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  1. I wrote to you 100 times, you ignore me, I wrote them to the moderators, they sent me here Hello everyone who is watching this application dear administrators, I ask you to unban me in the nextrp game, I did not use cheat and so on, I wrote to the nextrp forum I was sent here, please read my application and good luck to all of you, I hope you will unban me to everyone who writes to you with such an application, you all unban. My serial number:38BAC03D15914EFFA081B649931A3143
  2. I was playing Next rp , my game crashed and no longer comes in , gives an error cd49 turned to the administrator said to write here, no cheats and no outsiders, please consider my application
  3. Дело было так: я играл на проекте, я думал скачать мод-пак, мод-пак - графика и так далее, я начал загружать его в соответствии с инструкциями, загрузил и сделал это через 40 минут, я вылетел с сервера с ошибкой, я повторновойдите и увидите сообщение об ошибке Вы забанены (консоль забанила вас) CD46 Я расстроился и написал другу, он сказал, что вы использовали читы Я я сказал нет, я только что скачал мод-пак, и ясно, что этот мод-пак был читерским, я не знал об этом, я уже былподумываю о покупке жесткого диска, но мне сказали написать на форум, и я пишу вам, я прошу вас разбанить меня, я действительно хочу играть на этом проекте serial namber 38BAC03D15914EFFA081B649931A3143 Я написал сотрудникам nextrp, они сказали, что не смогут разбанить только через ваш форум |
  4. It was like this: I was playing on the project, I thought to download the mod pack, the mod pack is graphics and so on, I started downloading it according to the instructions, downloaded it and did it after 40 minutes, I was kicking from the server with an error, I re-enter and see the error You are banned (the console banned you) CD46 I got upset and wrote a friend he said you used cheats I I said no, I just downloaded the mod pack and it's clear that this mod pack was a cheat, I didn't know about it, I was already thinking about buying a hard drive, but they told me to write to the forum and I'm writing to you, I ask you to unban me, I really want to play on this project serial namber 38BAC03D15914EFFA081B649931A3143 I wrote to the staff of nextrp, they said that they would not be able to unban only through your forum |
  5. It was like this: I was playing on the project, I thought to download the mod pack, the mod pack is graphics and so on, I started downloading it according to the instructions, downloaded it and did it after 40 minutes, I was kicking from the server with an error, I re-enter and see the error You are banned (the console banned you) CD46 I got upset and wrote a friend he said you used cheats I I said no, I just downloaded the mod pack and it's clear that this mod pack was a cheat, I didn't know about it, I was already thinking about buying a hard drive, but they told me to write to the forum and I'm writing to you, I ask you to unban me, I really want to play on this project serial namber 38BAC03D15914EFFA081B649931A3143
  6. It was like this: I was playing on the project, I thought to download the mod pack, the mod pack is graphics and so on, I started downloading it according to the instructions, downloaded it and did it after 40 minutes, I was kicking from the server with an error, I re-enter and see the error You are banned (the console banned you) CD46 I got upset and wrote a friend he said you used cheats I I said no, I just downloaded the mod pack and it's clear that this mod pack was a cheat, I didn't know about it, I was already thinking about buying a hard drive, but they told me to write to the forum and I'm writing to you, I ask you to unban me, I really want to play on this project serial namber 38BAC03D15914EFFA081B649931A3143 |
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