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[Help]Bet money


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Hello community members I need help in /bet player amount ,I created a duel system its works fine but problem is I need to make it has 

When player 1 to duel to player 2 

If player 2 accept it now both players need to place bet so that they will enter the duel arena ,

I used take money code but it not works anyone can help ? 

function takeCash ( thePlayer, command, amount )     -- when the takecash command is called
     takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, tonumber(amount) ) -- take the amount of money from the player
addCommandHandler ( "takecash", takeCash )           -- add a handler function for the command "takecash"


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there is not error duel works fine the problem is i need to add ,bet function like this

when player send duel invite to other player when both accept duel they need to bet some amount to enter duel !

the player who win duel will get the bet money u got what i mean?

and only ak 47 and m4 weapon must work on duel arena i set the all stuffs in code just i need a function of bet money idk how to add bet function!

1 hour ago, idarrr said:

What's the error on Debug?

That command take your own money.

i tested the code but it takes cash only its not duel system! i need a function of bet system for my duel system!

example ; /bet playername amount ;

/bet amazingcasino 2000 =/bet khadeer143 2000

now total is = 4000 [this money will taken by the winner]

when amazingcasino and khadeer143 will be in duel the one who win will get 4000 money !

Edited by Khadeer143
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