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random occurrence of objects


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Hello, how do you make random objects appear and blips on them?


createObject(1264, -2168.7001953125, 1879.7998046875, -69.199996948242, 3, 1644)
createObject(926, -2198.599609375, 1853.400390625, -57.599998474121, 0, 353.99597167969, 0, 3, 2033)
createObject(1356, -2156.6796875, 1838.1103515625, -65.067947387695, 3, 2037)
createObject(1442, -2159.599609375, 1827.900390625, -64.300003051758, 3, 2060)
createObject(924, -2134.8994140625, 1838.2001953125, -63.599998474121, 349.99694824219, 0, 1.99951171875, 3, 2033)
createObject(928, -2085.5, 1847.7998046875, -54.099998474121, 3, 1644)
createObject(1230, -2154.7998046875, 1844.099609375, -49.099998474121, 3, 2033)																
createObject(916, -2131.7998046875, 1847.599609375, -51.5, 3, 2037)
createObject(917, -2110.2998046875, 1847.7001953125, -42.299999237061, 3, 1644)
createObject(1265, -2104.099609375, 1852.099609375, -36.700000762939, 350.01892089844, 355.93505859375, 1.2908935546875, 3, 2060)
createObject(1371, -2123.099609375, 1842, -54.799999237061, 2037, 3, 2060)
createObject(1357, -2146.5, 1851.7001953125, -60.200000762939, 0, 353.99597167969, 0, 3, 1644)
createObject(926, -2156, 1860.7001953125, -61.400001525879, 3, 2033)

so the id of the object is

local objects = {

And now how do you make the objects appear randomly? And the blips on them?

I tried:

createBlipAttachedTo(objects, 0)

Error:Bad argument  "Expected element at argument 1, got table"

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objects = {
{1264, -2168.7001953125,1879.7998046875,-69.199996948242},
{926, -2198.599609375,1853.400390625,-57.599998474121},
{1356, -2156.6796875,1838.1103515625,-65.067947387695}

function createRandomObject()
	if isElement(object) then
	if isElement(blip) then
	randomObject = math.random(#objects)
	id, x, y, z = unpack(objects[randomObject])
	object = createObject(id, x, y, z)
	blip = createBlipAttachedTo(object, 0)
addCommandHandler("create", createRandomObject)

with this example, write /create will create a random object.

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Why don't you start with learning how to interact with a table?

Your table structure is incorrect created based on the data that is inside it. Either put more data inside each item(sub table) or make each item the value(number) and not a sub-table.



If you do not understand about a word of what I just said, start this:


Or boring, but useful:


Edited by IIYAMA
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