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Sr. Bruxo

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About Sr. Bruxo

  • Birthday 14/11/2002


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Square (6/54)



  1. com esse codigo é possivél criar fogo porém o fogo depois de um tempo apaga e eu queria que o fogo continuasse aceso e não apagasse, alguém pode me ajudar? local function burn(commandName, theSize) if tonumber(theSize) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createFire(x, y, z, tonumber(theSize)) outputChatBox("É SÃO JOÃO UHUU :)") else outputChatBox("Syntax: /fire <size>") end end addCommandHandler("fire", burn)
  2. Eu Comprei a Toplist no Dia 16 de Outubro de 2022 e Até Hoje Dia 27 de Janeito de 2023 e Minha Toplist Ainda Não Saiu, no Site Tá Aparecendo Que Tem 100 Servidores a Minha Frente. Podem me Informar um Parecer?
  3. Version = 1.5.9-release-21324.0.000 Time = Thu Sep 22 02:29:04 2022 Module = C:\Users\Gabri\Documents\GTA Sanandreas\gta_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x000CFCD6 EAX=3F192FE8 EBX=00000000 ECX=3F192FE8 EDX=1F85 FEFC ESI=0177FC30 EDI=3F192FE8 EBP=3FA658C0 ESP=0177FBDC EIP=004CFCD6 FLG=00010207 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  4. NÃO MANJO MUITO DESSAS PARADA DE ID, GOSTARIA QUE EM VEZ DE INICIAR DO ID 1, INICIASSE DO ID 1000. ISSO É POSSIVÉL? ALGUÉ PODE ME AJUDAR! ESSE É O SCRIPT DO MEU SISTEMA DE ID ATUAL: function Start_Id ( _, acc ) if eventName == "onPlayerLogin" then setElementData ( source, "ID", getAccountID(acc) or "N/A" ) outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000LOGIN #838B83➲ Nick: #ff0000 ( ".. getPlayerName(source) .." #ff0000) ID: ( "..(getAccountID(acc) or "N/A") .." )", root, 255,255,255,true) elseif eventName == "onPlayerLogout" then removeElementData( source, "ID" ) outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000LOGIN #838B83➲ Nick: #ff0000 ( ".. getPlayerName(source) .." #ff0000) Deslogou.", root, 255,255,255,true) elseif eventName == "onResourceStart" then for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) if not isGuestAccount(acc) then setElementData( source, "ID", getAccountID(acc) or "N/A" ) end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, Start_Id) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", root, Start_Id) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, Start_Id) function getPlayerID(id) v = false for i, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "ID") == id then v = player break end end return v end --============================================================================================================================-- --=============================-- ----------- ID PLAYER ------------ --=============================-- function getnick(player, command, id, ...) if(id) then local playerID = tonumber(id) if(playerID) then local Player2 = getPlayerID(playerID) if(Player2) then outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000INFO #ff0000 ➲ #ff0000 Nome do Jogador #ff0000" .. getPlayerName(Player2) .."", player, 255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000ERRO #ff0000 ➲ #ff0000 O Jogador(a) de ID: #ff0000( " .. id .. " ) #ff0000Não Foi Encontrado!", player, 255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000ERRO #ff0000 ➲ #ff0000 ID: #ff0000( " .. id .. " ) #ff0000Inválido!", player, 255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ( "#838B83➲ #ff0000 Use /id #ff0000[#ffffffID#00ff00]", player, 255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("id", getnick) ESSE É O TAG ID: local drawDistance = 7 g_StreamedInPlayers = {} function onClientRender() local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() for k, player in pairs(g_StreamedInPlayers) do if isElement(player) and isElementStreamedIn(player) then do local vx, vy, vz = getPedBonePosition(player, 4) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz) if dist < drawDistance and isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz, true, false, false) then local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(vx, vy, vz + 0.3) if x and y then local ID = getElementData(player, "ID") or "N/A" local w = dxGetTextWidth(ID, 0.1, "default-bold") local h = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold") dxDrawText("("..ID..")", x - 1 - w / 1, y - 1 - h - 12, w, h, CorTag, 1.20, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) CorTag = tocolor(255, 255, 255) if getElementData(player, "Cor", true) then CorTag = tocolor(70, 130, 180) end end end end else table.remove(g_StreamedInPlayers, k) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, onClientRender) function CorTagid () if getElementData(localPlayer, "Cor", true) then setElementData(localPlayer, "Cor", false) else setElementData(localPlayer, "Cor", true) end end bindKey ( "z", "both", CorTagid ) function onClientElementStreamIn() if getElementType(source) == "player" and source ~= getLocalPlayer() then setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false) table.insert(g_StreamedInPlayers, source) end end addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, onClientElementStreamIn) function onClientResourceStart(startedResource) visibleTick = getTickCount() counter = 0 local players = getElementsByType("player") for k, v in pairs(players) do if isElementStreamedIn(v) and v ~= getLocalPlayer() then setPlayerNametagShowing(v, false) table.insert(g_StreamedInPlayers, v) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onClientResourceStart)
  5. Estou Querendo Criar Um Script, Onde O Cara Vai No Maker Que Notifique Todos do Servidor e Fique 60 Minutos Fazendo Animação de Hackeando, e Após Isso Abra o Portão. Será Que Alguém Que Entenda Pode Me Ajudar? Até Estou Tentando Fazer Mas Não To Conseguindo.
  6. function teleport() Teleport1 = createMarker ( 2946.3688964844,-1964.4616699219,11.06875038147, "arrow", 1, 255, 8, 243, 243, getRootElement() ) function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension, interior ) setElementPosition ( hitElement,2995.9343261719,-1968.4597167969,11.06875038147 ) setElementDimension ( hitElement, 0 ) setElementInterior ( hitElement, 0 ) setElementRotation(hitElement, 0, 0, 0) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Teleport1, MarkerHit ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement (), teleport ) function teleport() Teleport2 = createMarker ( 0,0,0, "arrow", 1, 0, 255, 255, 255, getRootElement() ) setElementDimension ( Teleport2, 0 ) setElementInterior ( Teleport2, 0 ) function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) setElementPosition ( hitElement, 0,0,0) setElementDimension ( hitElement, 0 ) setElementInterior ( hitElement, 0 ) setElementRotation(hitElement, 0, 0, 0) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Teleport2, MarkerHit ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement (), teleport )
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