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Hey guys i saw many servers have a resource make staff/Moderators able to warp using F11 map, by clicking anywhere on the map they will warp there.. like mta freeroam map warping.... So if someone have this resource pls gimme it... I want it fast, Thnx
Hello dear reader! A few days ago i'm tried to make the Object Editor by XYZ Axle by cursor. But when i'm rotate camera to other side, like Y axle and i'm try to move X axle gets fail. I dont know how to get this perfect. Demonstration image: (red - X axle; green - Y axle; blue - Z axle) The code: local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local editorFont = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 8, false, "antialiased") local editorTable = nil local editorMenu = { {"move", "Move"}, {"rotate", "Rotate"}, {"scale", "Scale"}, {"save", "Save"} } local iconSize = 16 local iconHalfSize = iconSize / 2 local axisLineThickness = 1.5 local editorColors = { axisX = {200, 50, 60}, axisY = {50, 200, 60}, axisZ = {50, 60, 200}, activeMode = {255, 150, 0}, inactiveMode = {255, 255, 255} } bindKey("F4", "down", -- Editor test function () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local obj = createObject(2867, x, y, z) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obj, false) attachElements(obj, localPlayer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) toggleEditor(obj, false) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () if not editorTable then return end local absX, absY = 0, 0 if isCursorShowing() then if not isMTAWindowActive() then local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() absX, absY = relX * screenX, relY * screenY end end local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(editorTable["element"]) local startX, startY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(elementX, elementY, elementZ, 128) local xX, xY, xZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], editorTable["elementRadius"], 0, 0) local yX, yY, yZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], 0, editorTable["elementRadius"], 0) local zX, zY, zZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], 0, 0, editorTable["elementRadius"]) endXX, endXY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(xX, xY, xZ, 128) endYX, endYY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(yX, yY, yZ, 128) endZX, endZY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(zX, zY, zZ, 128) if not endXX or not endYX or not endZX or not endXY or not endYY or not endZY then return end dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endXX, endXY, tocolor(editorColors["axisX"][1], editorColors["axisX"][2], editorColors["axisX"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endYX, endYY, tocolor(editorColors["axisY"][1], editorColors["axisY"][2], editorColors["axisY"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endZX, endZY, tocolor(editorColors["axisZ"][1], editorColors["axisZ"][2], editorColors["axisZ"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawRectangle(endXX - iconHalfSize, endXY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisX"][1], editorColors["axisX"][2], editorColors["axisX"][3], 255)) dxDrawRectangle(endYX - iconHalfSize, endYY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisY"][1], editorColors["axisY"][2], editorColors["axisY"][3], 255)) dxDrawRectangle(endZX - iconHalfSize, endZY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisZ"][1], editorColors["axisZ"][2], editorColors["axisZ"][3], 255)) dxDrawImage(endXX - iconHalfSize, endXY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") dxDrawImage(endYX - iconHalfSize, endYY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") dxDrawImage(endZX - iconHalfSize, endZY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") if editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] then editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] = false end if not editorTable["activeAxis"] then for i = 1, #editorMenu do local currentColor = editorColors["inactiveMode"] if editorTable["currentMode"] == editorMenu[i][1] then currentColor = editorColors["activeMode"] end local iconX = ((startX - iconHalfSize) + ((i - 1) * (iconSize + 5))) + 32 local iconY = (startY - iconHalfSize) + 32 dxDrawRectangle(iconX, iconY, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(currentColor[1], currentColor[2], currentColor[3], 255)) dxDrawImage(iconX, iconY, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorMenu[i][1] .. ".png") if absX >= iconX and absX <= iconX + iconSize and absY >= iconY and absY <= iconY + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] = i end end end if editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] then local tooltipWidth = dxGetTextWidth(editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][2], 1.0, editorFont) + 10 local tooltipHeight = dxGetFontHeight(1.0, editorFont) + 10 dxDrawRectangle(absX + 10, absY, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200)) dxDrawText(editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][2], absX + 10, absY, absX + 10 + tooltipWidth, absY + tooltipHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0, editorFont, "center", "center") if getKeyState("mouse1") then local hoveredMenuIcon = editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][1] if editorTable["currentMode"] ~= hoveredMenuIcon then if hoveredMenuIcon ~= "save" then editorTable["currentMode"] = hoveredMenuIcon else saveEditorElementChanges() end end end end if editorTable and editorTable["hoveredMode"] then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = false end if absX >= endXX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endXX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endXY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endXY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "X" elseif absX >= endYX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endYX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endYY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endYY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "Y" elseif absX >= endZX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endZX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endZY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endZY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "Z" end -- OBJECT MOVE