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MySQL script


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connection = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..mySQLDetails["db"]..";host="..mySQLDetails["host"].."", ""..mySQLDetails["acc"].."", ""..mySQLDetails["pass"].."", "share=1" )

function dbQuery(query, values)
	qh = dbQuery(connection, query, values)

Hi! I am making a mysql script, and i would not like to do the dbConnect stuff and things like this everytime. But after the query, there might be values, not only just one. So for example in the query, i want to insert 2 things, and it would look like this:
                 -------------------------------------------------string query-------------------------------------------   ---------------------values-------------                                                                    
dbQuery(connection, "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)", Username, md5(Password))

But the password would not be inserted! I know that i'll have to use table. but how?

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Sorry, we misunderstood each other. Let me show it to you on the following picture:
I want to make some king of a "useful function", and i would like to use this instead of dbQuery, because the connection was already declared here, and i would not like to declare an other connection in an other script. So i can export the function and use it like exports.db:sqlQuery(string query, variables for the query)

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connection = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..mySQLDetails["db"]..";host="..mySQLDetails["host"].."", ""..mySQLDetails["acc"].."", ""..mySQLDetails["pass"].."", "share=1" )

_dbQuery = dbQuery
function dbQuery(query, values)
	return _dbQuery(connection,query,values)


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function sqlQuery(query, ...)
	return dbQuery(connection, query, ...)

local Query = sqlQuery ("INSERT INTO test (asd1, asd2) VALUES (?, ?)", "asd1", "asd2")
if Query then outputServerLog ("true") else outputServerLog ("false") end

it is not inserting to the database, however it returns true. what have gone wrong?

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function sqlQuery(query, ...)
	return dbQuery(connection, query, ...)

iprint(connection, "INSERT INTO test (asd1, asd2) VALUES (?, ?)", "asd1", "asd2")
local Query = sqlQuery ("INSERT INTO test (asd1, asd2) VALUES (?, ?)", "asd1", "asd2")
if Query then outputServerLog ("true") else outputServerLog ("false") end

i might be dumb, and messed it up. not sure if it's correct.

FIXED: re-created the table, it is working now.

function sqlQuery(query, ...)
	return dbQuery(connection, query, ...)

local Query = sqlQuery ("INSERT INTO test (test1, test2) VALUES (?, ?)", "Successsss 1", "Successsss 2")
if Query then outputServerLog ("true") else outputServerLog ("false") end


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function sqlQuery(query, ...)
	iprint(connection, query, ...) -- < iprint here
	return dbQuery(connection, query, ...)

-- do the original query function, if something goes wrong then it is not a problem with your utility function.
local qh = dbQuery(connection, "INSERT INTO test (asd1, asd2) VALUES (?, ?)", "asd1 original", "asd2 original")
dbFree ( qh )

-- do yours.
local Query = sqlQuery ("INSERT INTO test (asd1, asd2) VALUES (?, ?)", "asd1", "asd2")
dbFree ( Query )

if Query then outputServerLog ("true") else outputServerLog ("false") end


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