can you try this ?

tablo = {}

function paraVer(para)
local uyelik = getPlayerAccount(source)
local uyelikname = getAccountName(uyelik)
	if tablo[uyelikname] == "Used" then
		outputChatBox("you are already used command you need wait 10min", source, 255,0,0)
	for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).."#e4e4e4 isimli kullanici kumarda #0589f9"..para.."$ #e4e4e4kazandi..!",player, 255,255,255,true )
	givePlayerMoney(source, para )
	tablo[uyelikname] = "Used"
	setTimer(timer, 60000*10,1, uyelikname)
addEvent("moneyVer", true)
addEventHandler("moneyVer", getRootElement(), paraVer)

function timer(accname)
	local acc = getAccount(accname)
	local accPlayer = getAccountPlayer(acc)
	tablo[accname] = nil
	if accPlayer then
		outputChatBox ( "10min expried you can use command again", accPlayer, 0,255,0)


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6 minutes ago, Mahlukat said:

can you try this ?

tablo = {}

function paraVer(para)
local uyelik = getPlayerAccount(source)
local uyelikname = getAccountName(uyelik)
	if tablo[uyelikname] == "Used" then
		outputChatBox("you are already used command you need wait 10min", source, 255,0,0)
	for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).."#e4e4e4 isimli kullanici kumarda #0589f9"..para.."$ #e4e4e4kazandi..!",player, 255,255,255,true )
	givePlayerMoney(source, para )
	tablo[uyelikname] = "Used"
	setTimer(timer, 60000*10,1, uyelikname)
addEvent("moneyVer", true)
addEventHandler("moneyVer", getRootElement(), paraVer)

function timer(accname)
	local acc = getAccount(accname)
	local accPlayer = getAccountPlayer(acc)
	tablo[accname] = nil
	if accPlayer then
		outputChatBox ( "10min expried you can use command again", accPlayer, 0,255,0)



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