kyvv Posted January 10, 2018 Share Posted January 10, 2018 Witam, mam pewien problem mianowicie na serwerze lokalnym plecaki na plecach mi działają i jest wszystko ok, ale jak wrzucę core.lua na serwer "żywy" to plecaki nie pokazują się na plecach. Proszę o pomoc : tutaj jest core.lua Dodam, że błąd wyskakuje w linicje 485 local weaponAmmoTable = { ["Weapons"] ={ {"M1911 Mag", "M1911", 22, 346}, {"M9 SD Mag", "M9 SD", 23, 347}, {"Desert Eagle Mag", "Desert Eagle", 24, 348}, {"PDW Mag", "PDW", 28, 352}, {"MP5A5 Mag", "MP5A5", 29, 353}, {"AKS-74U Mag", "AKS-74U", 31, 1839}, {"AK-107 Mag", "AK-107", 31, 1834}, {"AKS Gold Mag", "AKS Gold", 31, 1835}, {"M4A1 Holo Mag", "M4A1 Holo", 31, 1830}, {"MK 48 Mod 0 Mag", "MK 48 Mod 0", 30, 1880}, {"MG36 Mag", "MG36", 30, 1832}, {"PKP Mag", "PKP", 30, 1833}, {"SA-58V ACOG Mag", "SA-58V ACOG", 31, 1838}, {"1866 Slug", "Winchester 1866", 25, 349}, {"2Rnd. Slug", "Sawn-Off Shotgun", 26, 350}, {"SPAZ-12 Pellet", "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", 27, 351}, {"DMR Mag", "DMR", 34, 1869}, {"KVSK Mag", "KVSK", 34, 1870}, {"AS50 Mag", "AS50", 34, 1871}, {"CZ550 Mag", "CZ550", 34, 1872}, {"Mosin 9130 Mag", "Mosin 9130", 34, 1873}, {"M24 Mag", "M24", 34, 1874}, {"M107 Mag", "M107", 34, 1875}, {"SVD Dragunov Camo Mag", "SVD Dragunov Camo", 34, 1876}, {"SKS-45 Mag", "SKS-45", 33, 357} }, ["others"] = { {"Tear Gas", 17, 343, "Tear Gas"}, {"Grenade", 16, 342, "Grenade"}, {"Hunting Knife", 4, 335, "Hunting Knife"}, {"Hatchet", 8, 339, "Hatchet"}, {"Binoculars", 43, 367, "Binoculars"}, {"Baseball Bat", 5, 336, "Baseball Bat"}, {"Shovel", 6, 337, "Shovel"}, {"Golf Club", 2, 333, "Golf Club"} } }; function getWeaponAmmoType(name) for _,v in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Weapons"]) do if (name == v[2]) then return v[1], v[3], v[4]; end end for _,v in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["others"]) do if (name == v[1]) then return v[4], v[2], v[3]; end end return false, false, false; end local skinTable = { {"Camouflage Clothing", 287}, {"Civilian Clothing", 179}, {"Ghillie Suit", 285}, {"Survivor Clothing", 73}, {"Rebel Clothing",18}, {"Ghost Clothing",37}, {"Bandit Clothing",302}, {"Woman Clothing",303}, {"S.T.A.L.K.E.R.",19}, {"Sniper Bandit",304}, {"WomanMilitary Clothing",89} }; local weatherTable = { [1] = 5, [2] = 8, [3] = 7, [4] = 10 }; local backpackSlots = { ["NTS"] = { ["Coyote Backpack"] = 74, ["Czech Backpack"] = 64, ["Alice Pack"] = 46, ["Assault Pack (ACU)"] = 24, ["Military Backpack"] = 86, ["The Backpack"] = 112 }, ["STN"] = { [74] = "Coyote Backpack", [64] = "Czech Backpack", [46] = "Alice Pack", [24] = "Assault Pack (ACU)", [86] = "Military Backpack", [112] = "The Backpack" } }; local elementBackpack = {}; local elementWeaponBack = {}; local elementWeaponBack2 = {}; local elementWeaponRaplace = {}; local handsUp = false; local siting = false; local lying = false; addEvent("relWep", true); addEvent("onPlayerHideBody", true); addEvent("onPlayerRearmWeapon", true); addEvent("removeBackWeaponOnDrop", true); addEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", true); addEvent("onPlayerRequestChangingStats", true); addEvent("onPlayerUseMedicObject", true); addEvent("onPlayerGiveMedicObject", true); addEvent("onPlayerChangeSkin", true); addEvent("onPlayerRefillWaterBottle", true); addEvent("onPlayerPitchATent", true); addEvent("onPlayerBuildAWireFence", true); addEvent("removeWirefence", true); addEvent("addPlayerCookMeat", true); addEvent("removeTent" ,true); addEvent("onPlayerMakeAFire", true); addEvent("onPlayerPlaceRoadflare", true); addEvent("kickPlayerOnHighPing", true); addEvent("onPlayerEquipBackpack", true); addEvent("onPlayerUnequipWeapon", true); addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setGameType("The-DayZ 2.0"); --[[ Multi Theft Auto DayZ Revision 3 ]] local realTime = getRealTime(); setTime(realTime.hour, realTime.minute); setMinuteDuration(60000); setWeaponProperty(30, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 100); setWeaponProperty(30, "std", "maximum_clip_ammo", 100); setWeaponProperty(30, "poor", "maximum_clip_ammo", 100); setWeaponProperty(31, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 30); setWeaponProperty(31, "std", "maximum_clip_ammo", 30); setWeaponProperty(31, "poor", "maximum_clip_ammo", 30); setWeaponProperty(29, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 