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[Question]Using getSoundLength for timer


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I still can't understand why you need a timer for it.

On 09/10/2017 at 03:05, kieran said:

Hi, I am trying to make a script that will play a random sound from a table and then continue to play sounds, but I have a problem with the timer, all sounds play at once instead of one after the other...

Can you explain better, please? Because reading your quote, I assume you want the next song to play after the previous one finished, and the code I wrote works that way.

Anyway, If you want to access the timer variable globally, just do as I did with 'playingSound' variable in my code above.

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34 minutes ago, DNL291 said:

I still can't understand why you need a timer for it.

Can you explain better, please? Because reading your quote, I assume you want the next song to play after the previous one finished, and the code I wrote works that way.

Anyway, If you want to access the timer variable globally, just do as I did with 'playingSound' variable in my code above.

Worked perfect, and yes, I had a problem first with milliseconds, but then I realized I set it to *100 and not *1000 of sounds length xD

But after that I had a problem making my timer global as it was local inside another function, tried your code and works perfect!  Thanks :)

Did make one edit though, a useful tip I found out is...  Always remove a onClientResourceStart handler if it's just when the player logs on or joins, prevents it restarting :)

Edited by kieran
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  • 2 weeks later...
songs = {

local previous
function randomIndex()
	local number = math.random(1,#songs)
	if not previous == number then
		previous = number
		return number

function nextSong()
	if isSoundFinished(sound) then

local sound
function playSong()
  	local i = randomIndex()
	sound = playSound(songs[i],true)
	if isElement(sound) then
  		local length = getSoundLength(sound)
  		if length > 1 then length = length+2000 end

function stopLoginSound()
  	if isElement(sound) then

This is simply proper code formatting, I've got no idea if it works. If it does then it does. It's suppose to lol. Good luck.

Just remember getSoundLength returns in milliseconds and a timer also uses milliseconds... 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Edited by ShayF
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