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no sound when driving


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local gVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) 
local lastGear
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	if vehicle then
		local gear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)
		if gear ~= lastGear then
			triggerEvent("onClientVehicleGearChange", vehicle, gear)
			lastGear = gear
			            local x,y,z = getElementPosition(gVehicle) 
						local sound = playSound3D("untitled.mp3", x, y, z, true)
						setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
						setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)


-- prevent the trigger to activate after entering a vehicle.
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer,
function (vehicle)
	lastGear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)

The "test" text works but the playsound3D does not  work, pls help! it should play everytime the car changes gears at the car's position

the car must have a player inside

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Why creating a new topic for only this?

And you didn't even say thank you for my help, are you that inhuman or what?


    local lastGear
    addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
    	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    	if vehicle then
    		local gear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)
    		if gear ~= lastGear then
    			triggerEvent("onClientVehicleGearChange", vehicle, gear)
    			lastGear = gear
				local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) 
				local sound = playSound3D("untitled.mp3", x, y, z, true)
				setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
				setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)

    -- prevent the trigger to activate after entering a vehicle.
    addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer,
    function (vehicle)
    	lastGear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)



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local x,y,z
if getVehicleComponents(vehicle).exhaust_ok then
	x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle, "exhaust_ok", "world" )
	iprint("found exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
	x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
	iprint("can't find exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug


OR (get the back of the vehicle)


--local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)

local x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = getElementBoundingBox ( vehicle )

-- test which one is ~ correct.
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, (x0 + x1) / 2, y0, z0)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, (x0 + x1) / 2, y1, z1)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, x0, (y0 + y1) / 2, z0)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, x1, (y0 + y1) / 2, z1)



function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ)
    local m = getElementMatrix ( element )  -- Get the matrix
    local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1]  -- Apply transform
    local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2]
    local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3]
    return x, y, z                               -- Return the transformed point





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4 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:


local x,y,z
if getVehicleComponents(vehicle).exhaust_ok then
	x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle, "exhaust_ok", "world" )
	iprint("found exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
	x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
	iprint("can't find exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug


OR (get the back of the vehicle)


--local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)

local x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = getElementBoundingBox ( vehicle )

-- test which one is ~ correct.
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, (x0 + x1) / 2, y0, z0)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, (x0 + x1) / 2, y1, z1)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, x0, (y0 + y1) / 2, z0)
-- or
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, x1, (y0 + y1) / 2, z1)



function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ)
    local m = getElementMatrix ( element )  -- Get the matrix
    local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1]  -- Apply transform
    local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2]
    local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3]
    return x, y, z                               -- Return the transformed point





thank you, I'll try it right now

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@IIYAMA I tried those and still dont know where to put the code or how to make it work.

basically I need to shoot fire at my exhaust.

				local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) 
				   fxAddGunshot(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, true)
				   fxAddSparks(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0)
				   fxAddBulletImpact(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, 2, 15, 5)
				   fxAddTankFire(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0)

I made this but, the fire appears above or inside the car, and always faces one direction. the fire does not rotate when the car does. help? sorry i am bad at scripting

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local lastGear
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	if vehicle then
		local gear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)
		if gear ~= lastGear then
			iprint("gear isn't the same as last gear")
			triggerEvent("onClientVehicleGearChange", vehicle, gear)
			lastGear = gear
			local x,y,z
			if getVehicleComponents(vehicle).exhaust_ok then
				x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle, "exhaust_ok", "world" )
				iprint("found exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
				x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
				iprint("can't find exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
			fxAddGunshot(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, true)
			fxAddSparks(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0)
			fxAddBulletImpact(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, 2, 15, 5)
			fxAddTankFire(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0)
			local sound = playSound3D("untitled.mp3", x, y, z, true)
			setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
			setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)

-- prevent the trigger to activate after entering a vehicle.
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer,
function (vehicle)
	lastGear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)

Untested, if it doesn't work, please debug properly.

You could have guessed it... As it is just a language like English, with different rules.




Edited by IIYAMA
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6 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

local lastGear
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	if vehicle then
		local gear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)
		if gear ~= lastGear then
			iprint("gear isn't the same as last gear")
			triggerEvent("onClientVehicleGearChange", vehicle, gear)
			lastGear = gear
			local x,y,z
			if getVehicleComponents(vehicle).exhaust_ok then
				x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle, "exhaust_ok", "world" )
				iprint("found exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
				x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
				iprint("can't find exhaust_ok component on vehicle")-- debug
			fxAddGunshot(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, true)
			fxAddSparks(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0)
			fxAddBulletImpact(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, 2, 15, 5)
			fxAddTankFire(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0)
			local sound = playSound3D("untitled.mp3", x, y, z, true)
			setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
			setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)

-- prevent the trigger to activate after entering a vehicle.
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer,
function (vehicle)
	lastGear = getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle)

Untested, if it doesn't work, please debug properly.

You could have guessed it... As it is just a language like English, with different rules.




well thank you but it works exactly as before.

the fire particles are above the car and they do not rotate.

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So it is actually working.

fxAddGunshot(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0, true)
fxAddSparks(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0)
fxAddBulletImpact(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0, 2, 15, 5)
fxAddTankFire(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0)

Set all offsets to 0. And adjust them little by little.

1 unit is A LOT. (1.5/2 units is ~ the height of a ped)

So use small steps like: 0.1 or 0.05


Rotating particles, I am not going to do that for you, because it takes me too much time for me to get it right. Sorry.

Edited by IIYAMA
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Hmm strange, should be placed correctly according to wiki.


And if you replace the getVehicleComponentPosition line with these two lines:

local offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle, "exhaust_ok", "root" )
x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)


And add this at the bottom

    function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ)
        local m = getElementMatrix ( element )  -- Get the matrix
        local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1]  -- Apply transform
        local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2]
        local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3]
        return x, y, z                               -- Return the transformed point


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