20); setWeaponProperty(29, "std", "maximum_clip_ammo", 20); setWeaponProperty(29, "poor", "maximum_clip_ammo", 20); setWeaponProperty("34", "poor", "weapon_range", 500); setWeaponProperty("34", "std", "weapon_range", 500); setWeaponProperty("34", "pro", "weapon_range", 500); setWeaponProperty("30", "poor", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("30", "std", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("30", "pro", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("31", "poor", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("31", "std", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("31", "pro", "weapon_range", 150); setWeaponProperty("31", "poor", "accuracy", 0.08); setWeaponProperty("31", "std", "accuracy", 0.8); setWeaponProperty("31", "pro", "accuracy", 0.8); setWeaponProperty("30", "poor", "accuracy", 11); setWeaponProperty("30", "std", "accuracy", 11); setWeaponProperty("30", "pro", "accuracy", 11); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "poor", "weapon_range", 200); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "std", "weapon_range", 200); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "pro", "weapon_range", 200); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "poor", "accuracy", 0.8); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "std", "accuracy", 0.8); setWeaponProperty("mp5", "pro", "accuracy", 0.8); end); function getBackpackNameFromSlots(slots) if (slots > 8) then return backpackSlots["STN"][slots]; end return "None"; end function getBackpackSlotsFromName(name) if name then return backpackSlots["NTS"][name]; end return false; end function removeBackpack(source) if elementBackpack[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementBackpack[source]); destroyElement(elementBackpack[source]); elementBackpack[source] = false; setElementData(source, "tohide2", "NONE"); end end function removeWeaponBack(source) if elementWeaponBack[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponBack[source]); destroyElement(elementWeaponBack[source]); elementWeaponBack[source] = false; setElementData(source, "tohide3", "NONE"); end end function removeWeaponBack2(source) if elementWeaponBack2[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponBack2[source]); destroyElement(elementWeaponBack2[source]); elementWeaponBack2[source] = false; setElementData(source, "tohide4", "NONE"); end end function removeWeaponReplace(source) if elementWeaponRaplace[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source]); destroyElement(elementWeaponRaplace[source]); elementWeaponRaplace[source] = false; setElementData(source, "tohide1", "NONE"); end end addEventHandler("onPlayerEquipBackpack", root, function(backpack) local nSlots = getBackpackSlotsFromName(backpack); local oSlots = getElementData(source, "MAX_Slots"); if (nSlots > oSlots) then setElementData(source, "MAX_Slots", nSlots); setElementData(source, backpack, getElementData(source, backpack) - 1); local oName = getBackpackNameFromSlots(oSlots); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); else triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "You already have a biger or equal backpack!", 255, 22, 0); end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerUnequipWeapon", root, function(eweapon, slot) local weap = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot)); local name,id,model = getWeaponAmmoType(weap); takeWeapon(source, id); if (slot < 3) then setElementData(source, weap, getElementData(source, weap) + 0); setElementData(source, eweapon, getElementData(source, eweapon) - 0); setElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot), ""); if (slot == 1) then removeWeaponBack(source); removeWeaponReplace(source); else removeWeaponBack2(source); end else setElementData(source, weap, getElementData(source, weap.." (Equipped)")); setElementData(source, eweapon, 0); setElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot), ""); end triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerRearmWeapon", root, function(weapon, slot) takeAllWeapons(source); local wAmmo,id,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon); local ammos = wAmmo; if (id ~= 8 or id ~= 5 or id ~= 6 or id ~= 2) then ammos = 1; end if (slot < 3 and ammos < 1) then triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "No mags left for this weapon!", 255, 22, 0); else