AserOsama Posted January 23, 2018 Share Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) Well, The Blip of the food shop only shows when I get near to it, When I get far from the shops it disappears and I don't know the reason. I just want to know the reason and If can someone fix it to appear on the map or can tell me the event to try to fix it Client Side: Spoiler ammugui = guiCreateWindow(0.39, 0.28, 0.30, 0.52, "Food Shop", true) guiWindowSetMovable(ammugui, false) guiWindowSetSizable(ammugui, false) label = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.06, 0.96, 0.10, "Click on the food you wish to buy", true, ammugui) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) gridlist = guiCreateGridList(0.07, 0.10, 0.86, 0.76, true, ammugui) weapongrid = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "Menu", 0.5) pricegrid = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "Price", 0.4) buy = guiCreateButton(0.07, 0.89, 0.39, 0.09, "Buy", true, ammugui) guiSetProperty(buy, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") close = guiCreateButton(0.54, 0.89, 0.39, 0.09, "Cancel/Close", true, ammugui) guiSetProperty(close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetVisible(ammugui, false) sellAble = { {"Cluckin' Little Meal",3000,30}, {"Cluckin' Big Meal",5000,50}, {"Cluckin' Huge Meal",7000,70}, {"Salad Meal",4500,45} } function openGUI(hitElement) if hitElement == getLocalPlayer() then guiSetVisible(ammugui, not guiGetVisible(ammugui)) showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) for i, v in ipairs(sellAble) do local id = v[1] local price = v[2] if id then row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist ) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist, row, weapongrid, id, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, row, weapongrid, i) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist, row, pricegrid, price, false, true ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, row, pricegrid, price) end end end end function createMarkers() food = createMarker(369.88501, -6.02038, 1000.85889,"cylinder",1) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', food, openGUI) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', getResourceRootElement(),createMarkers) function onClientClick() if source == close then guiSetVisible(ammugui, false) showCursor(false) guiGridListClear(gridlist) elseif source == buy then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(gridlist) > 0 then local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridlist) local index = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemData(gridlist, row, weapongrid)) local name = sellAble[index][1] local price = sellAble[index][2] local health = sellAble[index][3] local currentHealth = getElementHealth(getLocalPlayer()) if getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) > price or getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) == price then setElementHealth(getLocalPlayer(), health + currentHealth) exports.RGcommands:sendClientMessage('You have successfully bought a ', 0,255,0) triggerServerEvent('takeMoneychicken', getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), price) else exports.RGcommands:sendClientMessage('You need $'..price.." to buy a ",255,0,0) end end end end addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, onClientClick) -- FOR GETTING ALL MARKERS!!! local _local = getLocalPlayer() local markers = { } local markerFromCol = { } function recieveServicesInteriorMarkers( x,y,z,marker_type,i,d ) local num = #markers+1 markers[num] = { } markers[num].X = x markers[num].Y = y markers[num].Z = z + 2.0 markers[num].MType = marker_type markers[num].Marker = nil markers[num].Dimension = d markers[num].Blip = nil markers[num].Col = createColTube ( x, y, z-100, 125, z+100 ) setElementInterior( markers[num].Col, i ) if( d ~= -1 ) then setElementDimension( markers[num].Col, d ) end markerFromCol[ markers[num].Col ] = num addEventHandler( "onClientColShapeHit", markers[num].Col, onClientColShapeHit ) addEventHandler( "onClientColShapeLeave", markers[num].Col, onClientColShapeLeave ) end function onClientColShapeHit( hitElement, matching_dimension ) if( hitElement ~= _local ) then return end local num = markerFromCol[ source ] if( num == nil ) then return end if( markers[num].Dimension >= 0 ) then matching_dimension = true setElementDimension( source, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end if( not matching_dimension ) then return end if( markers[num].Blip == nil and markers[num].MType ~= nil ) then markers[num].Blip = createBlip( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, markers[num].MType, 1, 255, 0, 0, 200 ) setElementParent( markers[num].Blip, markers[num].Col ) setElementDimension( markers[num].Blip, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end if( markers[num].Marker == nil ) then markers[num].Marker = createMarker( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, "arrow", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) markers[num].Marker = createMarker( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, "arrow", 2, 255, 255, 0, 10 ) setElementParent( markers[num].Marker, markers[num].Col ) setElementDimension( markers[num].Marker, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end end function onClientColShapeLeave( hitElement, matching_dimension ) if( hitElement ~= _local ) then return end local num = markerFromCol[ source ] if( num == nil ) then return end if( markers[num].Blip ~= nil and markers[num].MType ~= nil ) then destroyElement( markers[num].Blip ) markers[num].Blip = nil end if( markers[num].Marker ~= nil ) then destroyElement( markers[num].Marker ) markers[num].Marker = nil end end function onClientResourceStart( ) setTimer( triggerServerEvent, 2500, 1, "requestServicesInteriorMarkers", _local ) end addEvent( "recieveServicesInteriorMarkers", true ) addEventHandler( "recieveServicesInteriorMarkers", getRootElement(), recieveServicesInteriorMarkers ) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onClientResourceStart) function cluckinstaff() cluckin1 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin1, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin1, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin1, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin1, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin1, 1) cluckin2 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin2, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin2, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin2, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin2, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin2, 2) cluckin3 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin3, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin3, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin3, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin3, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin3, 3) cluckin4 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin4, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin4, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin4, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin4, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin4, 4) cluckin5 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin5, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin5, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin5, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin5, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin5, 5) cluckin6 