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  1. Bro, apologies for my stupidity, but I have another question. When I type text in the fields "FirstName, LastName...", pressing the "T" key opens the in-game chat. How can I get rid of this? The "T" key is set to open the in-game chat, but this is very inconvenient.
  2. Okey, helped me. Last question Please help me find out how to call the "window" menu panel (passport registration) when in contact with a marker. I assume I need to write a function and addEventHendler. local playerPassportEdit = createMarker(-712.9, 962.5, 12.3-1.7,"cylinder",2.0,255,0,0,104) addEvent("playerPassportEdit",true) addEventHandler("playerPassportEdit",getRootElement(),function() if source == playerPassportEdit then dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) end end) Please forgive my silly questions, but I really don't understand.
  3. Thank`s I do not need to change the data when opening this panel But at the moment, it can be done. How to remove it? How to make the data received from the DB (name, age, country) unchangeable? So they are static.
  4. Thank's man! Two more question 1. How can I retrieve and display data from the database without the ability to edit it? 2. How can I close this panel with the "Close" button? I added your server-side part and based on your client-side, I wrote my own library for DGS. Client local dgs = exports.dgs local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() -- разрешение экрана игрока local px,py = sw/1920,sh/1080 -- адаптация экрана local window = dgs:dgsCreateWindow(((sw-800)/2)*px,((sh-600)/2)*py,800*px,600*py,"Паспорт",false) local buttonExecute = dgs:dgsCreateButton(325*px,530*py,150*px,40*py,"Подтвердить",false,window,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,tocolor(255,0,0),tocolor(100,0,0),tocolor(255,0,0)) local labelFirstName = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,200*py,400*px,30*py," Имя: ",false,window) local editFirstName = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,220*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelFirstName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editFirstName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelLastName = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,270*py,400*px,30*py," Фамилия: ",false,window) local editLastName = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,290*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelLastName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editLastName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelAge = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,340*py,400*px,30*py," Возраст: ",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) local editAge = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,360*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelAge,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editAge,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelCountry = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,410*py,400*px,30*py," Страна: ",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil,tocolor(100,100,100,100)) local editCountry = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,430*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelCountry,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editCountry,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsWindowSetMovable(window,false) dgs:dgsWindowSetSizable(window,false) dgs:dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled(window,false) dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,false) showCursor(false) function openPanel() dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) end function colsePanel() dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,false) showCursor(false) end local currentChose = "register" addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick",root,function(btn,state) if btn == "left" and state == "down" then if source == buttonExecute then local firstName = dgs:dgsGetText(editFirstName) local lastName = dgs:dgsGetText(editLastName) local age = dgs:dgsGetText(editAge) local country = dgs:dgsGetText(editCountry) if not string.find(firstName,"%S") then outputChatBox("Name") return end if not string.find(lastName,"%S") then outputChatBox("LastName") return end if not string.find(age,"%d") then outputChatBox("Age") return end if not string.find(country,"%S") then outputChatBox("Country") return end triggerServerEvent("playerPassportEnter",localPlayer,firstName,lastName,age,country) end end end) local on = 0 addEvent("viewPassport",true) addEventHandler("viewPassport",getRootElement(),function(rezult) if on == 1 then return outputChatBox("[PASSPORT] Your passport window is open already!",104,250,104) end on = 1 local passport_info = dgs:dgsCreateWindow(((sw-800)/2)*px,((sh-600)/2)*py,800*px,600*py,"Паспорт",false) local closeButton = dgs:dgsCreateButton(325*px,530*py,150*px,40*py,"Close",false,passport_info,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,tocolor(255,0,0),tocolor(100,0,0),tocolor(255,0,0)) local firstNameInfo = dgs:dgsCreateMemo(10,20,150,25,"Имя: "..rezult[1]['FirstName'].."",false,passport_info) local lirstNameInfo = dgs:dgsCreateMemo(10,40,150,25,"Фамилия: "..rezult[1]['LastName'].."",false,passport_info) local ageInfo = dgs:dgsCreateMemo(10,60,150,25,"Возраст: "..rezult[1]['Age'].."",false,passport_info) local CountryInfo = dgs:dgsCreateMemo(10,100,150,25,"Страна: "..rezult[1]['Country'].."",false,passport_info) showCursor(true) dgs:dgsWindowSetMovable(passport_info,false) dgs:dgsWindowSetSizable(passport_info,false) end) Server local connect = dbConnect("sqlite","db.db") -- we create the db -- then we create a table -- we add the server side event addEvent("playerPassportEnter",true) addEventHandler("playerPassportEnter",getRootElement(),function(firstname,lastname,age,country) if client then -- check if data is from client you use always