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Posts posted by Cronoss

  1. Try this

    function playerChat(message, messageType)
    	if messageType == 0 then --Global (main) chat
    		local ID = getElementData(source, "ID") or "N/A"
    		if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount (source)), aclGetGroup ("Console") ) then
    			outputChatBox("#DDA0DD* [#000000Fundador#DDA0DD] " ..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: #FFFFFF"..message, root, 255, 0, 0, true )
    			outputServerLog("ChatLog: "..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: "..message)
    		elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Adm" ) ) then
    			outputChatBox("#DDA0DD* [#FF0000Administrador#DDA0DD] " ..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: #FFFFFF"..message, root, 255, 0, 0, true )
    			outputServerLog("ChatLog: "..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: "..message)
    		elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then
    			outputChatBox("#DDA0DD* [#9370DBPlayer#DDA0DD] " ..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: #FFFFFF"..message, root, 255, 0, 0, true )
    			outputServerLog("ChatLog: "..getPlayerName(source).." ["..ID.."]: "..message)
      	cancelEvent() --Change the cancel event to this part
    addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat)


  2. Maybe adding this parameter? I had the same problem when I was testing some scripts in my server, this was the problem for me

    function j1server2()
    local x,y,z = 0, 0, 0
    triggerClientEvent(source, "j1client",source, x,y,z) --This

    Also, I don't get why you add events to these functions if you are not gonna call them before with another function like "triggerServerEvent" or something like that, this should work exactly like you want:

    function j1server()
    local car1 = createVehicle (408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "car1", 0, 0, 0)
    addEvent("j1server",true) --------------------It is necessary here
    function j1server2() 
    local x,y,z = 0, 0, 0
    triggerClientEvent("j1client",source, x,y,z)

    Another solution for me should be:

    --Your 1st function blabla...
    function j1client0()
    triggerServerEvent("j1server",getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer()) --Add this
    function j1server(player)
    local car1 = createVehicle (408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "car1", 0, 0, 0)
    --You could add the whole function j1server2, idk why you separate these functions
    triggerClientEvent(player, "j1client",
        player, x,y,z) 
    addEvent("j1server", true)


    • Like 1
  3. Quote

    Is the createCharacter event triggered anywhere else

    The event is triggered once, inside the function "callCharacterCreation".


    and how is the event responsible for callCharacterCreation triggered?

    This is where it is called:

    addEvent("selectionSlot", true)
    addEventHandler("selectionSlot", getRootElement(), function(player, selected, characterName, characterName2, characterName3)
    	if selected == 1 then
        	if characterName ~= "" then --If the character's name it's not empty then...
            	--Removes the unnecesary element data
    			local slot = 1 --Unnecesary 
    			callCharacterCreation(player, slot) --Triggers the function
            	--Removes the unnecesary element data
    --This function continues like that till the third slot
    --I noticed that I might use "selected" instead of creating a new variable called slot but I don't think that's the problem
    --And yes, I'm removing element data in every conditional part in the function because of; it's information that it's only necesary for the selection panel, after that, I don't need it


  4. --Server Side--
    function callCharacterCreation(player, slot)
    	setElementPosition(player, 209.75735473633,-33.699203491211,1001.9296875)
    	setElementRotation(player, -0, 0, 137.15386962891)
    	triggerClientEvent(source, "createCharacter", source, slot)

    This is what the server-side trigger looks like. ^

    I changed all the "getRootElement" to "root" but the problem it's still happening.

    This is what the error msg says:

    Version = 1.5.9-release-21210.0.000
    Time = --
    Module = D:\Multi Theft Auto\mta\multiplayer_sa.dll
    Code = 0xC0000005
    Offset = 0x000026CB


  5. When my MTA crashes, a new window shows up and give me information about the crash (some codes like 0x0c005, i don't remember at all).

    There is no other function inside "createCharacterPanel", just dxDraw.

    And this doesn't happen randomly when the player enter into the "character creation", it only happens when the player reconnect


  6. Well, I've been trying to solve this problem time ago but nothing seems to work. When I was testing my new "login-system" I started to reconnect while the script was running and it crashed in the "Character creation", it always happen at that part, it never crashes at the login, register, or selection part, just when the player creates a character. 

    I still can't figure out what it's causing this crash, basically all that part it's on Client-Side with dxDraw as panels :/ I'm not even geting element data or something like this, take a look at the code:

    addEvent("createCharacter", true)
    addEventHandler("createCharacter", getRootElement(), function()
    	setCameraMatrix(206.72476196289,-36.323947906494,1001.8046875, 209.75735473633,-33.699203491211,1001.9296875)
    	addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), createCharacterPanel)
    --The rest it's the panel, I removed it, and the problem it's still happening so...


