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  1. Does anyone know why my character wakes up being dead?
  2. Does anyone know why my server has a lot of fps lag?
  3. https://prnt.sc/rMCDU6J_3yjH alguien que me ayude a solucionar el problema de arma de evento por favor
  4. Someone help me with the issue of the marker of the clothing store, to be able to buy https://prnt.sc/SU7xEbvIzlhr
  5. [2023-01-17 01:42:29] ERROR: vehicles\vehicles.lua:172: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicles_auxiliar) [string "?"] [2023-01-17 01:42:29] ERROR: vehicles\vehicles.lua:188: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicles_auxiliar) [string "?"] [2023-01-17 01:42:29] ERROR: vehicles\vehicles.lua:191: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicles_auxiliar) [string "?"] [2023-01-17 01:42:29] ERROR: vehicles\vehicles.lua:172: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicles_auxiliar) [string "?"] [2023-01-17 01:42:29] ERROR: vehicles\vehicles.lua:172: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicles_auxiliar) [string "?"]
  6. I need help with this error: : players\main.lua:44: Argumento erróneo @ 'isObjectInACLGroup' [grupo ACL esperado en el argumento 2, obtenido booleano] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- this is the main column: 44 addEvent( "onCharacterLogin", false ) addEvent( "onCharacterLogout", false ) -- local team = createTeam( "MTA: Paradise" ) -- this is used as a dummy team. We need this for faction chat to work. p = { } -- Import Groups -- CONTRA PRIORITY MAS BAJO, QUIERE DECIR QUE TIENE MAS PRIORIDAD local groups = { { groupName = "Developers", groupID = 1, aclGroup = "Desarrollador", displayName = "Desarrollador", nametagColor = { 0, 255, 60 }, priority = 2 }, { groupName = "MTA Administrators", groupID = 2, aclGroup = "Administrador", displayName = "Administrador", nametagColor = { 127, 255, 127 }, priority = 1 }, { groupName = "MTA Moderators", groupID = 17, aclGroup = "Moderador", displayName = "Moderador", nametagColor = { 247, 157, 47 }, priority = 4 }, { groupName = "GameOperator", groupID = 3, aclGroup = "GameOperator", displayName = "GameOperator", nametagColor = { 255, 71, 71 }, priority = 3 }, { groupName = "Helper", groupID = 12, aclGroup = "Helper", displayName = "Helper", nametagColor = { 3, 177, 252 }, priority = 5 }, } local function updateNametagColor( player ) local nametagColor = { 127, 127, 127, priority = 100 } if p[ player ] and isLoggedIn( player ) then nametagColor = { 255, 255, 255, priority = 100 } if getOption( player, "staffduty" ) then for key, value in ipairs( groups ) do if isObjectInACLGroup( "user." .. p[ player ].username, aclGetGroup( value.aclGroup ) ) and value.nametagColor then if value.priority < nametagColor.priority then nametagColor = value.nametagColor nametagColor.priority = value.priority end end end
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