Hello all,
I faced a problem when I tried to export my models and their col files with 3dsmax. The problem is that exporting moves the objects for no reason. I have the objects positioned perfectly in the project (objects are imported from multiple fbx files) and when I import back the exported dff into 3ds it's in full different location. Of course that's also true for in game, so they are elsewhere than where they should be.
I found it very strange beacuse a few days ago it worked perfectly, then my modeller send new fbx files and this happened. I don't know if the problem is in those files, or in the export process.
I have already tried to use these exporters: https://gtaforums.com/topic/838479-dff-importer-and-exporter-for-3ds-max/ , https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=9172