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[HELP] Login Panel Problem


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Greetings People!

I have a little problem with my Login Panel, because if i click on the Register button then nothing happens. I just tested my MySQL connection too ,  but its shows that the Connection is good and nothing comes out in the Debugscript either.

If anyone can help me with this then Thank you!


--Here is the Code for the Register function Server Side

function registerReq(player, username, password, email)
	local password = md5(password)
	local regQuery = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM accounts"),-1)
	if regQuery then
		for _, rows in ipairs(regQuery) do
			if rows["username"] == username then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification(player,"Ezzel a felhasználóval már regisztráltak!", "error")
			if rows["serial"] == getPlayerSerial(source) then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification(player,"Az adott Serial már regisztrálva van!", "error")
			insertinfo = dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO accounts SET username = ?, password = ?, ip = ?, serial = ?, email = ?, banned='0', online='0', regdate=NOW()", username, password, getPlayerIP(source), getPlayerSerial(source), email, banned, online, regdate)
			if insertinfo then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification(player,"Sikeres regisztráció!", "success")
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification(player,"Valami hiba történt, keress fel egy fejlesztöt!", "error")
addEvent("registerReq", true)
addEventHandler("registerReq", getRootElement(), registerReq)
-- This is the code for Client Side

function regregisterClick(button, state)
	if button == "left" and state == "down" then
		if source == regregbutton then
			if string.len(DGS:dgsGetText(reguseredit)) < 5 then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("A felhasználónév minimum 5 karakterböl kell állnia!", "error")
			if string.len(DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit)) < 6 then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("A jelszó minimum 6 karakterböl kell állnia!", "error")
			if DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit) ~= DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit2) then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("A két megadott jelszó nem egyezik!", "error")
			if string.len(DGS:dgsGetText(regmailedit)) < 7 then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("Az email cím minimum 7 karakterböl kell állnia!", "error")
			if not string.find(DGS:dgsGetText(regmailedit), "@") and string.find(DGS:dgsGetText(regmailedit), ".") then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("Kérlek adj meg egy érvényes email címet!", "error")
			if DGS:dgsGetText(reguseredit) == "" and DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit) == "" and DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit2) == "" and DGS:dgsGetText(regmailedit) == "" then
				exports.vmInfoBox:addNotification("Ne hagyd üresen a mezöket!", "error")
				triggerServerEvent("registerReq", localPlayer, localPlayer, DGS:dgsGetText(reguseredit),DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit),DGS:dgsGetText(regpasswedit2),DGS:dgsGetText(regmailedit))
addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", getRootElement(), regregisterClick)


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You are attempting to poll a query result that may not be ready yet, the way you have declared your regQuery is not asynchronous.

When you execute the query the result isn't immediately ready, so you should wait for a result to be prepared and then execute a callback function.

function myFunction()
    dbQuery(myCallback, connection, "SELECT * FROM table_name")

function myCallback(qh)
    local result = dbPoll(qh, -1)
	-- Do stuff with result here.

See dbQuery for examples.

Also I noticed you're storing passwords with md5, I wouldn't recommend doing so because md5 can be easily cracked, you should use a more secure method such as passwordHash.

Edited by Skully
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25 minutes ago, Skully said:

You are attempting to poll a query result that may not be ready yet, the way you have declared your regQuery is not asynchronous.

When you execute the query the result isn't immediately ready, so you should wait for a result to be prepared and then execute a callback function.

function myFunction()
    dbQuery(myCallback, connection, "SELECT * FROM table_name")

function myCallback(qh)
    local result = dbPoll(qh, -1)
	-- Do stuff with result here.

See dbQuery for examples.

Also I noticed you're storing passwords with md5, I wouldn't recommend doing so because md5 can be easily cracked, you should use a more secure method such as passwordHash.

Thank You, i appreciate your answer and also thanks for the tips!


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1 hour ago, Wunder said:

I tried every possible solution but still its not working.

Alright, it was my mistake... because the dbExec was still inside the for loop and thats why it was not working properly. Thanks anyway! :)


If a moderator is here then please your can close this thread.

Edited by Wunder
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