BY AXLES/CURSOR if editorTable and editorTable["activeAxis"] then if isCursorShowing() and getKeyState("mouse1") then local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() local cameraRotation = getCameraRotation() local elementX, elementY, elementZ = 0, 0, 0 local elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = 0, 0, 0 local elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ = 0, 0, 0 if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then elementX, elementY, elementZ, elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = getElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"]) local attachedElementRX, attachedElementRY, attachedElementRZ = getElementRotation(getElementAttachedTo(editorTable["element"])) cameraRotation = cameraRotation + attachedElementRZ else elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(editorTable["element"]) elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = getElementRotation(editorTable["element"]) end if getElementType(editorTable["element"]) == "object" then elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ = getObjectScale(editorTable["element"]) end if editorTable["currentMode"] == "move" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementX = getInFrontOf(elementX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relX - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementY = getInFrontOf(false, elementY, -cameraRotation, -((relY - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementZ = elementZ - ((relY - 0.5) * 5) end elseif editorTable["currentMode"] == "rotate" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementRX = getInFrontOf(elementRX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relY - 0.5) * 15)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementRY = getInFrontOf(false, elementRY, -cameraRotation, ((relX - 0.5) * 15)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementRZ = getInFrontOf(elementRZ, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), -((relX - 0.5) * 15)) end elseif editorTable["currentMode"] == "scale" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementSX = getInFrontOf(elementSX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relX - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementSY = getInFrontOf(false, elementSY, -cameraRotation, ((relY - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementSZ = elementSZ - ((relY - 0.5) * 5) end end if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then setElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"], elementX, elementY, elementZ, elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ) else setElementPosition(editorTable["element"], elementX, elementY, elementZ) setElementRotation(editorTable["element"], elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ) end if getElementType(editorTable["element"]) == "object" then elementSX = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSX)) elementSY = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSY)) elementSZ = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSZ)) setObjectScale(editorTable["element"], elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ) end setCursorPosition(screenX / 2, screenY / 2) setCursorAlpha(0) else if editorTable["activeAxis"] then editorTable["activeAxis"] = false setCursorAlpha(255) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), function (button, state, absX, absY) if not editorTable then return end if button == "left" then if state == "down" then if editorTable["hoveredMode"] then setCursorPosition(screenX / 2, screenY / 2) setCursorAlpha(0) editorTable["activeAxis"] = editorTable["hoveredMode"] end elseif state == "up" then local oldActiveAxis = editorTable["activeAxis"] if oldActiveAxis then editorTable["activeAxis"] = false if oldActiveAxis == "X" then setCursorPosition(endXX, endXY) elseif oldActiveAxis == "Y" then setCursorPosition(endYX, endYY) elseif oldActiveAxis == "Z" then setCursorPosition(endZX, endZY) end setCursorAlpha(255) end end end end ) function toggleEditor(element, saveFunction, ...) if element then editorTable = { element = element, elementRadius = getElementRadius(element) * 1.25, saveFunction = saveFunction, others = {...}, currentMode = "move", hoveredMode = false, hoveredMenuIcon = false, activeAxis = false, } else editorTable = nil setCursorAlpha(255) end end function saveEditorElementChanges() if not editorTable then return end if not editorTable["element"] or not isElement(editorTable["element"]) then return end if editorTable["saveFunction"] then if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then local x, y, z, rx, ry, rz = getElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"]) triggerEvent(editorTable["saveFunction"], localPlayer, {{x, y, z}, {rx, ry, rz}, {getObjectScale(editorTable["element"])}}, unpack(editorTable["others"])) else triggerEvent(editorTable["saveFunction"], localPlayer, {{getElementPosition(editorTable["element"])}, {getElementRotation(editorTable["element"])}, {getObjectScale(editorTable["element"])}}, unpack(editorTable["others"])) end end toggleEditor(false) end function getPositionFromElementOffset(element, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) local elementMatrix = getElementMatrix(element, false) local elementX = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][1] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][1] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][1] + elementMatrix[4][1] local elementY = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][2] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][2] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][2] + elementMatrix[4][2] local elementZ = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][3] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][3] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][3] + elementMatrix[4][3] return elementX, elementY, elementZ end function getInFrontOf(x, y, angle, distance) distance = distance or 1 if x and not y then return x + distance * math.sin(math.rad(-angle)) elseif not x and y then return y + distance * math.cos(math.rad(-angle)) elseif x and y then return x + distance * math.sin(math.rad(-angle)), y + distance * math.cos(math.rad(-angle)) end end function getCameraRotation() local cx, cy, _, tx, ty = getCameraMatrix() return math.deg(math.atan2(tx - cx, ty - cy)) end Thanks the replies.