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GUI that is arranged to look the same on every resolution.


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Hi! If i want to make a let's say a rectangle, and i want to put it to my up-right corner that would not show up for the players, who have a resolution of 1366x768. The average screen resolution in my country is 1366x768, but i am not really sure that players won't have a bigger resolution, anyone i asked had a resolution which is smaller than mine. (1920x1080) So if i would put a rectangle to (1700, 1000) it would not even show up on 1366x768. I know that there is a trick, when i divide the pixel cound than multiply it by the player's pixel count it would show up on the right spot (its like 1700/my x pixel count*players x pixel count), but i have to write this everywhere in my scripts, and whenever i make a mistake in maths it makes me puzzle up to half an hour to look for that mistake, for example if i put numbers between () at the wrong spot and stuff like these. So basicly what i want to ask, is there an easier way to arrange the items to the same-like positions on other people's screen with proportional size and height & width? Sorry that i wrote a lot here, please ask if you have any question in connection with this.

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