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attachElements not work!


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attachElement not work. i dont know how i can solve this :S

This clientside script is called by server root but still not work all player only who play music hear that

unction startMusicFinally(Playerx,Playery,Playerz,MusicLink,MusicPlayer)
		Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (localPlayer)
		if Vehicle then		
			stopSound(speakerSound [localPlayerName])
			speakerSound [localPlayerName]= playSound3D(MusicLink,Playerx,Playery,Playerz,true)
			attachElements(speakerSound [localPlayerName],Vehicle,0,0,0.5)
			attachTimer = setTimer(KeepSound,50,0)
			stopSound(speakerSound [localPlayerName])
			speakerSound [localPlayerName]= playSound3D(MusicLink,Playerx,Playery,Playerz,true)
function KeepSound()
	attachElements(speakerSound [localPlayerName],Vehicle,0,0,0.5)


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Wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/PlaySound3D

Creates a sound element in the GTA world and plays it immediately after creation for the local player. setElementPosition can be used to move the sound element around after it has been created. Remember to use setElementDimension after creating the sound to play it outside of dimension 0.


Possible solution:

local sound = playSound3D(MusicLink,Playerx,Playery,Playerz,true)
local customMusicElement = createElement("customSoundElement")
setElementParent(sound, customMusicElement)
setElementParent(customMusicElement, MusicPlayer)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
function ()
      local customMusicElements = getElementsByType("customMusicElement", resourceRoot)
      for i=1, #customMusicElements do
          local customMusicElement = customMusicElements[i]
          local player = getElementParent(customMusicElement)
          if player then
              local soundElement = getElementChild(customMusicElement, 0)
              if soundElement then
                  local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
                  setElementPosition(soundElement, x, y, z)

It is a shame that not many people are using the element tree, since it saves you a lot table cleaning trouble.

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