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Maker Style


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Hello guys, I just got this problem, and I've never seen before on my server, this script was working ( marker style )

and suddenly this comes on debugscript

14: Bad argument @ 'dxSetShaderValue' [Expected material at arugment 1, got boolean]
15: Bad argument @ 'engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture' [Expected material at argument 1, got boolean]
4: [D3DXCreateEffectFromFile failed (8007000e)[Loaded 'nameresource'/file/shwaeki.fx (135 bytes)]] @ 'dxCreateShader' [file/shwaeki.dx]
6: Bad argument @ 'dxSetShaderValue' [Expected material at argument 1, got boolean]
7: Bad argument @ 'engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture' [Expected material at argument 1, got boolean]

I don't know why? any help? I can post the script if you want.

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The texture(image) has failed to load.


Please post parts of the script and check if: screenshot (upload) / screen capture is enabled. (the script might be using that feature)

You can find that option in your MTA settings menu.

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Shader failed to create, "8007000e" means that it couldn't be created because there's not enough memory available. You could be creating too much of them, but there are also some problems with mta itself, which give that error even thought there is still theoretically lots of memory available. 

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