  7. I want to improve my skin system but I don't know really how to make the system select the first or second group of skins (male, and female). My original idea was get the "character gender", and that's what I want to do but I don't get how to make it possible. Any help would be appreciated

    local skins = {
    [1] = {1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
    48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
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    297, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312},
    [2] = {9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 53, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 69, 75, 76, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 91, 93, 129, 130, 131,
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  8. I'm searching for something that could allow the players to fly, not with a vehicle or something, I mean the player can enable it with a command and start flying. Is this possible with the MTA default commands? I tried with other commands but it only works if I'm in a vehicle :/


  9. I appreciate it, but this wouldn't cause lag problems if I ask for element data? something like this:

    function infoPanel()
      local name = getElementData(localPlayer, "character.2")
      --dx draw text blabla "your name: "..name..""
    addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), infoPanel)


  10. I need help with something. I can't find anything about this on the forum, so I'll try to explain it;


    I want the player to be able to see their information in a panel (created with guieditor / dxDraw)


    Your money: $40.000

    Your Health: 100/100

    I know this is possible but I don't know wich option I should choose for these "changing texts" :

    1.- Using a "DX text" empty and then using some scripting, the player could get his info (?)

    2.- Same here but with "label" (guieditor tool) (?)

    I'm not posting any code because I'm trying to figure out how to finish it, I just need to know between those options wich is the better way to make this possible :/

  11. I want to make a system like this but I don't know how to make it :/

    createPickup(blabla) -- This marks where the entry is
    addEventHandler("onPlayerPickupHit", getRootElement(), function()
        cancelEvent() --prevents the pickups disappear
    -------------------This is the important part
    local pickups = {
    {"interior shop", 123,123,123,567,567,567},
    {"interior hospital", 123,123,123,567,567},
    createMarker(blablabla) -- invisible marker in the same position of the pickups
    function teleportToInterior()
      local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source)
      -- i dont know how to make the system associates the player's position with the table data, if the position it's the same from the 3 first coordinates, then it will save that info and...
      teleportFunction(dataX, dataY,dataZ) --when the function recognizes where the player is, a function that teleport the player to the next coords is called


  12. In this case, I made the animation part in server-side so all the players can see the animation but for some reason the player can "cancel" the animation even if I set FALSE the interruptable part. What's the problem in this?

    setPedAnimation(source, "crack", "crckdeth1", -1, false, false, false, true)
    								--should make it interruptable


  13. I want to make a "damage system", but I just realized that I'm triggering a serverEvent everytime the player """"dies"""", the event only contains setPedAnimation 

    So... i don't know if this is necessary, I know I could make the same system on server side using "onPlayerDamage"(that way I'm not triggering an event just for animation), but i want to optimize this as much as i can.

    function playerWasted(attacker, damage)
    	local health = getElementHealth(localPlayer) or 1
    	if health - damage <= 1 then
    		if getElementData(localPlayer, "wasted.player") ~= 1 then 
    			setElementData(localPlayer, "wasted.player", 1, false)
    			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
    			triggerServerEvent("wastedEvent", localPlayer, localPlayer) -- necessary?

    The final question is; I should make the script again on server side, or keep it like this?(client-side) ^

  14. On 14/03/2022 at 10:43, Burak5312 said:

    I'm not sure but can you try this code

    this is a bit different from the math you use

    local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
    local myW, myH = 1920, 1080 -- your resolution here
    local relX, relY = (screenW/myW),(screenH/myH)
    dxDrawText("Password", screenW * 0.4844, screenH * 0.5093, screenW * 0.5188, screenH * 0.5222, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00 * relX, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false)


    Thank you Burak, this worked :)

    20 hours ago, Citizen said:


    I just want to point out that it looks like you want to make a password field. For this, you should use guiCreateEdit instead (there is also a method for edit to not show the password when writing in it: guiEditSetMasked). Memo are for multiline texts. But anyway, it won't fix your problem.


    @Citizen, the dxDrawText that I made it's not a field, it's text that helps the player to understand what he should type

    Example: "Password: [                     ] "

    20 hours ago, Citizen said:

    Your problem is that you are giving a relative size (width and height) that is too small for it to work on small screen: 0.10 and 0.03
    - on a 1920x1080 screen: it means 0.10 x 1920 = 192 pixels(px) of width (that's okay) and 0.03 x 1080 = 32.4px of height which is okay too, but
    - on a 1280×720  screen: it means 0.10 x 1280 = 128px width but 0.03 x 720 = 21.6px of height which is not okay because it's too small. Memo or Edit have some inner margin that you can't override so the text doesn't have enough space to show.

    To fix that one quick solution you can try is to make sure the height doesn't go under a minimum height by using math.max :

    guiCreateMemo(0.45*screenW, 0.42*screenH, 0.10*screenW, math.max(0.03*screenH, 30), "", false) -- back to false (absolute)


    Thank you for the help too :thumbup:

  15. All my dxDraws works, the rectangle, the images, but the text in other's screens seems weird, why? 

    I'm using "guiGetScreenSize". But I don't understand why this doesn't work with text

    dxDrawText("Password", screenW * 0.4844, screenH * 0.5093, screenW * 0.5188, screenH * 0.5222, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false)

     and... how Could I convert this memo position to fit all screens too? (I made all the elements relative but for some reason the gui elements kept with those numbers) It works, yeah, and the position doesn't change to much in another screen BUT if the resolution of the player is lower than mine, he can't see anything he is writting :/

    guiCreateMemo(0.45, 0.42, 0.10, 0.03, "", true)


