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    Drug Dealer
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Vic (3/54)



  1. Does anyone know where I could download this tool? Cant find it anywhere. Thanks in Advance.
  2. Hello, Recently got into mapping and I've decided to use the frozen water mod (https://community.multitheftauto.com/en/files/3826), however I've hit a dead end and I'm having a hard time adding it to my map. Could anyone please explain what I am supposed to do or point me in the right direction? Any help appreciated! Thanks
  3. Hello, I need random foliage removed and after a bit of research i found this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled However I'm not sure how to use this script in my map, can someone please explain to me how and where I need to place it? Thanks in Advance!
  4. Hello, Basically, when driving with a car and pressing accelerate/reverse, the car then fully accelerates or reverses depending on what you press. Is there any way to make it so that when I push down the button half way, the car wont fully accelerate/reverse, but instead drive half the speed? Thanks in advance. III
  5. III

    default MTA nametags

    Already got it, but thanks! @Dutchman101
  6. Hello Where can I find the list of default MTA nametags that players get when they first join? Thanks in advance III
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