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    Rugby, England

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  1. its not old i bought it a couple of months ago. thats all
  2. No it still doesnt work. I followed your instructions and i basically got the idea but there was only the following feilds what is on the right it what i entered. Name - Mta Trigger port ####-#### - 2003-2003 triger type - tcp Public ports ##################### (i didnt know what to put) Public type- tcp there want anyting about wan
  3. no it strill doesnt god damn work. I used a thing called a virtual server thats what the manual said to do but it doesnt work. I want my server to work on port 2003. i typed in public: 2003 private:2003
  4. i need to refrsh more often. My router is a d-link di-604
  5. i think i might have done it let me just try and get my server working
  6. i just dont kow how to do it because i dont know what it means. I looked in the manual it said nothing on forwarding ports. Please explain to me how i might do it.
  7. Is it a router setting could you at least explain what it means please it might help me a bit when i cahnge the setting
  8. i meant windows firewall lol
  9. What do you mean by forward ports. Ive turned the firewall off in my router and i dont have a windows router.
  10. For a start i never get registered with ase but that doesnt atter that much however i told my friends the ip and port but whenever they try to connect they always get disconnected for connection timed out. I use a 600k broadband modem but i am starting to think that it is too slow. I have had severs up before for other games specificaly sof2. Please tell me what to do. I only want to play with my clan members and i dont want to rent a sever
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