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Everything posted by ewxlyz

  1. ewxlyz

    Help with SQL

    Hello, thanks for trying to help, but i fixed this. The problem was because i was using MySQL version instead of MariaDB. Thank you for trying to help.
  2. ewxlyz

    Help with SQL

    Also, this SQL works on localhost, but on buyed (rented) host it doesn't.
  3. ewxlyz

    Help with SQL

    Hello, can you help me fix this SQL error:https://imgur.com/a/bz5UepD . I tried it to fix, this is the full table of errors: https://imgur.com/a/NtvKJ12 , i deleted this, and it worked: https://imgur.com/a/UYslEZx.The problem is that the characters table: https://imgur.com/a/iUE1Phs, also has error and when i delte the DEFAULT '[ [ 1584.9250488281, -2311.2719726563, 13.546875, 0,0, 70 ] ] '. Players tried to join and they could not spawn because i deleted the position, also there was other 20 errrors and i dont know how to fix them. I hope somebody could help me with this because i tried everything and asked everybody. Thanks.
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