local old = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot)); if (weapon == old) then equipThem(source, slot); return; end if (slot < 3) then if (old ~= "") then setElementData(source, old, getElementData(source, old)); setElementData(source, old.." (Equipped)", 0); end setElementData(source, weapon, getElementData(source, weapon)); setElementData(source, weapon.." (Equipped)", 1); setElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot), weapon); else if (old ~= "") then local oldq = getElementData(source, old); if (oldq > 0) then setElementData(source, old, oldq); end end setElementData(source, weapon.." (Equipped)", getElementData(source, weapon)); setElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot), weapon); setElementData(source, weapon, 0); end end triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); equipThem(source, slot); end); function equipThem(player, slot) removeWeaponBack(player); removeWeaponBack2(player); removeWeaponReplace(player); for i = 1, 3 do local weapon = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_"..tostring(i)); if (weapon ~= "") then if (i == slot) then bool = true; else bool = false; end local ammo,id,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon); if (i == 3) then giveWeapon(player, id, getElementData(player, weapon.." (Equipped)"), bool); else if (id == 8) then giveWeapon(player, id, 1, bool); else local wam = getElementData(player, ammo); giveWeapon(player, id, wam, bool); setWeaponAmmo(player, id, wam); end end end end if (slot == 1) then local weap2 = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_2"); if (weap2 ~= "") then local _,id,model2 = getWeaponAmmoType(weap2); if model2 then attachWeaponBack2(player, model2, id); end end elseif (slot == 2) then local weap1 = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_1"); if (weap1 ~= "") then local _,_,model1 = getWeaponAmmoType(weap1); if model1 then attachWeaponBack(player, model1); end end else local weap1 = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_1"); if (weap1 ~= "") then local _,_,model1 = getWeaponAmmoType(weap1); if model1 then attachWeaponBack(player, model1); end end local weap2 = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_2"); if (weap2 ~= "") then local _,id,model2 = getWeaponAmmoType(weap2); if model2 then attachWeaponBack2(player, model2, id); end end if (slot == 0) then setPedWeaponSlot(player, 0); end end end function attachWeaponReplace(source, model) removeWeaponReplace(source); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); if (model > 1000) then elementWeaponRaplace[source] = createObject(model, x, y, z); if elementWeaponRaplace[source] then setElementData(source, "tohide1", elementWeaponRaplace[source]); end if elementBackpack[source] then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source], source, 12, 0, 0, 0, 180, 90, 180); else attachElementToBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source], source, 12, 0, 0, 0, 180, 90, 180); end end end function attachWeaponBack(source, model) removeWeaponBack(source); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); elementWeaponBack[source] = createObject(model, x, y, z); if elementWeaponBack[source] then setObjectScale(elementWeaponBack[source], 0.8); setElementData(source, "tohide3", elementWeaponBack[source]); end if elementBackpack[source] then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack[source], source, 3, 0.19, -0.31, -0.1, 0, 270, -90); else attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack[source], source, 3, 0.19, -0.11, -0.1, 0, 270, 10); end end function attachWeaponBack2(source, model, id) removeWeaponBack2(source); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); elementWeaponBack2[source] = createObject(model, x, y, z); if elementWeaponBack2[source] then setObjectScale(elementWeaponBack2[source], 1); if (id == 6) then setObjectScale(elementWeaponBack2[source], 0.7); elseif (id == 8) then setObjectScale(elementWeaponBack2[source], 0.8); end setElementData(source, "tohide4", elementWeaponBack2[source]); end if elementBackpack[source] then if (id == 8) then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.18, -0.12, 0.22, 180, 0, -90); elseif (id == 2 or id == 4 or id == 6 or id == 5) then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.18, -0.18, -0.1, 0, 0, -90); else attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.18, -0.31, -0.1, 