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin6, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin6, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin6, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin6, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin6, 6) cluckin7 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin7, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin7, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin7, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin7, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin7, 7) cluckin8 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin8, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin8, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin8, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin8, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin8, 8) cluckin9 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin9, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin9, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin9, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin9, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin9, 9) cluckin10 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin10, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin10, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin10, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin10, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin10, 10) cluckin11 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin11, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin11, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin11, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin11, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin11, 11) cluckin12 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin12, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin12, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin12, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin12, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin12, 12) cluckin13 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin13, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin13, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin13, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin13, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin13, 13) cluckin14 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin14, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin14, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin14, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin14, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin14, 14) cluckin15 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin15, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin15, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin15, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin15, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin15, 15) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( ),cluckinstaff) That's all! Thanks. Edited January 23, 2018 by AserOsama Link to comment
URBAN Posted January 23, 2018 Share Posted January 23, 2018 markers[num].Blip = createBlip( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, markers[num].MType, 1, 255, 0, 0, 200 ) createBlip's last arg sets blip's visible distance. Link to comment
AserOsama Posted January 24, 2018 Author Share Posted January 24, 2018 if( markers[num].Blip == nil and markers[num].MType ~= nil ) then markers[num].Blip = createBlip( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, markers[num].MType, 1, 255, 0, 0, 200 ) setBlipVisibleDistance(blip, 999999) setElementParent( markers[num].Blip, markers[num].Col ) setElementDimension( markers[num].Blip, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end is that's correct? Note: I made it 999999 Because I want the blip always on the map, also not always on the radar. Link to comment
URBAN Posted January 24, 2018 Share Posted January 24, 2018 Maybe you are using custom radar many custom radars dont support blips Link to comment
AserOsama Posted January 24, 2018 Author Share Posted January 24, 2018 (edited) 16 minutes ago, URBAN said: Maybe you are using custom radar many custom radars dont support blips I am not using Custom Radar The problem is when I get near it shows on radar and the map and when I get far it doesn't show I want to make it show on the radar when getting near but always on the map! Edited January 24, 2018 by AserOsama Link to comment
AserOsama Posted January 25, 2018 Author Share Posted January 25, 2018 Anyone can help? Link to comment
DRW Posted January 25, 2018 Share Posted January 25, 2018 (edited) 17 minutes ago, AserOsama said: Anyone can help? Remove those onColShapeHit/onColShapeLeave events. They are setting the dimensions dynamically so when you leave the colShape the element goes to another dimension so you can't see it. Edited January 25, 2018 by MadnessReloaded Link to comment
AserOsama Posted January 25, 2018 Author Share Posted January 25, 2018 (edited) 6 hours ago, MadnessReloaded said: Remove those onColShapeHit/onColShapeLeave events. They are setting the dimensions dynamically so when you leave the colShape the element goes to another dimension so you can't see it. Quote ammugui = guiCreateWindow(0.39, 0.28, 0.30, 0.52, "Food Store", true) guiWindowSetMovable(ammugui, false) guiWindowSetSizable(ammugui, false) label = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.06, 0.96, 0.10, "Click on the menu you wish to buy", true, ammugui) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) gridlist = guiCreateGridList(0.07, 0.10, 0.86, 0.76, true, ammugui) weapongrid = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "Menu", 0.5) pricegrid = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "Price", 0.4) buy = guiCreateButton(0.07, 0.89, 0.39, 0.09, "Buy", true, ammugui) guiSetProperty(buy, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") close = guiCreateButton(0.54, 0.89, 0.39, 0.09, "Cancel/Close", true, ammugui) guiSetProperty(close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetVisible(ammugui, false) sellAble = { {"Cluckin' Little Meal",3000,30}, {"Cluckin' Big Meal",5000,50}, {"Cluckin' Huge Meal",7000,70}, {"Salad Meal",4500,45} } function openGUI(hitElement) if hitElement == getLocalPlayer() then guiSetVisible(ammugui, not guiGetVisible(ammugui)) showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) for i, v in ipairs(sellAble) do local id = v[1] local price = v[2] if id then row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist ) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist, row, weapongrid, id, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, row, weapongrid, i) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist, row, pricegrid, price, false, true ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, row, pricegrid, price) end end end end function createMarkers() food = createMarker(369.88501, -6.02038, 1000.85889,"cylinder",1) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', food, openGUI) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', getResourceRootElement(),createMarkers) function onClientClick() if source == close then guiSetVisible(ammugui, false) showCursor(false) guiGridListClear(gridlist) elseif source == buy then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(gridlist) > 0 then local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridlist) local index = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemData(gridlist, row, weapongrid)) local name = sellAble[index][1] local price = sellAble[index][2] local health = sellAble[index][3] local currentHealth = getElementHealth(getLocalPlayer()) if getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) > price or getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) == price then setElementHealth(getLocalPlayer(), health + currentHealth) exports.NGcommands:sendClientMessage('You have successfully bought a ', 0,255,0) triggerServerEvent('takeMoneychicken', getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), price) else exports.NGcommands:sendClientMessage('You need $'..price.." to buy a ",255,0,0) end end end end addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, onClientClick) -- FOR GETTING ALL MARKERS!!! local _local = getLocalPlayer() local markers = { } local markerFromCol = { } function recieveServicesInteriorMarkers( x,y,z,marker_type,i,d ) local num = #markers+1 markers[num] = { } markers[num].X = x markers[num].Y = y markers[num].Z = z + 2.0 markers[num].MType = marker_type markers[num].Marker = nil markers[num].Dimension = d markers[num].Blip = nil markers[num].Col = createColTube ( x, y, z-100, 125, z+100 ) setElementInterior( markers[num].Col, i ) if( d ~= -1 ) then setElementDimension( markers[num].Col, d ) end markerFromCol[ markers[num].Col ] = num end if( hitElement ~= _local ) then return end local num = markerFromCol[ source ] if( num == nil ) then return end if( markers[num].Dimension >= 0 ) then matching_dimension = true setElementDimension( source, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end if( not matching_dimension ) then return end if( markers[num].Blip == nil and markers[num].MType ~= nil ) then markers[num].Blip = createBlip( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, markers[num].MType, 1, 255, 0, 0, 200 ) setElementParent( markers[num].Blip, markers[num].Col ) setElementDimension( markers[num].Blip, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end if( markers[num].Marker == nil ) then markers[num].Marker = createMarker( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, "arrow", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) markers[num].Marker = createMarker( markers[num].X, markers[num].Y, markers[num].Z, "arrow", 2, 255, 255, 0, 10 ) setElementParent( markers[num].Marker, markers[num].Col ) setElementDimension( markers[num].Marker, getElementDimension( _local ) ) end end if( hitElement ~= _local ) then return end local num = markerFromCol[ source ] if( num == nil ) then return end if( markers[num].Blip ~= nil and markers[num].MType ~= nil ) then destroyElement( markers[num].Blip ) markers[num].Blip = nil end if( markers[num].Marker ~= nil ) then destroyElement( markers[num].Marker ) markers[num].Marker = nil end end function onClientResourceStart( ) setTimer( triggerServerEvent, 2500, 1, "requestServicesInteriorMarkers", _local ) end addEvent( "recieveServicesInteriorMarkers", true ) addEventHandler( "recieveServicesInteriorMarkers", getRootElement(), recieveServicesInteriorMarkers ) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onClientResourceStart) function cluckinstaff() cluckin1 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin1, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin1, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin1, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin1, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin1, 1) cluckin2 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin2, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin2, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin2, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin2, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin2, 2) cluckin3 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin3, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin3, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin3, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin3, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin3, 3) cluckin4 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin4, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin4, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin4, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin4, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin4, 4) cluckin5 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin5, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin5, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin5, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin5, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin5, 5) cluckin6 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin6, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin6, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin6, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin6, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin6, 6) cluckin7 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin7, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin7, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin7, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin7, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin7, 7) cluckin8 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin8, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin8, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin8, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin8, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin8, 8) cluckin9 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin9, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin9, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin9, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin9, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin9, 9) cluckin10 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin10, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin10, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin10, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin10, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin10, 10) cluckin11 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin11, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin11, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin11, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin11, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin11, 11) cluckin12 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin12, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin12, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin12, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin12, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin12, 12) cluckin13 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin13, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin13, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin13, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin13, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin13, 13) cluckin14 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin14, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin14, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin14, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin14, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin14, 14) cluckin15 = createPed ( 167, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementInterior (cluckin15, 9, 369.88195800781, -4.4868292808533, 1001.8588867188) setPedVoice(cluckin15, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") setElementFrozen ( cluckin15, true ) setPedRotation (cluckin15, 180) setElementDimension (cluckin15, 15) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( ),cluckinstaff) I removed all of them but this removed the markers and the peds and damaged all the script. If you can check what's wrong? Edited January 25, 2018 by AserOsama Link to comment
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