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How do i hide the pointer of guiCreateEdit()?


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Hi. I made a script, in which i created an edit box, then set it's alpha to 0, and i would like to output the text of the invisible edit box, by dxDrawText. This is what i have came up so far:

Edit boxes:

function createLoginEditBoxes()
	usernameField = guiCreateEdit(px/2 - field["width"]/2, py/2 - field["height"]/2 - 150/y*py, field["width"], field["height"], "asd", false)
	guiSetAlpha (usernameField, 0)
	passwordField = guiCreateEdit(px/2 - field["width"]/2, py/2 - field["height"]/2 - 50/y*py, field["width"], field["height"], "asd", false)
	guiSetAlpha (passwordField, 0)
	guiEditSetMasked (passwordField, true)
		dxDrawImage (px/2 - field["width"]/2, py/2 - field["height"]/2 - 50/y*py, field["width"], field["height"], "files/inactive.png")
		if isElement (passwordField) then
			dxDrawText(guiGetText(passwordField), px/2 - field["width"]/2 + 10, py/2 - field["height"]/2 - 30/y*py, _, _, _, 1/x*px, "default", "left", "center")

The problem is, that the edit boxe's text pointer will not set it's alpha to 0. So the pointer of the edit box remains visible, and protrudes into the text.
Screenshot of it:
-Also, the edit box (passwordField) is set to masked, but the text in it is not, and the drawText will not mask the text in the editbox.

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