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لما اضغظ على اسم الاعب يجيب اسمى انا _________________ --[[----------------------------- --| Private Chat -| Author : PaiN^ -| ver. : 1.1.0 -| file : pc_client.lua --| --]]----------------------------- --// variables : local me = getLocalPlayer( ) local chatwindows = { } local chatLog = { } local screen = { guiGetScreenSize( ) } --// functions : function addPlayers( ) guiGridListClear( players ) for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do local name = getPlayerName( v ):gsub( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) local row = guiGridListAddRow( players ) guiGridListSetItemText( players, row, 1, k, false, true ) guiGridListSetItemText( players, row, 2, name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData( players, row, 2, getPlayerSerial( v ) ) end return true end function guiSetSpot( wnd, spot ) local wX, wY = guiGetSize( wnd, false ) if spot == "c" then return guiSetPosition( wnd, ( screen[1] - wX ) / 2, ( screen[2] - wY ) / 2, false ) elseif spot == "r" then return guiSetPosition( wnd, ( screen[1] - wX ), ( screen[2] - wY ) / 2, false ) end end function sendNewMessage( player ) if chatwindows[player] and chatwindows[player].wnd then local msg = guiGetText( chatwindows[player].msgBox ) if msg:len( ) >= 2 then local msgLog = guiGetText( chatwindows[player].msgLog ) if not msgLog then msgLog = "" end msgLog = msgLog .. getPlayerName( me ):gsub( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) .. " : " .. msg .. "\n" guiSetText( chatwindows[player].msgLog, msgLog ) guiSetText( chatwindows[player].msgBox, "" ) return triggerServerEvent( "onMessageSend", me, msg, player ) end end end function getSendMessage( msg ) if not chatwindows[source] then buildChatWindow( source ) end outputChatBox( "--------", 100, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox( "لـديـك رســآلة خـآصة جديـدة", 255, 0, 0, true ) outputChatBox( "--------", 100, 100, 100, true ) playSound( "newMessage.mp3", false ) local msgLog = guiGetText( chatwindows[source].msgLog ) if not msgLog then msgLog = "" end msgLog = msgLog .. getPlayerName( source ):gsub( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) .." : " .. msg .. "\n" guiSetText( chatwindows[source].msgLog, msgLog ) end function buildChatWindow( player ) chatwindows[player] = { } chatwindows[player].wnd = guiCreateWindow( 145, 218, 414, 315, getPlayerName( player ):gsub( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ), false, false ) chatwindows[player].msgLog = guiCreateMemo( 19, 29, 376, 198, "", false, chatwindows[player].wnd ) chatwindows[player].send = guiCreateButton( 19, 233, 71, 28, "إرسال", false, chatwindows[player].wnd ) chatwindows[player].closeC = guiCreateButton( 324, 271, 71, 28, "إغلاق", false, chatwindows[player].wnd ) chatwindows[player].msgBox = guiCreateEdit( 19, 264, 299, 35, "", false, chatwindows[player].wnd ) chatwindows[player].warning = guiCreateLabel( 114, 237, 281, 20, "قال تعالى : { ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد } .", false, chatwindows[player].wnd ) guiWindowSetSizable( chatwindows[player].wnd, false ) guiSetSpot( chatwindows[player].wnd, "c" ) guiSetAlpha( chatwindows[player].wnd, 1 ) guiBringToFront( chatwindows[player].wnd ) guiMemoSetReadOnly( chatwindows[player].msgLog, true ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", chatwindows[player].msgBox, function( ) sendNewMessage( player ) end, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", chatwindows[player].send, function( ) sendNewMessage( player ) end, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", chatwindows[player].closeC, function( ) setElementData( me, "c_state", false ) destroyElement( chatwindows[player].wnd ) chatwindows[player] = nil chatLog[me] = nil chatLog[player] = nil end, false ) end function getPlayerFromSerial( serial ) for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if getPlayerSerial( v ) == serial then return v end end return false end --// events & commands : addEvent( "onMessageReceive", true ) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerJoin", root, addPlayers ) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", root, addPlayers ) addEventHandler( "onMessageReceive", root, getSendMessage ) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerNickChange", root, addPlayers ) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function( ) wndMain = guiCreateWindow( 686, 194, 338, 431, "# الرسائل الخاصة .,", false, true ) guiSetVisible( wndMain, false ) guiSetSpot( wndMain, "r" ) --- players = guiCreateGridList( 14, 41, 309, 314, false, wndMain ) guiGridListAddColumn( players, "#", 0.1 ) guiGridListAddColumn( players, "Players", 0.8 ) addPlayers( ) --- close = guiCreateButton( 208, 387, 104, 28, "إغلاق", false, wndMain ) start = guiCreateButton( 28, 387, 104, 28, "بدء محادثة", false, wndMain ) for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "gui-button", resourceRoot ) ) do guiSetFont( v, "default-bold-small" ) guiSetProperty( v, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA" ) end --- allow = guiCreateRadioButton( 14, 359, 148, 22, "السماح بالرسائل الخاصة", false, wndMain ) guiRadioButtonSetSelected( allow, true ) disallow = guiCreateRadioButton( 192, 359, 130, 22, " منع الرسائل الخاصة", false, wndMain ) for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "gui-radiobutton", resourceRoot ) ) do guiSetFont( v, "default-bold-small" ) guiSetProperty( v, "NormalTextColour", "FF000000" ) end --- bindKey( "F4", "down", function( ) local isInChat = getElementData( me, "c_state" ) if isInChat then if guiGetVisible( wndMain ) then guiSetVisible( wndMain, false ) showCursor( false ) for k, v in pairs( chatwindows ) do guiSetVisible( chatwindows[k].wnd, false ) end else guiSetVisible( wndMain, true ) showCursor( true ) for k, v in pairs( chatwindows ) do guiSetVisible( chatwindows[k].wnd, true ) end end else guiSetVisible( wndMain, not guiGetVisible( wndMain ) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible( wndMain ) ) end end ) setElementData( me, "allowing", true ) setElementData( me, "c_state", false ) end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function( ) if source == close then guiSetVisible( wndMain, false ) showCursor( false ) for k, v in pairs( chatwindows ) do guiSetVisible( chatwindows[k].wnd, false ) end elseif source == start then local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( players ) if row and row ~= -1 then local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText( players, row, 2 ) local player = getPlayerFromSerial( guiGridListGetItemData( players, row, 2 ) ) if player then if getElementData( player, "allowing" ) then if chatLog[me] and chatLog[me] == player or chatLog[player] and chatLog[player] == me then return end buildChatWindow( player ) setElementData( me, "c_state", true ) chatLog[me] = player chatLog[player] = me else outputChatBox( "! هذا اللاعب قام بإغلاق الرسائل الخاصة", 200, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "! حصل خطأ في النظام, تواصل مع أي ادمن للمساعدة", 200, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "! يجب أن تختار لاعبا لبدء المحادثة معه", 200, 0, 0, true ) end elseif source == allow or source == disallow then setElementData( me, "allowing", guiRadioButtonGetSelected( allow ) ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", resourceRoot, function( button, state ) if source == players then if button == "left" and state == "up" then local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( players ) if row and row ~= -1 then local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText( players, row, 2 ) local player = getPlayerFromSerial( guiGridListGetItemData( players, row, 2 ) ) if player then if getElementData( player, "allowing" ) then if chatLog[me] and chatLog[me] == player or chatLog[player] and chatLog[player] == me then return end buildChatWindow( player ) setElementData( me, "c_state", true ) chatLog[me] = player chatLog[player] = me else outputChatBox( "! هذا اللاعب قام بإغلاق الرسائل الخاصة", 200, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "! حصل خطأ في النظام, تواصل مع أي ادمن للمساعدة", 200, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "! يجب أن تختار لاعبا لبدء المحادثة معه", 200, 0, 0, true ) end end end end )