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Everything posted by Andosius

  1. // Edit 13:13 CET It is caused by the fact that my "first monitor" is actually my secondary monitor, but they are swapped in the windows display settings. Any idea why that happens? How can I change that behaviour? Running MTA on my actual first monitor, with UltraThing installed, works perfectly fine. // Edit 13:23 CET This problem got solved by basically switching my HDMI-Ports for my 2 monitors... Can someone explain why this happens? Did not expect it to be that easy, lol
  2. Hey @Shady1, thank you for helping me. I forgot to mention that the 3 non-standard files were added the last time it crashed and I tried the windowed mode (it runs smooth in windowed mode). No idea why I did not remove them before I started the diagnosis, sry. In this specific case they did not change the behaviour anyway. 1) Ultrathing v0.29 is only mod installed now and tabbing out of the game and clicking on it causes it to die. It does not lag, crash or freeze ingame. The problem does only occur after tabbing out. It works in windowed mode without any problem. 2) Using the Steam Version somehow resolved the problem without the mod installed (so without UltraThing installed). Additionally I copied the original files from C:\ProgramData\MTA San Andreas All\1.5\GTA San Andreas to my E:\ Steam directory. 3) E:/ is already the new disk (used to be on D:\), the issue is still the same. 4) Thank you for providing the link. It used to crash without the mod installed and that stopped happening. So atleast I can play the game without the ENB for now. Using Micras Registry-File (https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1103#issuecomment-849308970) and "Disable DVR1.reg", "Disable DVR2.reg" and "fullscreenfix.reg" seem to improve ingame performance (https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1103#issuecomment-1504249833). 5) I doubt that will change the behaviour but I'll try it anyway. Because it's a different, not cracked version, I created a new MTA Diagnose: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/3932449706 It reports \audio\CONFIG\TrakLkup.dat, \audio\streams\BEATS and \audio\streams\CUTSCENE as non-standard files. That may be the case because it's the steam version. I did not modify them. Inside the report I found several "CreateVertexDecl fail" reports. After unplugging one of my monitors, the mod works like a charm. It does not crash, no lags, no freezes. Perfectly running ENB-mod. Literally nothing, it performs great. I can tab out and click the game without it crashing. May that be a GTA:SA specific issue or is it related to MTA? Just created a new Diagnosis, maybe there will be a difference? https://pastebin.mtasa.com/6886113126 Sorry for double post, no clue how to edit a post here, lol
  3. Hello friendly MTA:SA helpers! First of all, thank you for taking time to help me with my issue. After reading the main thread in this board I know the issue is coming from my d3d9.dll - don't leave this thread yet. I really have a good reason to keep it. O am playing the DM-race mode only and I would love to keep my Ultrathing v0.29 in the game. It makes playing MTA a very unique experience, especially the Reflection and Bloom effects. I've seen hundreds of YouTube videos using this mod so it's hard to believe it is no longer working. There has to be something wrong with my system/settings to make it crash/freeze. Can you spot the issue and tell me what is causing these freezes and maybe how I can fix these? I already created a MTADiag report for you: https://pastebin.multitheftauto.com/2833868930 In case you want to take a look at the mod: UltraThing.zip Thanks a lot!
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