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font = guiCreateFont("Font.ttf", 10) local sound = playSound ( "muse/noovl.mp3" ) local sm = {} sm.moov = 0 sm.object1, sm.object2 = nil, nil local function removeCamHandler () if(sm.moov == 1) then sm.moov = 0 removeEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), camRender ) end end function camRender () if sm.object1 and isElement(sm.object1) then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition ( sm.object1 ) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition ( sm.object2 ) setCameraMatrix ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) end end function smoothMoveCamera ( x1, y1, z1, x1t, y1t, z1t, x2, y2, z2, x2t, y2t, z2t, time ) if(sm.moov == 1) then return false end sm.object1 = createObject ( 1337, x1, y1, z1 ) sm.object2 = createObject ( 1337, x1t, y1t, z1t ) setElementAlpha ( sm.object1, 0 ) setElementAlpha ( sm.object2, 0 ) setObjectScale(sm.object1, 0.01) setObjectScale(sm.object2, 0.01) moveObject ( sm.object1, time, x2, y2, z2, 0, 0, 0, "InOutQuad" ) moveObject ( sm.object2, time, x2t, y2t, z2t, 0, 0, 0, "InOutQuad" ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), camRender ) sm.moov = 1 setTimer ( removeCamHandler, time, 1 ) setTimer ( destroyElement, time, 1, sm.object1 ) setTimer ( destroyElement, time, 1, sm.object2 ) return true end function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end function guiCreateWindow( x2, y2, width2, height2, titleBarText2, relative2 ) mainBackground = guiCreateStaticImage ( x2, y2, width2, height2, "img.png", relative2 ) mainBackgroundLabel = guiCreateLabel ( 55, 0, 450, 100, titleBarText2, false, mainBackground ) guiSetFont ( mainBackgroundLabel, Font ) font = guiCreateFont("Font.ttf", 10) guiLabelSetColor(mainBackgroundLabel, 0, 233, 255) guiSetEnabled ( mainBackgroundLabel, false ) return mainBackground end function guiCreateButton( x2, y2, width2, height2, titleBarText2, relative2, parent2 ) local mainBackground2 = guiCreateStaticImage ( x2, y2, width2, height2, "1.png", relative2, parent2 ) local mainBackgroundLabel2 = guiCreateLabel ( 0, 0, 148, 35, titleBarText2, false, mainBackground2 ) guiSetFont ( mainBackgroundLabel2, font ) guiSetEnabled ( mainBackgroundLabel2, false ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(mainBackgroundLabel2, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(mainBackgroundLabel2, "center") return mainBackground2 end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () setTimer(function () if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then destroyElement(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) end dx = true setCameraMatrix(2070.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,60.8203125 ,2060.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,60.8203125) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) showChat(false) setElementDimension(localPlayer,0) setElementData(localPlayer,"new",false) end,500,1) end ) --- login Register wnd --- login Register Window guiSetFont(mainBackgroundLabel, font) wnd = guiCreateWindow(504, 32, 789, 520, "",false,wnd) guiSetFont(wnd, font) guiCreateWindow(wnd, 66, 240, 12) guiSetProperty(wnd,"CaptionColour","ff0069c7") logownd = guiCreateStaticImage(49, 51, 700, 300, "logo.png", false, wnd) user_l = guiCreateLabel(281, 421, 89, 18, "=][ Name ][=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(user_l, font) guiLabelSetColor(user_l, 147, 229, 51) user = guiCreateEdit(385, 407, 226, 42, "", false, wnd) pass_l = guiCreateLabel(260, 474, 120, 18, "=][ Password ][=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(pass_l, font) guiLabelSetColor(pass_l, 241, 71, 207) pass = guiCreateEdit(385, 460, 226, 42, "", false, wnd) guiEditSetMasked(pass,true) reg = guiCreateButton(27, 376, 148, 35, ".::[ Register ]::.", false, wnd) guiSetFont(reg, font) guiSetProperty(reg, "NormalTextColour", "FF26D5CB") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- save1 = guiCreateLabel(240, 378, 539, 15, " ", false, wnd) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(save1, "center", false) guiSetFont(save1, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(save1, 228, 22, 37) local x = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1 = guiCreateLabel(215, 392, 21, 41, "=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(L1, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(L1, 228, 22, 37) L2 = guiCreateLabel(215, 418, 21, 41, "=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(L2, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(L2, 76, 225, 24) L3 = guiCreateLabel(215, 442, 21, 41, "=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(L3, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(L3, 15, 118, 233) L4 = guiCreateLabel(215, 469, 21, 41, "=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(L4, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(L4, 216, 223, 24) L5 = guiCreateLabel(215, 359, 21, 41, "=", false, wnd) guiSetFont(L5, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(L5, 198, 48, 175) login = guiCreateButton(27, 413, 148, 35, ".::[ Login ]::.", false, wnd) guiSetFont(login, font) guiSetProperty(login, "NormalTextColour", "FF26D5CB") ex = guiCreateButton(27, 450, 148, 35, ".::[ Test Game ]::.", false, wnd) guiSetFont(ex, font) guiSetProperty(ex, "NormalTextColour", "FF26D5CB") centerWindow(wnd) triggerServerEvent("onGetSave",localPlayer) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",guiRoot,function() if ( source == login ) then guiSetText(login,".::[ دخول ]::.") elseif ( source == reg ) then guiSetText(reg,".::[ التسجيل ]::.") elseif ( source == ex ) then guiSetText(ex,"") end end) showPlayerHudComponent('radar',false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",guiRoot,function() if ( source == login ) then guiSetText(login,".::[ Login ]::.") elseif ( source == reg ) then guiSetText(reg,".::[ Register ]::.") elseif ( source == ex ) then guiSetText(ex,"") end end) ------------- addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",guiRoot,function() if ( source == login ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(login,"2.png") guiSetText(login,".::[ دخول ]::.") elseif ( source == reg ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(reg,"2.png") elseif ( source == ex ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(ex,"2.png") end end) showPlayerHudComponent('radar',false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",guiRoot,function() if ( source == login ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(login,"1.png") elseif ( source == reg ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(reg,"1.png") elseif ( source == ex ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(ex,"1.png") end end) ------------------------------ addEvent("onPutSave",true) addEventHandler("onPutSave",root, function (puser,ppass) guiSetText(user,puser) guiSetText(pass,ppass) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if ( source == ex ) then setTimer(guiSetVisible(wnd,false),2000) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) Show() triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",1) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () local user = guiGetText(user) local pass = guiGetText(pass) if ( source == login ) then if user ~= "" and pass ~= "" then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(remember) then triggerServerEvent("remember",localPlayer,user,pass) else triggerServerEvent("login",localPlayer,user,pass) end else outputChatBox("* You Must Write Username Or Password",255,0,0) end elseif ( source == reg ) then if user ~= "" and pass ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("reg",localPlayer,user,pass) else triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer()," الرجاء التأكد من كلمة المرور او اسم المستخدم",2) end end end ) addEvent("onCl",true) addEventHandler("onCl",root, function () guiSetVisible(wnd,false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",1) triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",1) Show() end ) function setPlayerXYZ(x,y,z) local player = getLocalPlayer() setElementData(player,"x",x) setElementData(player,"y",y) setElementData(player,"z",z) end texttext = "مرحبآآ بكك في محترفين آلرفع للهجوله" dx = false skin = {{46,"ثوب نوومم"},{47,"ثوب سعودي"},{48,"الثوب الاسود"}} num = 1 place = { {"البداية الرئيسية",-3340.25757,-2986.82642,50.29711,-3369.45508,-3001.90405,42.48158,-3369.83008,-3006.11426,42.50986}, {"الدايري",1873.07971, 825.39416, 29.59185,1797.5855712891,830.97955322266,10.664346694946,1848.1938476563,807.23809814453,10.6810131073}, {"الطعس",-2541.21655, -2897.66601, 18.39924,-2479.4760742188,-2830.7487792969,3,-2479.4760742188,-2830.7487792969,3}, {"الشارع الطويل",-3070.94921, -3083.84301, 45.22809,-3072.5554199219,-3000.345703125,5,-3072.5554199219,-3000.345703125,5}, } function Show() smoothMoveCamera(2070.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,60.8203125 ,2060.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,60.8203125 ,2025.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,10.8203125,2021.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,10.8203125,6000) ped = createPed(skin[1][1],2021.6166992188 ,1007.6680908203 ,10.1 ,370) bindKey("arrow_l","down",left) bindKey("arrow_r","down",right) bindKey("enter","down",enter) text = skin[1][2] end function left() if num == 1 then num = #skin else num = num - 1 end setElementModel(ped,skin[num][1]) text = skin[num][2] playSoundFrontEnd(32) end function right() if num == #skin then num = 1 else num = num + 1 end setElementModel(ped,skin[num][1]) text = skin[num][2] playSoundFrontEnd(32) end addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,re) function r_s() if ( getElementModel(ped) == 1 ) then setElementModel(ped,2) model = 2 else model = getElementModel(ped) + 1 setElementModel(ped,model) end end function l_s() if ( getElementModel(ped) == 2 ) then setElementModel(ped,1) model = 1 else model = getElementModel(ped) - 1 setElementModel(ped,model) end end function enter() triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",1) playSoundFrontEnd(33) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("arrow_l") unbindKey("arrow_r") unbindKey("enter") setTimer(fadeCamera, 1000, 1, true) setElementData(localPlayer,"skin",skin[num][1]) num = 1 text = place[num][1] setCameraMatrix(place[num][2],place[num][3],place[num][4],place[num][5],place[num][6],place[num][7]) dx = true bindKey("arrow_l","down",Pleft) bindKey("arrow_r","down",Pright) bindKey("enter","down",Penter) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function () local size = {guiGetScreenSize()} if dx == true then dxDrawText("\n( " .. text .. " )",1,0,size[1] + 1,size[2],tocolor(0,0,0,255),3,"default-bold","center","top",false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("\n( " .. text .. " )",0,0,size[1],size[2],tocolor(255,166,0,255),3,"default-bold","center","top",false,false,false,true) end end ) function Pleft() if num == 1 then num = #place else num = num - 1 end text = place[num][1] setCameraMatrix(place[num][2],place[num][3],place[num][4],place[num][5],place[num][6],place[num][7]) playSoundFrontEnd(32) end function Pright() if num == #place then num = 1 else num = num + 1 end text = place[num][1] setCameraMatrix(place[num][2],place[num][3],place[num][4],place[num][5],place[num][6],place[num][7]) playSoundFrontEnd(32) end function Penter() playSoundFrontEnd(33) unbindKey("arrow_l") unbindKey("arrow_r") unbindKey("enter") triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",1) triggerEvent("addNotification", getLocalPlayer(),"",3) showPlayerHudComponent('radar',true) showChat(true) dx = false text = "" setPlayerXYZ(place[num][8],place[num][9],place[num][10]) triggerServerEvent("SpawnPlayer",localPlayer) stopSound(sound) end fileDelete("Client.lua") شباب هاد جيم مود هجولة ابي مساعدتكم المشكله ::::::::::::::::::::::::: اما اجي بختار الثوب الي انزل بيه مثلا انا جيت علي الثوب السعودي الاسود وجيت اغير اخليه الثوب السعودي الابيض الناتج عن كذاا الاقي الثوبين دخلوو في بعض مشتبكييين مثل ما يكون فيه لااااق ملاحظه ::::::::::::::::: الكلام الي ذكرته فوق هاد يحدث وانا اختار الشخصيه فقط لكن لما الاعب ينزل في المكان الي اختاره بينزل ب الثوب الي انا اختارته عادي ومش بيبقاا فيه لاااق لكن المشكله تبقاا في اختيااار الشخصيهه فقطط الطلب :::::::::::::::::::: ابي مساعدتكم يا اخواني لحل هذه المشكلههه في اسرع وقت وشكراا