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stokdam's Achievements

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. I just realized I've written in the wrong section before. Anyway, I can't play MTA starting from today. Serial: 0B94E2995A8F3D4665C007AC2560DC44 I've never used any kind of cheat. I'm playing on Fedora using wine, maybe you detected something strange related with it.
  2. stokdam

    Serial Validation

    I'm running MTA on Linux with wine. I did it for a long period with no troubles. Today it started saying "there was a problem validating your serial". Why is this happening? What does it mean that the serial must be validated?
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