  16. @Citizen

    I know this may be in another section but I see that you have experience and I don't want to create a whole topic for a single question; why setElementData and getElementData functions are so hated and not recommended in MTA Community? I understand that if I want to save "custom" data I should use SQL, but I would prefer this:

    function mySavedData(player, command, number, ...)
       if getElementData(player, "doIHaveCellphone")~=false then
    addCommandHandler("callsomeone", mySavedData)

    Instead this:

    function mySavedData(player, command, number, ...)
      	local name = getPlayerName(player)
      	local check = exports.mysql:_Query("SELECT cellphone FROM characters WHERE name=?", name)
      	if (#check>0) then
    addCommandHandler("callsomeone", mySavedData)

    And... how do I know if I'm overusing the getelement and setelement functions? In my new fuel-system a lot of set element and get element has been created in the script, in first place I thought it shouldn't be like that but I think it's the only way a fuel system work properly

  17. 3 hours ago, Citizen said:


    1. You don't need to overwrite the source variable. It already exists thanks to the onVehicleEnter event. Have a look at: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/33407-list-of-predefined-variables/#comment-337231
    2. onVehicleEnter already gives you the seat number, you have to "grab" it too :
      function setFuelCar(thePlayer, seat)
          if seat == 0 then
    3. Here in your code, this check is only done once, when entering the vehicle. You have to change it so that you create the fuel timer anyway when entering the vehicle at seat 0 but inside the timer function, the 1st thing you do is to check the engine state. If it's ON, do the newFuel calculation thing. And if fuel is <= 0 then set it to OFF.
    4. (Why the +0.05 to each components ? seems totaly useless)
    5. You can't use a global variable on the server side or else if another player enters another vehicle, it will start his vehicle fuel timer and override the value in timerF so you have no way to kill the timer of your vehicle later. Must be local and "link it" with your vehicle element: setElementData(source, "fuelTimer", timerF, false) (false because there is no need to sync this value with all connected clients, only the server needs to know and manipulate it).
    6. You have to update the value of fx,fy,fz with the current x, y, z at the end to calculate the new distance traveled between point B and point C (20 secs later). Again, use element data to store that position for the next fuel consumption calculations (you can't use global variables).


    1.- and 2.- Solved and fixed that part, i didn't realize that vehicleEnter gives the seat number

    3.- I changed that part before your answer, I thought it would be a bad idea because the server basically starts the timer and ends when the engine it's off, like, "start, cancel, start, cancel, start, cancel", but with your reply I'm confident about the logic of the script

    4.-  Got it

    5.- I get it, but if i want to optimize this part I could use "removeElementData" inside  "onVehicleStartExit" function ? I mean; I'm overwritting the timer everytime the player enters in a  vehicle, and if he leaves the car... it is not neccesary to have that info saved in the server, right?

    I'm thinking about something like this:

    function removeFuelData(thePlayer, seat)
    	if seat~=0 then return end 
        if getVehicleEngineState(source)==false then
            if isTimer(timerF) then killTimer(timerF) end -------Don't know if this is neccesary if I set the timer as you said ('setElementData(source,"fuelTimer", timerF')
        	removeElementData(source, "fuelTimer")
    addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", root, removeFuelData)

    I still don't know how to use properly the setTimer and killTimer functions but I'm trying to understand


    6.- Got it


  18. 3 hours ago, Citizen said:

    After all that, the last optimization would be to not call getVehicleEngineState at every frame (in your getCarStateColor function) but it's a minor optimization

    I made the code with the new logic and it works pretty good but the only problem it's that I only want to show the color when the vehicle engine it's ON, so deleting that part could be "weird" to see. (fuel "light" it's ON while the vehicle it's OFF?) anyway, I just want to know if "minor optimization" means that it doesn't matter too much or you are trying to say that it's nothing compared to the "triggerServerEvent" change. 

    Also, I have a question about how to recognize if the player turns on the engine in this function...

    function setFuelCar(thePlayer)
        local source = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)
        if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(thePlayer)==0 then
            if getVehicleEngineState(source)==true then ---------if the engine it's on I start the timer
                local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source)
                local fx,fy,fz = x+0.05, y+0.05,z+0.05
                local fuelConsumption = 0.900
                local fuelVeh = getElementData(source, "Fuel") or 0
                if (fuelVeh <= 0) then
                    setVehicleEngineState(source, false)
                    timerF = setTimer( function ()
                    local enginePlus = 0.200
                    local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,fx,fy,fz)
                    local newFuel = tonumber((fuelVeh - (fuelConsumption*(distance+enginePlus))))
                    setElementData(source, "Fuel", newFuel)
                    end, 20000, 0)
    addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, setFuelCar)

    I modified the original script following your instructions and it's very different now, that's why I lost the possibility to check if the vehicle's engines it's on or off (AFTER the player enters) to start the timer, I don't know if there exist a command or handler like "onVehicleEngineChange" to check when the player turn on or turn off their car but i'm needing an alternative to this, no need code, just ideas of how to do it (if it is possible to make inside that function) :/ also, thank you for your help, it's very appreciated

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