What we'll be working on : A battle royale server with new ideas, the managment team is experienced and so will the scripters/builders be. We'll apply new ideas to attract visitors and keep them interested in the server. -How much are you willing to pay? Message me your offer.
-Why should I trust you paying me? If you're a known and trusted scripter/builder, I'll pay you half the amount before you even start working.
-What will the server be about? It'll be a battle royale server, but not like any battle royale server out there, I'm planning to work a lot on it and make it successful.
Requirements: 1- I'll be paying through paypal, you need to have an activated paypal, If you'd like to be paid in a diffrent method message me and we'll talk about it. 2- Have Exeprience as a scripter/builder and being able to make amazing modes/maps. 3- You have to act mature, development period will be done in a professinal atmosphere. 4- You'll have to show me some of your work if you're not known in the community. You also have to be good at one of these languages: