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  1. Como faço pra os blips no mapa ficar aparecendo sem ter que abrir ele todo? quero que apareça mesmo que esteja longe sem ter que abrir todo
  2. Achei isso no hud local enabledHud = {"radar", "radio", "crosshair"} function showHud() if (isCustomHudEnabled()) then showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) for i,hud in ipairs(enabledHud) do showPlayerHudComponent(hud, true) end else showPlayerHudComponent("all", true) end end addEvent("GTIhud.showHud", true) addEventHandler("GTIhud.showHud", root, showHud) Como uso ? ta escrito --hud exports em cima
  3. Como faço pra ocultar o hud, radar e level na hora de logar? (só aparecer quando fizer o login ou registro) Codigo do Painel (server) addEvent('Schootz.registrar', true) addEventHandler('Schootz.registrar', root, function (player, account, password) if tostring(account) and tostring(passaword) then if #account >= 4 and #password >= 4 then if not string.find(account, ' ') and not string.find(password, ' ') then if #getAccountsBySerial(getPlayerSerial(player)) < config.contas then if not getAccount(account) then if addAccount(account, password) then local accountdata = getAccount(account) logIn(player, accountdata, password) exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Conta criada com sucesso!, Bem-vindo(a).", "success") setPlayerHudComponentVisible(player, "radar", true) triggerClientEvent(player, 'Schootz.RemoveLogin', player) setCameraTarget(player, player) fadeCamera(player, true) else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Erro ao criar sua conta, contate a administração.", "error") end else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Essa conta já existe.", "error") end else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Você já registrou o máximo de contas possíveis.", "error") end else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Não pode existir espaços no usuario e senha.", "error") end else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Minimo de 4 caracteres para a senha e úsuario.", "error") end else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Digite os dados corretamente.", "error") end end ) addEvent('Schootz.logar', true) addEventHandler('Schootz.logar', root, function (player, user, password, check) local account = getAccount(user, password) if account then logIn(player, account, password) triggerClientEvent(player, 'Schootz.saveLoginToXML', player, user, password) exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Logado com sucesso, Bem-vindo(a).", "success") setPlayerHudComponentVisible(player, "radar", true) setElementData(player, "BloquearHUD", false) setElementData(player, "BloquearHUD1", false) setCameraTarget(player, player) fadeCamera(player, true) triggerClientEvent(player, 'Schootz.RemoveLogin', player) else exports['FR_DxMessagesLOGIN']:addBox(player, "Essa conta não existe.", "error") end end)
  4. local g_PlayerData = {} function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(144, 0, 254, 255), math.random(144, 0, 254, 255), math.random(144, 0, 254, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {}, settings={} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player].nick = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") setElementData(g_PlayerData[player].blip, "blipName", g_PlayerData[player].nick) end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, joinHandler) function quitHandler(player) if not player then player = source end if g_PlayerData[source].blip and isElement(g_PlayerData[source].blip) then destroyElement(g_PlayerData[source].blip) end g_PlayerData[source] = nil end addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, quitHandler) codigo funciona mas aparece um erro no console nessa linha "local r, g, b = math.random(144, 0, 254, 255), math.random(144, 0, 254, 255), math.random(144, 0, 254, 255)" : wrong number of arguments e aparece um erro na fuction quit nessa linha "if g_PlayerData[source].blip and isElement(g_PlayerData[source].blip) then" : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) como resolvo?
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