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Found 2 results

  1. Hi people! me again Guy I'm completley new to it, so I know nothing about scripting. But I need a simple resource, a simple script which by using a command, ex(/veh421) a particular player will be able to spawn a particular vehicle that won't be in the F1 menu list; It is supposed to be a private vehicle but not only the player will be able to drive it. I just need that this player is the only one who can spawn it. I found a resource online but it allowes only the ones in the ACL group to get in the car, But that's not what I need. In resume, I need a resource that allows a particular player to spawn a particular vehicle, and this vehicle can be used by other players. Thank you very much buys.
  2. Shalom, Wonder how I may add two types of spawn for a specific team. What I mean? Example: Add a ground spawner and air spawner to the Police Officer team, so in the first spawner will have a list of ground cars (LS Police, Police Ranger, Enforcer, etc), the second one will have a list of air vehicles (such as Police Maverick, Shamal, Seasparrow etc). At these scripts I'm able to add vehicles to a job spawner (team), but not 2 genre of vehicles in diferents spawners. Client local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local rsx, rsy = sx / 1280, sy / 1024 local window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - ( rsx*354 ) / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - (rsy*400) / 2 ), (rsx*354), (rsy*400), "Spawners", false) local vehList = guiCreateGridList((rsx*9), (rsy*26), (rsx*335), (rsy*315), false, window) local btnSpawn = guiCreateButton((rsx*13), (rsy*346), (rsx*149), (rsy*43), "Spawn", false, window) local btnClose = guiCreateButton((rsx*195), (rsy*346), (rsx*149), (rsy*43), "Cancel", false, window) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) guiSetVisible ( window, false ) guiGridListAddColumn(vehList, "Vehicle", 0.9) local marker = nil addEvent ( "NGSpawners:ShowClientSpawner", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGSpawners:ShowClientSpawner", root, function ( cars, mrker ) if ( wasEventCancelled ( ) ) then return end if ( not guiGetVisible ( window ) ) then bindKey ( "space", "down", spawnClickingFunctions ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetVisible ( window, true ) guiGridListClear ( vehList ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerLeave', mrker, closeWindow ) marker = mrker job = getElementData ( marker, "NGVehicles:JobRestriction" ) guiGridListSetItemText ( vehList, guiGridListAddRow ( vehList ), 1, "Free Vehicles", true, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( cars ) do local name = getVehicleNameFromModel ( v ) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( vehList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( vehList, row, 1, name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( vehList, row, 1, v ) end if ( exports.NGVIP:isPlayerVIP ( ) ) then local level = exports.NGVIP:getVipLevelFromName ( getElementData ( localPlayer, "VIP" ) ) if ( level and level > 0 and VipVehicles [ level ] and #VipVehicles [ level ] > 0 ) then guiGridListSetItemText ( vehList, guiGridListAddRow ( vehList ), 1, "VIP Vehicles", true, true ) for i, v in pairs ( VipVehicles [ level ] ) do local name = getVehicleNameFromModel ( v ) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( vehList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( vehList, row, 1, name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( vehList, row, 1, v ) end end end guiGridListSetSelectedItem ( vehList, 0, 1 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnSpawn, spawnClickingFunctions ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnClose, spawnClickingFunctions ) end end ) function spawnClickingFunctions ( ) if ( source == btnClose ) then closeWindow ( localPlayer ) elseif ( source == btnSpawn ) or getKeyState( "space" ) == true then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( vehList ) if ( row == -1 ) then return exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Select