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Found 3 results

  1. Ola, então eu estou criando jutsus para meu servidor de naruto no mta, queria saber se algum de vocês poderia me ajudar? estou com um problema onde eu quero adicionar um objeto na mão do player usando o attachElementToBone mas o objeto não fixa na mão do player ele fica no ar, se alguem puder me ajudar agradeço muito aqui está o código: function attachCash (thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local rase = createObject (1598, x, y, z) setElementCollisionsEnabled(rase,false) setPedAnimation(thePlayer,"PARK","Tai_Chi_in",-1, false, true, false, false) attachElementToBone (rase, thePlayer, 12) setTimer (function (thePlayer) setPedAnimation (thePlayer, nil) end, 1000, 1, thePlayer) end addCommandHandler ("getbag", attachCash)
  2. 'setElementRotation' [Expected number, got NaN] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]/MW-DAYZ/bone/bone_attach_c.Lua:76: Bad argument @'setElementPosition' [Expected number, got NaN] [DUP X1655] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]/MW-DAYZ/bone/bone_attach_c.Lua:77: Bad argument @'setElementRotation' [Expected number, got NaN] [DUP X402] function sendReadyMessage() triggerServerEvent("boneAttach_requestAttachmentData",root) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,sendReadyMessage) function getAttachmentData(ped,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) for element,att_ped in pairs(ped) do setElementCollisionsEnabled(element,false) attached_ped[element] = att_ped attached_bone[element] = bone[element] attached_x[element] = x[element] attached_y[element] = y[element] attached_z[element] = z[element] attached_rx[element] = rx[element] attached_ry[element] = ry[element] attached_rz[element] = rz[element] end end addEvent("boneAttach_sendAttachmentData",true) addEventHandler("boneAttach_sendAttachmentData",root,getAttachmentData) function initAttach() addEvent("boneAttach_attach",true) addEvent("boneAttach_detach",true) addEventHandler("boneAttach_attach",root,attachElementToBone) addEventHandler("boneAttach_detach",root,detachElementFromBone) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,initAttach) bone_0,bone_t,bone_f = {},{},{} bone_0[1],bone_t[1],bone_f[1] = 5,nil,6 bone_0[2],bone_t[2],bone_f[2] = 4,5,8 bone_0[3],bone_t[3],bone_f[3] = 3,nil,31 bone_0[4],bone_t[4],bone_f[4] = 1,2,3 bone_0[5],bone_t[5],bone_f[5] = 4,32,5 bone_0[6],bone_t[6],bone_f[6] = 4,22,5 bone_0[7],bone_t[7],bone_f[7] = 32,33,34 bone_0[8],bone_t[8],bone_f[8] = 22,23,24 bone_0[9],bone_t[9],bone_f[9] = 33,34,32 bone_0[10],bone_t[10],bone_f[10] = 23,24,22 bone_0[11],bone_t[11],bone_f[11] = 34,35,36 bone_0[12],bone_t[12],bone_f[12] = 24,25,26 bone_0[13],bone_t[13],bone_f[13] = 41,42,43 bone_0[14],bone_t[14],bone_f[14] = 51,52,53 bone_0[15],bone_t[15],bone_f[15] = 42,43,44 bone_0[16],bone_t[16],bone_f[16] = 52,53,54 bone_0[17],bone_t[17],bone_f[17] = 43,42,44 bone_0[18],bone_t[18],bone_f[18] = 53,52,54 bone_0[19],bone_t[19],bone_f[19] = 44,43,42 bone_0[20],bone_t[20],bone_f[20] = 54,53,52 function putAttachedElementsOnBones() for element,ped in pairs(attached_ped) do if not isElement(element) then clearAttachmentData(element) elseif isElementStreamedIn(ped) then local bone = attached_bone[element] local x,y,z = getPedBonePosition(ped,bone_0[bone]) local xx,xy,xz,yx,yy,yz,zx,zy,zz = getBoneMatrix(ped,bone) local offx,offy,offz = attached_x[element],attached_y[element],attached_z[element] local offrx,offry,offrz = attached_rx[element],attached_ry[element],attached_rz[element] local objx = x+offx*xx+offy*yx+offz*zx local objy = y+offx*xy+offy*yy+offz*zy local objz = z+offx*xz+offy*yz+offz*zz local rxx,rxy,rxz,ryx,ryy,ryz,rzx,rzy,rzz = getMatrixFromEulerAngles(offrx,offry,offrz) local txx = rxx*xx+rxy*yx+rxz*zx local txy = rxx*xy+rxy*yy+rxz*zy local txz = rxx*xz+rxy*yz+rxz*zz local tyx = ryx*xx+ryy*yx+ryz*zx local tyy = ryx*xy+ryy*yy+ryz*zy local tyz = ryx*xz+ryy*yz+ryz*zz local tzx = rzx*xx+rzy*yx+rzz*zx local tzy = rzx*xy+rzy*yy+rzz*zy local tzz = rzx*xz+rzy*yz+rzz*zz offrx,offry,offrz = getEulerAnglesFromMatrix(txx,txy,txz,tyx,tyy,tyz,tzx,tzy,tzz) setElementPosition(element,objx,objy,objz) --LINE 76 setElementRotation(element,offrx,offry,offrz,"ZXY") --LINE 77 else setElementPosition(element,getElementPosition(ped)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,putAttachedElementsOnBones)
  3. ¡ Hola ! hace poco hice un arma que dispara explosivos. Pensé en agregarle un objeto en forma de decoración usando el resource bone attach. Todo fue bien hasta que me di cuenta que, cuando el jugador moría, el objeto se quedaba pegado y no se destruía. Acá tienen el código function activArmas( player ) if (getElementData (player, "Armactivada") == false) then setElementData (player, "Armactivada", true) outputChatBox( "Activaste el arma", player, 100, 0, 0 ) else setElementData (player, "Armactivada", false) outputChatBox( "Desactivaste el arma", player, 100, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler("activar", activArmas) local frascote = {} function setObjectInWeapon( previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID ) if (getElementData (source, "Armactivada") == true) then if ( currentWeaponID == 31 ) then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(frascote[source],source,12,-0.09,0,-0.03,0,2,40) elseif ( previousWeaponID == 31 ) then exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone( frascote[source] ) destroyElement( frascote[source] ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, setObjectInWeapon) function wast() if (getElementData (source, "Armactivada") == true) then destroyElement( frascote[source] ) --Acá es donde tengo mi duda. end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, wast) Muchas gracias
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