0, 270, -90); end else if (id == 8) then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.07 -0.14, -0.1, -0.1, 0, -8); elseif (id == 2 or id == 4) then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.20, -0.11, -0.1, -0.1, 0, -11); elseif (id == 6 or id == 5) then attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.15, -0.11, -0.1, -0.1, 0, 70); else attachElementToBone(elementWeaponBack2[source], source, 3, -0.22, -0.11, -0.1, -0.1, -270, -11); end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, function(previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID) local weapon = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_1"); local weapon2 = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_2"); if not weapon then return; end local _,weapID,model = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon); if (currentWeaponID == weapID) then removeWeaponBack(source); attachWeaponReplace(source, model); elseif (previousWeaponID == weapID) then removeWeaponReplace(source); end if not weapon2 then return; end local _,id2,model2 = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon2); if (previousWeaponID == id2) then elseif (currentWeaponID == id2) then removeWeaponBack2(source); end end); addEventHandler("removeBackWeaponOnDrop", root, function(check, slot) if (slot == 1) then removeWeaponBack(source); removeWeaponReplace(source); elseif (slot == 2) then removeWeaponBack2(source); end if check then local weapon = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot)); local _,id,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon); takeWeapon(source, id); if (slot == 3) then takeWeapon(client, id); local weapon = getElementData(client, "currentweapon_3"); if weapon then setElementData(client, weapon.." (Equipped)", getElementData(client, weapon.." (Equipped)") - 1); setElementData(client, "currentweapon_3", ""); end end setElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(slot), ""); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() removeBackpack(source); removeWeaponBack(source); removeWeaponReplace(source); removeWeaponBack2(source); end); addEventHandler("kilLDayZPlayer", root, function() removeBackpack(source); removeWeaponBack(source); removeWeaponReplace(source); removeWeaponBack2(source); end); addEventHandler("onElementDataChange", root, function(dataName, oldValue) if not oldValue then oldValue = 0; end if (getElementType(source) == "player") then if (dataName == "MAX_Slots") then local newValue = getElementData(source, dataName); removeBackpack(source); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); if (newValue == 12) then elementBackpack[source] = createObject(3026, x, y, z); -- Assault Pack (ACU) elseif (newValue == 16) then elementBackpack[source] = createObject(1248, x, y, z); -- Alice Pack elseif (newValue == 26) then elementBackpack[source] = createObject(1575, x, y, z); -- Czech Backpack elseif (newValue >= 36) then elementBackpack[source] = createObject(1252, x, y, z); -- Coyote Backpack elseif (newValue == 8) then return; end if elementBackpack[source] then setElementData(source, "tohide2", elementBackpack[source]); if (newValue >= 36) then setObjectScale(elementBackpack[source], 0.95); end end if (newValue == 12) then attachElementToBone(elementBackpack[source], source, 3, 0, -0.16, 0.05, 270, 0, 180); else attachElementToBone(elementBackpack[source], source, 3, 0, -0.225, 0.05, 90, 0, 0); end addCommandHandler ( "createObject", consoleCreateObject ) elseif (dataName == "Map") then if (getElementData(source, "Map") >= 1) then toggleControl(source, "radar", true); else toggleControl(source, "radar", false); end elseif (dataName == "GPS") then if (getElementData(source, "GPS") >= 1) then setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "radar", true); else setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "radar", false); end end local weapon1 = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_1"); local weapon2 = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_2"); local weapon3 = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_3"); if (dataName == weapon1 or dataName == weapon2 or dataName == weapon3) then if (getElementData(source, dataName) == 0) then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType(dataName); takeWeapon(source, weapID); end end local ammoData1,weapID1 = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon1); if (dataName == ammoData1) then local newammo = (oldValue-getElementData(source, dataName)); if (newammo == 1) then return; end if (getElementData(source, dataName) < oldValue) then takeWeapon(source, weapID1, newammo); removeWeaponBack(source); elseif (getElementData(source, dataName) > oldValue) then giveWeapon(source, weapID1, getElementData(source, dataName)-oldValue, false); end end local ammoData2,weapID2 = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon2); if (dataName == ammoData2) then local newammo = oldValue-getElementData(source, dataName); if (newammo == 1) then return; end if (getElementData(source, dataName) < oldValue) then takeWeapon(source, weapID2, newammo); elseif (getElementData(source,dataName) > oldValue) then giveWeapon(source, weapID2, getElementData(source, dataName)-oldValue, false); end end local ammoData3,weapID3 = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon3); if (dataName == ammoData3) then local newammo = oldValue-getElementData(source, dataName); if (newammo == 1) then return; end if (getElementData(source, dataName) < oldValue) then takeWeapon(source, weapID3, newammo); elseif (getElementData(source, dataName) > oldValue) then giveWeapon(source, weapID3, getElementData(source, dataName)-oldValue, false); end end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerStealthKill", root, function(target) if (target and getElementType(target) == "player") then triggerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", target, source, false, false); end end); function addPlayerStats(player, data, value) if (data == "food") then local current = getElementData(player, data); if (current + value > 100) then setElementData(player, data, 100); elseif (current + value < 1) then setElementData(player, data, 0); setElementData(player, "blood", (getElementData(player, "blood") - math.random(50, 120))); else setElementData(player, data, (current + value)); end elseif (data == "thirst") then local current = getElementData(player, data); if (current + value > 100) then setElementData(player, data, 100); elseif (current + value < 1) then setElementData(player, data, 0); setElementData(player, "blood", (getElementData(player, "blood") - math.random(50, 120))); else setElementData(player, data, (current + value)); end elseif (data == "blood") then local current = getElementData(player, data); if (current + value > 12000) then setElementData(player, data, 12000); elseif (current + value < 1) then setElementData(player, data, 0); else setElementData(player, data, (current + value)); end elseif (data == "temperature") then local current = getElementData(player, data); if (current + value > 41) then setElementData(player, data, 41); elseif (current + value <= 31) then setElementData(player, data, 31); else setElementData(player, data, (current + value)); end elseif (data == "humanity") then local current = getElementData(player, data); local new = current + value; if (new > 5000) then setElementData(player, data, 5000); setElementData(player, "htype", "Hero"); else setElementData(player, data, new); if (new <= 0) then setElementData(player, "htype", "Bandit"); elseif new >= 2000 then setElementData(player, "htype", "Survivor"); end end end end setTimer(function() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "logedin") then local value = 0; if isElementInWater(v) then value = -0.01; end if getControlState(v, "sprint") then value = (value + 0.005); addPlayerStats(v, "thirst", -0.2); end local weather = getWeather(); if (weather == 5) then value = (value + 0.005); elseif (weather == 8) then value = (value - 0.05); elseif (weather == 7) then value = (value - 0.01); elseif (weather == 10) then value = (value + 0.05); end addPlayerStats(v, "temperature", value); addPlayerStats(v, "food", -1.5); addPlayerStats(v, "thirst", -1.5); end end end, 60000, 0); addEventHandler("onPlayerRequestChangingStats", root, function(itemName, itemInfo, data) if (data == "food") then if (itemName == "Burger") then blood = math.random(200, 300); elseif (itemName == "Pizza") then blood = math.random(300, 350); elseif (itemName == "Cooked Meat") then blood = math.random(600, 800); elseif (itemName == "Beans Can") then blood = math.random(150, 250); elseif (itemName == "Pasta Can") then blood = math.random(320, 400); end