Hey guys, Zombie Attack is back again! with a better version the story is that you must kill zombies and bosses to earn experience and get some cash and you level up! Besides, by the level you earn, you can choose many classes to select and spawn like Resistances or Military Forces you will have some powerful vehicles like Hydra, Rhino.. etc Also, you can create your own group or squad and create a base to protect it from the non-members By the way, you can find the bosses to kill them! they are so strong and hard to kill like The Nemesis, and The Licker ( From Resident Evil ) And more other features like Vehicles System or Viruses.. etc Enjoy your stay out there!
Account System
Chat System
Group System
Hud System
Maps System
Mods System
Settings & Shader System
Shop & Vehicle System
Boss's & Zombies System
Airdrops & Airbombs
Redcross Area (Turfing)
Pictures: 1.0.0v
Pictures: 1.2.0v
Server Adress: mtasa:// (CLICK TO JOIN TO SERVER )