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Problem with displaying character in table.


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Hello, I have very simple problem but,I haven't idea how to solution this. If I typeing data to my table,and then displaying characters have diffrent sparation. 


This image shows my problem. This text meaning in English "example message". 

Thanks of lot for help.

My Code: 

 for i,v in ipairs(value) do
  dxDrawText(v,screenW * 0.8318, screenH * 0.4852, screenW * 0.055*i/3, screenH * 0.5157, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),2, "default", "center", "center", false, 	 false, false, false, false)


Edited by Fizo
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for i,v in ipairs(value) do
        local width_char = dxGetTextWidth(v)
        dxDrawText(v,screenW * 0.8318, screenH * 0.4852, screenW * 0.055*width_char/i/2, screenH * 0.5157, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),2, "default","center", "center", false, false, false, false, false)

I have problem because i don't kown how to implement this. I'm trying but unsuccessfully

38 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

That is obvious, every character has a different width so the spaces are different as well.

Pick a font which has the same character width for every character.

Or use this function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxGetTextWidth


Edited by Fizo
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local textInProgress = ""
for i,v in ipairs(value) do
        local wordWidth = dxGetTextWidth(textInProgress)
		textInProgress = textInProgress .. v

        dxDrawText(v,screenW * 0.8318 + wordWidth, screenH * 0.4852, screenW * 0.8318 + wordWidth + 10, screenH * 0.5157, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),2, "default","left", "center", false, false, false, false, false)


Something like this. Do not align the X axis with center, because dxDrawText is working with a bounding box and not with `width` properties.


Required Arguments

  • text: the text to draw
  • left: the absolute X coordinate of the top left corner of the text
  • top: the absolute Y coordinate of the top left corner of the text

Optional Arguments

  • right: the absolute X coordinate of the right side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.
  • bottom: the absolute Y coordinate of the bottom side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.


Edited by IIYAMA
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