San Fierro Roleplay was founded in mid 2021 by Mark And Mike
The community has been active since then and is growing quite fast thanks to the popular platform Discord that keeps us all united.
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About Us
Our goal is to provide the best roleplay experience (yes i know this is what they all say) in this set location, the beautiful city of San Fierro, plenty of unique and varied opportunities for all types of role players.
We have hired many hard-working yet very loyal staff members to full fill positions within the Administration and Help teams as well as the Development team led by TeamPH.
We offer many unique features not only from the old script that we tremendously edited but also a vast amount of NEW and unique scripts such as:
• A completely different death system inspired by a few SAMP roleplay servers
• A few more government jobs such as Truck Driver and Farmer , Miner in San Fierro
• A majority of the jobs the city hall has to offer were improved, customized and new features were added to them
• A different yet great account system & management, and login panel
• An unique set of factions designed appropriately for San Fierro with set location headquarters, vehicles, custom skins and unique perks!
San Fierro Police Department, San Fierro Fire Department, Government, News, a Towing company and a lot more!
• A bunch of not Pay2Win new donator features and perks were added to its menu!
• A script that allows you to submit a custom interior / exterior map was created and is going to be implemented!
• Rare Mappings in San Fierro City Added
• Weapon body-attachment is now for everyone; fixed and improved!
• Custom mini-map radar with street names for the entire map available for everyone at no cost!
• Gas stations revamped! v3
• Food Panda is your favorite delivery company at your service!
• New Taxi routes throughout San Fierro, connecting and moving the people!
• Improved certain actions key binds for all Factions /greet /por /sir /mir
• Brand new working log-system that admins can access in-game; No more lying and faking evidence!
• Cool tags and icons added and revamped for you to use in-game at the cost of a few Game Coins.
• New Name set title & color , if you are youtuber or VIP Example [YOUTUBER] Mark Norton
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