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nested table problem


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Hi. I have some issue and can't really deal with it. I have a table: declaration, initialization...

local taxidf = { { } };

taxidf[player] = { player = getPlayerName(player), ped = {}, blip = {}, mark = {}, endblip = {}, endmark = {} };   

Then to this table I put some values (one of them is below):

local ped = createPed( tonumber( id ), DTM_PTS[startPoint][2], DTM_PTS[startPoint][3], DTM_PTS[startPoint][4] + 0.5 )

table.insert( taxidf[player].ped, { ped } )

No matter what's in these DMTs - I need to sketch the problem... Ped is created indeed.

And when I want to receive the data later:

I get

local ped = taxidf[player].ped;

I got a message the table length is 1 but table is nil.

So I have a question: how should I take the object from this table? What am I doing wrong?

To visualize the output I :

outputDebugString("ped : "..tostring(ped)..", len: "..tostring(#ped)..", "..tostring(ped[0])..", "..tostring(ped[1]) );


`ped: table : 0af4gf3t len : 0, nil, nil`

So ped[0] is null, ped is a table.... what to deal with it?? I just want to have back the object in the exact way I do this. Please some suggestions.

My target is to:

setTimer( killPed, 60, 1, ped )

  ---  error: [expected element at arg.1, got table]


setTimer( killPed, 60, 1, ped[1] )

  ---  error: [expected element at arg.1, got nil]

you understand... I can't kill this ped!

Edited by Salem
more xplanations
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(edited answer)

You are inserting the ped by doing

table.insert( taxidf[player].ped, { ped } )

which makes a table inside the ped table.

To retrieve the ped, you'd need to do:

local ped = taxidf[player].ped[1][1];

But really, unless you need it for a specific reason, you should just change the insert line to:

table.insert( taxidf[player].ped, ped )


Edited by LopSided_
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Haha, You haven't read carefully Lopsided_ - ped[0] is null. But I've found partially the solution: how to kill the ped

ped = createPed( tonumber( id ), x, y, z)
table.insert( taxidf[player].ped, { ped } )
x = taxidf[player].ped;
setTimer( killPed, 6000, 1, x[1][1] )

Couldn't believe ped[1][1] was the solution.  So it works if its in one place. Not, if it's in other functions.

It didn't help why I had null in further stage of my script but it's out of scope here, I mean it's not connected with tables themselves.


Edited by Salem
I was wrong
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I don't understand why ped[1][1] works if it's in one place (like in code above) but doesn't when calling from other function (nor ped[1] doesn't). the table is global variable in server-side script and I've used such approach earlier in my scripts and it was ok, but here is not. I really don't know what gremlin is in my code. It looks like initializing this table ( taxidf = { { } } ) in one function doesn't save it on global scope. But in all previous scripts it was ok. The only difference here is that I put objects inside not values. Can it be a bug? What kind? Maybe I have some baby mistake?

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