client when you bring data from clinet local acc_name = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) -- get the player account name local query = dbQuery(connect,"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE firstname=? OR lastname=? OR accountName=?",tostring(firstname),tostring(lastname),acc_name) local rezult = dbPoll(query,-1) -- we select the data and then get the rezult if #rezult > 0 then -- we check if the rezult table has some data with this player account outputChatBox("[PASSPORT] This firstname or lastname is used or you already created a passport!",client,104,255,104) else -- if we dont have any data with this player we add a passport! dbExec(connect,"INSERT INTO Users (accountName,firstname,lastname,age,country) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",acc_name,firstname,lastname,age,country) outputChatBox("[PASSPORT] New passport has been created successfully!",client,104,255,104) end end end) -- you put your x,y,z coordinates where your marker is or where you want to create the marker -- local viewPassport = createMarker(-713.0, 955.0, 12.3-1.7,"cylinder",2.0,104,255,104,104) addEventHandler('onMarkerHit',getResourceRootElement(),function(hitElement,matchingDimension) if getElementType(hitElement) == 'player' then -- check if the element which hits the marker is a player if source == viewPassport then -- we check if we hit our marker and not another marker local acc_name = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(hitElement)) local query = dbQuery(connect,"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE accountName=?",acc_name) -- we select the data from db local #rezult = dbPoll(query,-1) if #rezult > 0 then -- if we have data we sent it to client triggerClientEvent("viewPassport",hitElement,rezult) else -- if we do not have data we write a message to player outputChatBox("[PASSPORT] You dont have a passport, to see a passport you need to create one first!",hitElement,104,255,104) end end end end) My DB CREATE TABLE "Users" ( "ID" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, "accountName" TEXT, "FirstName" TEXT NOT NULL, "LastName" TEXT NOT NULL, "Age" TEXT NOT NULL, "Country" TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("ID" AUTOINCREMENT) );
  5. Hello Forum! I need yor help I am just starting to learn programming in Lua, there are not many guides, so I turn to you. I wrote my own passport emulation, but I don't understand how I can put the entered data into the database. Below I will attach my code. Also, I would be happy if you could help me and tell me how I can add the display of this "passport" when entering a marker using addEventHendler. Thank you in advance! My code local dgs = exports.dgs local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() -- разрешение экрана игрока local px,py = sw/1920,sh/1080 -- адаптация экрана local window = dgs:dgsCreateWindow(((sw-800)/2)*px,((sh-600)/2)*py,800*px,600*py,"Паспорт",false) local buttonExecute = dgs:dgsCreateButton(325*px,530*py,150*px,40*py,"Подтвердить",false,window,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,tocolor(255,0,0),tocolor(100,0,0),tocolor(255,0,0)) local labelFirstName = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,200*py,400*px,30*py," Имя: ",false,window) local editFirstName = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,220*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelFirstName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editFirstName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelLastName = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,270*py,400*px,30*py," Фамилия: ",false,window) local editLastName = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,290*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelLastName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editLastName,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelAge = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,340*py,400*px,30*py," Возраст: ",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil) local editAge = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,360*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelAge,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editAge,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) local labelCountry = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(200*px,410*py,400*px,30*py," Страна: ",false,window,tocolor(255,255,255),nil,nil,nil,tocolor(100,100,100,100)) local editCountry = dgs:dgsCreateEdit(200*px,430*py,400*px,30*py,"",false,window) dgs:dgsSetProperty(labelCountry,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsSetProperty(editCountry,"alignment",{"center"}, {"center"}) dgs:dgsWindowSetMovable(window,false) dgs:dgsWindowSetSizable(window,false) dgs:dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled(window,false) dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) function openPanel() dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) end function colsePanel() dgs:dgsSetVisible(window,false) showCursor(false) end local currentChose = "register" addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick",root,function(btn,state) if btn == "left" and state == "down" then if source == buttonExecute then local firstName = dgs:dgsGetText(editFirstName) local lastName = dgs:dgsGetText(editLastName) local age = dgs:dgsGetText(editAge) local country = dgs:dgsGetText(editCountry) if not string.find(firstName,"%S") then outputChatBox("Name") return end if not string.find(lastName,"%S") then outputChatBox("LastName") return end if not string.find(age,"%d") then outputChatBox("Age") return end if not string.find(country,"%S") then outputChatBox("Country") return end triggerServerEvent("playerPassportEnter",localPlayer,firstName,lastName,age,country) end end end) If you do help me, please write this with explanations, thank you in advance! I LOVE YOU FORUM
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