setPedAnimation(source, "FOOD", "EAT_Burger", -1, false, false, nil, false); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName)-1); addPlayerStats(source, "blood", blood); addPlayerStats(source, data, math.random(60, 100)); elseif (data == "thirst") then setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName)-1); addPlayerStats(source, data, math.random(60, 100)); setPedAnimation(source, "VENDING", "VEND_Drink2_P", -1, false, false, nil, false); if (itemName == "Water Bottle") then setElementData(source, "Empty Water Bottle", getElementData(source, "Empty Water Bottle") + 1); end end triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "You consumed "..itemName, 22, 255, 0); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerUseMedicObject", root, function(itemName) setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); setTimer(function(source) if (itemName == "Bandage") then setElementData(source, "bleeding", 0); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); elseif (itemName == "Medic Kit") then addPlayerStats(source, "blood", 7000); setElementData(source, "bleeding", 0); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); elseif (itemName == "Heat Pack") then setElementData(source, "cold", false); setElementData(source, "temperature", 37); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); elseif (itemName == "Painkiller") then setElementData(source, "pain", false); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); elseif (itemName == "Morphine") then setElementData(source, "brokenbone", false) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); elseif (itemName == "Blood Bag") then addPlayerStats(source, "blood", 12000); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); end triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end, 1000, 1, source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerGiveMedicObject", root, function(itemName, player) setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); setTimer(function(source) if (itemName == "givebandage") then setElementData(player, "bleeding", 0); setElementData(source, "Bandage", getElementData(source, "Bandage") - 1); addPlayerStats(source, "humanity", 40); elseif (itemName == "giveblood") then addPlayerStats(player, "blood", 12000); setElementData(source, "Blood Bag", getElementData(source, "Blood Bag") - 1); addPlayerStats(source, "humanity", 250); end triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end, 1000, 1, source); end); function getSkinIDFromName(name) for _,v in ipairs(skinTable) do if (name == v[1]) then return v[2]; end end end function getSkinNameFromID(id) for _,v in ipairs(skinTable) do if (id == v[2]) then return v[1]; end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeSkin", root, function(skin) local name = getSkinNameFromID(getElementData(source, "skin")); setElementData(source, name, getElementData(source, name)+1); setElementData(source, skin, getElementData(source, skin)-1); local id = getSkinIDFromName(skin); setElementData(source, "skin", id); setElementModel(source, id); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerRefillWaterBottle", root, function(itemName) if isElementInWater(source) then setElementData(source, "Water Bottle", getElementData(source, "Water Bottle") + 1); setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "You filled 1 x "..itemName, 22, 255, 0); else triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "You must be in water!", 255, 22, 0); end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerPitchATent", root, function(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) - 1); setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); setTimer(function(source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(source); local offsetRot = math.rad(zr+90); local vx = x+5*math.cos(offsetRot); local vy = y+5*math.sin(offsetRot); local vrot = zr+180; local tent = createObject(3243, vx, vy, (z-1), 0, 0, vrot); setObjectScale(tent, 1.3); local tentCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 4); attachElements(tentCol, tent, 0, 0, 0); setElementData(tentCol, "parent", tent); setElementData(tent, "parent", tentCol); setElementData(tentCol, "tent", true); setElementData(tentCol, "MAX_Slots", 500); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end, 1000, 