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How can i check if object has hitted by projectile ?


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The processLineOfSight function would give you some information about it.


It works just fine, I use it to detonate a rocket projectile.


It doesn't matter if the object is serverside or clientside, because an serverside object is visible on clientside and a projectile is only available clientside.

(Maybe I do not understand your question.)




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16 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

The processLineOfSight function would give you some information about it.


It works just fine, I use it to detonate a rocket projectile.


It doesn't matter if the object is serverside or clientside, because an serverside object is visible on clientside and a projectile is only available clientside.

(Maybe I do not understand your question.)




To be Specifically, i want check if rocket has passed an object and get projectile creator ..

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I am not sure what you mean with passed. Because it can only pass an object when the object has no collision or is streamed out.



But you could try to collect information about the projectile like this;



And use:


To located it's last position and the moment of detonation.


And use:


To detect anything that happens during the flight. (moment to detect the exact impact location)


The projectile creator will be always available, except when the rocket explodes in an instance. (impact too close to the rocketlauncher) The rocket projectile will not trigger the lua event when this happens.



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Hmm all you can do is checking with the bounding box then.



Afaik there was ones a resource called: `Server collision` from CrystalMV (His resource site is offline)

Which contains math functions to do these calculations with block/rectangle formats.


I might have somewhere a copy left of it, if you want it. (let me know)

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