a vehicle to be spawn.", 255, 255, 0 ) end local id = guiGridListGetItemData ( vehList, row, 1 ) triggerServerEvent ( "NGSpawners:spawnVehicle", localPlayer, id, marker, true ) closeWindow ( localPlayer ) end end function closeWindow ( p ) if ( not p or p == localPlayer ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerLeave', marker, closeWindow ) marker = nil guiSetVisible ( window, false ) showCursor ( false ) guiGridListClear ( vehList ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnSpawn, spawnClickingFunctions ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnClose, spawnClickingFunctions ) unbindKey ( "space", "down", spawnClickingFunctions ) end end addEvent ( "NGSpawners:CloseWindow", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGSpawners:CloseWindow", root, closeWindow ) Server local spawners = { ['Free'] = { }, ['Job'] = { } } local spawnedVehciles = { } function createFreeSpawner ( x, y, z, rz, sx, sy, sz ) local i = #spawners['Free']+1 local z = z - 1 local sx, sy, sz = sx or x, sy or y, sz or z+1.5 local rz = rz or 0 spawners['Free'][i] = createMarker ( x, y, z, 'cylinder', 2, 255, 255, 255, 120 ) setElementData ( spawners['Free'][i], "SpawnCoordinates", { sx, sy, sz, rz } ) setElementData ( spawners['Free'][i], "NGVehicles:SpawnVehicleList", JobVehicles['Free'] ) setElementData ( spawners['Free'][i], "NGVehicles:JobRestriction", false ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", spawners['Free'][i], onSpawnerHit ) return spawners['Free'][i] end function createJobSpawner ( job, x, y, z, colors, rz, sx, sy, sz ) local i = #spawners['Job']+1 local z = z - 1 local sx, sy, sz = sx or x, sy or y, sz or z+1.5 local rz = rz or 0 local r, g, b = unpack ( colors ) spawners['Job'][i] = createMarker ( x, y, z, 'cylinder', 2, r, g, b, 120 ) setElementData ( spawners['Job'][i], "SpawnCoordinates", { sx, sy, sz, rz } ) setElementData ( spawners['Job'][i], "NGVehicles:SpawnVehicleList", JobVehicles[job] ) setElementData ( spawners['Job'][i], "NGVehicles:JobRestriction", tostring ( job ) ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", spawners['Job'][i], onSpawnerHit ) return spawners['Job'][i] end function onSpawnerHit ( p ) local job = string.lower ( getElementData ( source, "NGVehicles:JobRestriction" ) or "false" ) if ( job == 'false' ) then job = false end local pJob = string.lower ( getElementData ( p, "Job" ) or "" ) if ( job ) then if ( pJob ~= job ) then exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This spawner is for the "..job.." job. You're not in the "..job.." job.", p, 255, 140, 40 ) return end end if ( getElementType ( p ) == 'player' and not isPedInVehicle ( p ) ) then local list = getElementData ( source, "NGVehicles:SpawnVehicleList" ); triggerClientEvent ( p, 'NGSpawners:ShowClientSpawner', p, list, source ) triggerEvent ( "NGSpawners:onPlayerOpenSpawner", source, p ) end end addEvent ( "NGSpawners:spawnVehicle", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGSpawners:spawnVehicle", root, function ( id, x, y, z, rz, job ) local c = exports['NGAntiRestart']:createPlayerVehicle ( source, id, x, y, z, rz, true, job ) end ) for i, v in pairs ( data ) do if ( i == 'Free' ) then for k, e in ipairs ( v ) do createFreeSpawner ( unpack ( e ) ) end elseif ( i == 'Jobs' ) then for k, e in ipairs ( v ) do createJobSpawner ( unpack ( e ) ) end end end addEvent ( "NGSpawners:onPlayerOpenSpawner", true ) Data data = { -- Free: { x, y, z [, rz=0, sx=x, sy=y, sz=y ] } ['Free'] = { { 1538.88, -1686.07, 13.55, 90 } }, -- { job, x, y, z, { r, g, b } [, rz=0, sx=x, sy=y, sz=y ] } ['Jobs'] = { { "Criminal", 2138.91, -1727.17, 13.54, { 255, 50, 50 }, -90 }, { "Police Officer", 1555.09, -1610.62, 13.38, { 0, 100, 255 }, 180 }, { "Medic", 1179.02, -1339.01, 13.86, { 0, 255, 255 }, -90 }, } } JobVehicles = { ['Free'] = { 412, 468, 457 }, ['Criminal'] = { 609, 581, 521, 463, 522 }, ['Police Officer'] = { 596, 597, 598, 599 }, ['Medic'] = { 416 } } VipVehicles = { [0] = { }, -- None [4] = { 522, 560, 411, 546 } -- Level X }
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