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Bad Quality RenderTarget


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dxSetBlendMode using, using in any variants. This not full decision.


3 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

I do not recommend to use renderTargets for text. Because rendertargets do not include anti-aliasing.

There reason behind that is for me unknown.


But i don't have any choice. If i not using RenderTarget - then client down FPS,  because for draw good shadow need a lot black dxDrawText.

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  • 5 months later...

I ran into the same problem now.

Even though the render target is not being scaled (its size is exactly the size that is used to draw it) because I only need to be able to scroll with it, it still looks like the images and text are blurry. Changing the blend mode doesn't make it much better either.

I have used something like render targets in another environment outside of MTA, and there everything looks fine.

So there seems to be something that is done different in MTA, or something that could be tweaked to improve the quality.

Anyone has an idea what to do about this?


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5 hours ago, Jayceon said:

For me works very well.

I'm using custom dx font with antialiased flag and in the dxDrawText the scale is every time is 1 + added modulate_add blend to renderTarget.

The final view: https://i.imgur.com/AYxroK1.png

The font size/quality and the scale in render can increase/decrease the quality.

This is how my example looks:


If you check how e.g. the "Hunter" or "Freeroam" text looks compared to the Training or Logout text (which are out of render target), its not as clear.

Also, its hard to see, but under the pictures, there is also something that shouldn't be there. (the dark lines under the colored area)

Its not scaled and the font size is the same. 

The render target just makes it look a little blurry for some reason.

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5 minutes ago, Jayceon said:

This is font is default-bold? Try to use custom dx font with my opinion.

When i use default MTA Fonts my quality looks like yours.

Yes it is.

Okay, I will try that later, but the problem still exists for pictures too :(

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Anyone maybe still has an idea whats wrong here?

I mean, it doesn't look thaaaat bad, but its still a difference compared to normal rendering.

Maybe the problem is not even the drawing inside a rendertarget, but the drawing of the image of the rendertarget itself?


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