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Screenshot problem


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Dear users,

as you know, I'm scripting a MTA server on my LAN test server.

I have problems about screenshots, this is the resource code serverside:

function scatta(risx, risy)
    takePlayerScreenShot(client, risx, risy, getPlayerName(client), 100, 10000000)

function salvala(ris, stato, immstr, tick, param)
  local mom = getRealTime()
  if(stato == 'ok') then
    local ha = fileCreate('imm-'..param..'-'..tostring(mom['timestamp'])..'.jpg')
    if(ha) then
        fileWrite(ha, immstr)
  triggerClientEvent(getPlayerFromName(param), 'fotoritorno', '', stato)

addEvent('fotofalla', true)
addEventHandler("fotofalla", getRootElement(), scatta)
addEventHandler("onPlayerScreenShot", getRootElement(), salvala)

And this is clientside:

function falla()
    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()
    triggerServerEvent('fotofalla', x, y)

function risu(stato)
    outputChatBox('Risultato funzione: '..stato)

addCommandHandler('faifoto', falla)
addEvent('fotoritorno', true)
addEventHandler("fotoritorno", getRootElement(), risu)

As you can see, I wrote the variables' name in my language (so you know), and I can use serverside only to take screenshot, except for taking screen resolution from client.


This script doesn't work. Where I did mistakes?



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The screenshot is surely enabled in MTA settings because before this script, I used one only serverside, without take the screen resolution from the client and it worked.

Then, where can I see the debug console to read the messages I'll write?



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I added debug functions in my code as outputChatBox(), to test it. Now this is the code serverside:

function scatta(risx, risy)
    outputChatBox('fase 2 - x: '..tostring(risx)..' - y: '..tostring(risy))
    takePlayerScreenShot(client, risx, risy, getPlayerName(client), 100, 10000000)

function salvala(ris, stato, immstr, secondi, param)
  local mom = getRealTime()
  if(stato == 'ok') then
    local ha = fileCreate('imm-'..param..'-'..tostring(mom['timestamp'])..'.jpg')
    if(ha) then
        fileWrite(ha, immstr)
  outputChatBox('fase 3 - nome: imm-'..param..'-'..tostring(mom['timestamp'])..'.jpg - stato: '..stato)
  triggerClientEvent(getPlayerFromName(param), 'fotoritorno', '', stato)

addEvent('fotofalla', true)
addEventHandler("fotofalla", getRootElement(), scatta)
addEventHandler("onPlayerScreenShot", getRootElement(), salvala)

And this is clientside:

function falla()
    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()
    outputChatBox('fase 1 - x: '..tostring(x)..' - y: '..tostring(y))
    triggerServerEvent('fotofalla', x, y)

function risu(stato)
    outputChatBox('Risultato funzione: '..stato)

addCommandHandler('faifoto', falla)
addEvent('fotoritorno', true)
addEventHandler("fotoritorno", getRootElement(), risu)

And this is meta.xml

    <info author="dam034" version="1.1" type="misc" />
    <script src="foto-s.lua" type="server" />
    <script src="foto-c.lua" type="client" />

Testing all the code, trying with the command /faifoto, in the chatbox I see only "fase 1 - ...", so I think it work up to the function falla().


So I want to know: where I did wrong?



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That's right, it only goes as far as fase 1, the reason is, triggerServerEvent requires an element (player or root). Try this:


triggerServerEvent('fotofalla', localPlayer, x, y)

BTW: variable "secondi" is already the timestamp, you don't really need to get the getRealTime().timestamp, since it's already there. 

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15 hours ago, pa3ck said:

That's right, it only goes as far as fase 1, the reason is, triggerServerEvent requires an element (player or root). Try this:

triggerServerEvent('fotofalla', localPlayer, x, y)


And serverside what source I need to write?

15 hours ago, pa3ck said:

BTW: variable "secondi" is already the timestamp, you don't really need to get the getRealTime().timestamp, since it's already there. 

I saw it isn't exactly what I want, because it returns tick count, but I need the timestamp as PHP time() function.



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