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[HELP] Resource restart client side


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10 hours ago, syxx1337 said:


I want to restart a resource if someone bought eg: phone but not at everyone, just want to restart resource the one person who bought the phone (so client-side maybe?!)


It is possible?


10 hours ago, syxx1337 said:

It is possible?

** No You Can not

Edited by killerProject
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Ah, okay.. thanks... just because I have an item and a phone script and want to do that can call other person without restart the item script or reconnect to the server...

So if you buy the phone from the shop you need to restart the item script or reconnect to the server for the phone works. if not then others cant call you... you always got this message: "[ERROR] Phone number not found!"


I posted below the codes, hope you or someone can help me.


function callTargetInServer(playerSource, number, playerNumber)
	if number then
		targetPlayer = callMember(number)
		if targetPlayer ~= false and targetPlayer ~= "inCall" then
			triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, "showMenu", targetPlayer, playerNumber, 6, playerSource, number)
			triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "showMenu", playerSource, number, 7, targetPlayer, playerNumber)
			triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, "showSound", targetPlayer)	
			exports.mta_chat:sendLocalDoAction(targetPlayer, " 's phone rings")				
		elseif targetPlayer == "inCall" then
			outputChatBox("#D64541[ERROR] #ffffffThis number Already in call!", playerSource,255,255,255,true)
			outputChatBox("#D64541[ERROR] #ffffffPhone number not found!", playerSource,255,255,255,true)
addEvent("callTargetInServer", true)
addEventHandler("callTargetInServer", getRootElement(), callTargetInServer)
function callMember(number)
	for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if v and number and exports.mta_item:hasItemS(v, 47, number) then
			if (getElementData(v, "inCall")) then
				--setElementData(v, "inCall", false)
				return "inCall"
				return v
	return false
function checkNumber(phoneNumber)
	local checkID = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM phones"), -1)
	if (checkID) then
		for k, v in ipairs(checkID) do
			if (tonumber(v["number"]) == tonumber(phoneNumber)) then
				return true
	return false
Edited by syxx1337
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