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    Real Street Gangsta' aint no straight busta
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    C++, DirectX, UnrealEngine, Shaders, HLSL

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  1. Hello there everyone, when I render with shader my 2D HUD texture' origanally trasparent parts of it get filled with white color. struct VS_INFO { float4 position : POSITION; float2 coord : TEXCOORD; }; VS_INFO main_vs(VS_INFO input) { VS_INFO output; output.position = input.position; output.coord = input.coord; return output; } uniform texture2D g_texture; sampler2D g_texture_sampler = sampler_state { Texture = <g_texture>; }; float4 main_ps(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float4 sourceColor = tex2D(g_texture_sampler, uv); return sourceColor; } technique T0 { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 main_vs(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 main_ps(); } } I want 'em(parts) to be transparent after they have been rendered with shader
  2. float GetCoord(float a) { float base = RsGlobal.maximumWidth > RsGlobal.maximumHeight ? static_cast<float>(RsGlobal.maximumHeight) : static_cast<float>(RsGlobal.maximumWidth); return static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(a * base / gScreenResolution)); } i pass 0/0/ and 2084 / 128 for vertices
  3. when I switch to windowed mode, texture I'm rendering gets distorted(edges) (It's working perfectly in fullscreen mode)
  4. Yeah, I just forgot to set the mask hah( I'd already figured this out )
  5. got some weird results... source image / mask: source and mask are in .png / I created mask with photoshop, should some spicific settings be applied on source / mask(A channel or smth)?
  6. Hi everyone, looking for shader that blends 2 images ( source and black-white mask) , smth like this in ue4 https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/Resources/ContentExamples/MaterialNodes/1_8/
  7. I want to place some object next to my left shoulder, but with my ped rotation the offset I added is not want it to be.( I want to have this object to be 0.20 units aside from my left shoulder ). If You did not get what I meant here is link to the yt video below: is not what I wanted it to be*
  8. Good example ty, but how can I actually perform shader on some particular body part?
  9. I don't really know how exactly define 'mathematics ' I want to perform, but 'aight , for instance , I want to 'expand' a pedestrian' neck. I'd appreciate any sample how to do that
  10. Hello everyone, I'm hopping to find such "body part" vertex shader just like one from @Ren_712(https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/105160-custom-ped-morphing-18/?do=findComment&comment=907439) Or if someone could - explain how to implement something like that(I have superficial knowledge how shaders work) @Ren_712
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