1, source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerBuildAWireFence", root, function(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName)-1); setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); setTimer(function(source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(source); local offsetRot = math.rad(zr+90); local vx = x+1*math.cos(offsetRot); local vy = y+1*math.sin(offsetRot); local vrot = zr+90; local wFence = createObject(983, vx, vy, z, xr, yr, vrot); setObjectScale(wFence, 1); local wFenceCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2); attachElements(wFenceCol, wFence, 0, 0, 0); setElementData(wFenceCol, "parent", wFence); setElementData(wFence, "parent", wFenceCol); setElementData(wFenceCol, "wirefence", true); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end, 1000, 1, source); end); addEventHandler("removeWirefence", root, function(object) setTimer(function(object) destroyElement(getElementData(object, "parent")); destroyElement(object); end, 1000, 1, object); end); addEventHandler("removeTent",root, function(object) local col = getElementData(object, "parent"); setTimer(function(col, object) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(col); local item,itemString = getItemTablePosition("Tent"); local itemPickup = createItemPickup(item, x, y, (z+1), itemString); if col then destroyElement(col); end if object then destroyElement(object); end end, 1000, 1, col, object); end); addEventHandler("addPlayerCookMeat", root, function() setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); local meat = getElementData(source, "Raw Meat"); setTimer(function(source) setElementData(source, "Raw Meat", 0); setElementData(source, "Cooked Meat", getElementData(source, "Cooked Meat") + meat); triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "You cooked "..tostring(meat).." Raw Meat.", 22, 255, 0); end, 5000, 1, source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerMakeAFire", root, function(itemName) setElementData(source, "Wood Pile", getElementData(source, "Wood Pile")-1); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(source); local offsetRot = math.rad(zr+90); local vx = x+1*math.cos(offsetRot); local vy = y+1*math.sin(offsetRot); local vrot = zr+90; local wood = createObject(1463, vx, vy, (z-0.75), xr, yr, vrot); setObjectScale(wood, 0.55); setElementCollisionsEnabled(wood, false); setElementFrozen(wood, true); local fire = createObject(3525, vx, vy, (z-0.75), xr, yr, vrot); setObjectScale(fire, 0); local fireCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2); setElementData(fireCol, "parent", wood); setElementData(wood, "parent", fireCol); setElementData(fireCol, "fireplace", true); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false); setTimer(function(fireCol, fire, wood) if fireCol then destroyElement(fireCol); end if fire then destroyElement(fire); end if wood then destroyElement(wood); end end, (2*60000), 1, fireCol, fire, wood); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerPlaceRoadflare", root, function(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName)-1); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local object = createObject(354, x, y, (z-0.6)); setTimer(destroyElement, 300000, 1, object); triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function(message, mType) if (mType == 0 or mType == 1) then cancelEvent(); end if (mType == 0) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local chatSphere = createColSphere(x, y, z, 15); local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape(chatSphere, "player"); destroyElement(chatSphere); for _,v in ipairs(nearbyPlayers) do outputChatBox("#D3D3D3[Local] #D3D3D3"..string.gsub((getPlayerName(source).." : #D3D3D3"..message), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), v, 211, 211, 211, true); end end end); setTimer(function() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "logedin") then local current = getElementData(v, "skin"); if (current == 179 or current == 287) then setElementModel(v, 288); elseif (current == 73) then setElementModel(v, 180); end if (current == 73 or current == 179 or current == 287) then setElementModel(v, 210); end else setElementModel(v, getElementData(v, "skin")); end end end, 231321321321321321123321321, 0); addCommandHandler("kickall", function(player) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (v ~= player) then kickPlayer(v, "#Hotfix!"); end