Hi there,
again I am put before a headache. I want my script (well, only the gui in particular) to be multilingual. At the moment this is only German and English, so no big deal.
I give every gui-element a "text-id", and in the sql database i have saved the sentences for German and English respectively. Now, if the client needs a string for a gui element, he request it from the server in the given language. So far so good, but requesting a string over and over again just wastes bandwidth and cpu as hell. And a bit of delay (client request - sql query - server answer - guiSetText).
To get rid of this inconvenience I want to safe the already loaded string in a file local on the client, but I don't trust xml to be the best choice for large data storage. I should add; I only read the file once at client startup and store the stings in a table and just for addition of new loaded strings the xml gets updated. No constant access to the xml!
And I just thought: the Update can be done at logout? Do scripts finish all given code on unload?
Thanks in advance for your help!