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Everything posted by general999

  1. can you fix it for me buddy? I don't understand much about scripting...
  2. So, I got this script ready, but the problem is that I run it, it works without giving an error, but as soon as I aim with a sniper ID 34, it gives this error message, I don't understand much about scripting so I don't know how to solve it or what could it be, can anyone help me? OBS: it's a script so that when the PLAYER aims with the sniper, it changes dimensions, to be correcting the problem of the weapon appearing in front of the scope if you aim too fast. local alpha = 255 bindKey ( "aim_weapon", "both", function ( _, state ) if getPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer ) == 6 then if ( state == "down" ) then alpha = 0 elseif ( state == "up" ) then alpha = 255 end for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "object", root, true ) ) do if isElementAttachedToBone ( v ) then local id = getElementModel ( v ) if ( id == 2584 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) setElementDimension(v, alpha == 0 and 9999 or getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end end end end end ) PICTURE OF BUG PICTURE OF BUG 2
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