end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, function(cmd) if (cmd == "login" or cmd == "logout") then cancelEvent(); end end); addEventHandler("kickPlayerOnHighPing", root, function() kickPlayer(source, "Ping > 400!"); end); function funcBindHandsup(player, key, keyState) if (handsUp) then setPedAnimation(player, false); handsUp = false; else if (getElementData(player, "repairvehicle") == true) then return false; end if isPedInVehicle(player) then return false; end setPedAnimation(player, "BEACH", "ParkSit_M_loop", -1, true, false, false, false); handsUp = true; end end function funcBindSit(player, key, keyState) if (siting) then setPedAnimation(player, false); siting = false; else if (getElementData(player, "repairvehicle") == true) then return false; end if isPedInVehicle(player) then return false; end setPedAnimation(player, "SHOP", "SHP_Rob_HandsUp", -1, true, true, false, false); siting = true end end function funcBindLie(player, key, keyState) if (lying) then setPedAnimation(player, false); lying = false; else if (getElementData(player, "repairvehicle") == true) then return false; end if isPedInVehicle(player) then return false; end setPedAnimation(player, "WUZI", "CS_Dead_Guy", -1, true, false, false, true); lying = true; end end addEventHandler("relWep", resourceRoot, function() reloadPedWeapon(client); end); function changeWeather(weather) if (weather) then setWeather(weather); return; else setWeather(weatherTable[math.random(4)]); setTimer(changeWeather, (30*60000), 1); end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() bindKey(source, ",", "down", funcBindHandsup); bindKey(source, ".", "down", funcBindSit); bindKey(source, "l", "down", funcBindLie); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerHideBody", root, function() local cCol = getElementData(source, "currentCol"); if (getElementData(source, "Bandage") >= 1) then if cCol then if getElementData(cCol, "deadman") then setElementData(source, "loot", false); setElementData(source, "Bandage", getElementData(source, "Bandage") - 1); setElementData(source, "currentCol", false); setTimer(function(cCol) if cCol then destroyElement(getElementData(cCol, "parent")); end destroyElement(cCol); end, 2000, 1, cCol); end end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function(quitType, reason) if not reason then outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." #FF0000has left the server ["..quitType.."]", root, 255, 255, 255, true); else outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." #FF0000has left the server [#FFFFFF"..quitType.."#FF0000, #FFFFFF"..reason.."#FF0000]", root, 255, 255, 255, true); end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, function(oldNick, newNick) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..oldNick:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." #FF0000is now known as #FFFFFF"..newNick:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), root, 255, 255, 255, true); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false); outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." #FF0000has joined the server!", root, 255, 255, 255, true); for i = 70, 79 do if (i ~= 73) then setPedStat(source, i, 999); end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() triggerClientEvent("displayClientInfo", root, getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." #FFFFFFhas logged in!", 255, 255, 255); setElementData(source, "clientdata", {getServerName(), getMaxPlayers()}); end); setTimer(function() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(v, "zombie") then if getElementData(v, "deadzombie") then return; end if isPedDead(v) then return; end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(v); local path = "sounds/mgroan"..math.random(1, 10)..".ogg"; triggerClientEvent("playPedSound", root, v, path, x, y, z); end end end, 5000, 0); changeWeather(7); -- '7' means you use the weather 7 delete it to make a random weather. 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Ciastuuś Posted January 20, 2018 Share Posted January 20, 2018 Na serwerze żywym posiadasz modele plecaków? Link to comment
kyvv Posted February 22, 2018 Author Share Posted February 22, 2018 Na żywym serwerze są obiekty po prostu w tym pliku który wysłałem są usuniete wyswietlanie ich, a tak to są plecaki i ich txd. @Ciastuuś Link to comment
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